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2018/2019 Offseason Thread

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  • Originally posted by fauowls44 View Post
    I’ll start by saying I’m bored by this topic...Loria and Samson thankfully don’t run this team anymore...can’t everyone just move on? So admittedly, I haven’t followed this argument you seem to be having very closely.

    That said, I am confused about what’s going on here. Are you defending the use of anti-Semitic stereotypes? If so, that’s pretty gross.
    When people live out a scenario it's no longer a this case Loria & Samson are what they are. I never said anything anti-Semitic, if people want to interpret it that way, all I can say is they are projecting perhaps.


    • Originally posted by fish16 View Post
      Except that you are mischaracterizing what im doing as celebrating loria and samson rather than what im actually doing in showing you that you once again have facts completely wrong and are placing blame on people (who i even shit on constantly) for doing their jobs well and destroying the city in negotiations trying to get the best deal for their business possible. And you continue to blatantly skew facts when you say they lied about their financial health when in reality they were investigated for 4 fucking years by the SEC and found that they werent able to be charged with anything and that there was no evidence of corruption or that they cooked their books as you're blindly alleging.

      Also, their tax $ didnt build it. IF youre gonna be a cynical anti semitic piece of garbage at least get your facts right. Tourism tax dollars were the major source of funds for the stadium so very few miami tax payers actually were responsible for the money. IF your argument is that public funds still shouldnt be used for a ballpark, i agree with you, but then once again your blame is misplaced and should be directed at the people who approved the deal rather than using the tourism tax money on a better purpose. that's not loria and samsons problem though. Their responsibility was getting the best deal for their organization as they could, and they did just that.

      There is plenty to hate on loria and samson for, being able to legally negotiate a great deal for their business is not one. Your placing misguided animosity on loria and samson rather than the people you actually should be hating on and thats the people that negotiated and approved the deal they got.

      IF you're a business owner having to get approval from a city and you negotiate a great deal for your business, you're not going to go back and say "this might not be fair to X, Y, and Z", you're going to get the best deal you can within the bounds of the law, and that is exactly what they did with the stadium. There is plenty to hate on loria and samson for the trainwreck that was the way this team was run- legally negotiating a great deal with the city is not one of them.

      Way to double down on the anti-semitism though asshole.

      - - - - - - - - - -

      ah yes, whats more realistic than neglecting to look at the actual facts of a situation rather than blindly hating on loria for something that every business owner would try to do in getting the best deal for their business as possible. Am i gone from reality or do i actually care to look into the facts of each individual situation before blindly placing blame on the guy? Theres plenty to hate loria for, negotiating a great deal for his business is not one of them.

      - - - - - - - - - -

      yup. guy called samson a greedy jew and is now doubling down.
      My facts ARE straight, that building will eventually cost the taxpayers of this county over $2.4 billion because of the bonds. That is a lot of policemen, firemen, school teachers who won't get hired or their wages raised because two sociopathic assholes wanted the taxpayers to pay for a stadium that eventually made them rich, and left the taxpayers with the's disgusting yet you think they are heros - they actually are scum.

      And the taxpayers would have liked those tourism $$$ to probably go elsewhere, than again went to build a stadium that they will probably NEVER be able themselves to afford a ticket to an event there....these are the reasons people become radicalized and hate, and you get a Trump or worse.
      Last edited by Maddawg; 12-20-2018, 08:37 AM.


      • Originally posted by Maddawg View Post
        My facts ARE straight, that building will eventually cost the taxpayers of this county over $2.4 billion because of the bonds. That is a lot of policemen, firemen, school teachers who won't get hired or their wages raised because two sociopathic assholes wanted the taxpayers to pay for a stadium that eventually made them rich, and left the taxpayers with the's disgusting yet you think they are heros - they actually are scum.
        And again, that’s not their problem, that’s the people who negotiated the deals problem. Also you’re continually seeing what im writing and then acting as if I’m calling them heroes. The deal is a bad deal for the city. Loria and Samson aren’t responsible for protecting the interests of the city, that was the morons who negotiated a terrible deal. Again, your blame is misguided on 2 guys who did a great job negotiating a deal for their business. That’s not making them out to be heroes, that’s called understanding the dynamics of the deal and whose interests each side are supposed to be looking out for.
        Last edited by fish16; 12-20-2018, 12:44 PM.


        • Originally posted by Maddawg View Post
          When people live out a scenario it's no longer a this case Loria & Samson are what they are. I never said anything anti-Semitic, if people want to interpret it that way, all I can say is they are projecting perhaps.
          Umm...I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but that does sound pretty anti-Semitic. I mean I dislike Samson and what he and Loria did to this franchise too, but why bring up the fact that the guy is Jewish? There’s been plenty of terrible people of all religions in sports that have taken public money and not held up their end of the bargain.

          Also, can this be moved to another thread? This has nothing to do with the Marlins offseason...
          Last edited by fauowls44; 12-20-2018, 08:47 AM.


          • Originally posted by fish16 View Post
            And again, that’s not their problem, that’s the people who negotiated the deals problem. Also you’re a moron by continually seeing what im writing and then acting as if I’m calling them heroes. The deal is a bad deal for the city. Loria and Samson aren’t responsible for protecting the interests of the city, that was the morons who negotiated a terrible deal. Again, your blame is misguided on 2 guys who did a great job negotiating a deal for their business. That’s not making them out to be heroes, that’s called understanding the dynamics of the deal and whose interests each side are supposed to be looking out for.

            But hey, we can agree to disagree, this is just one greedy Jew’s opinion, right?
            Hey your words not mine, and of course your projection & maybe deep-seated guilt is coming right through. All I said was they fed into a stereotype because of their actions, amd of course the video of Samson at the Dan Lebatard party only re-enforces the worst of what people already think. If you haven't seen it, you should look it up.


            • Originally posted by fauowls44 View Post
              Umm...I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but that does sound pretty anti-Semitic. I mean I dislike Samson and what he and Loria did to this franchise too, but why bring up the fact that the guy is Jewish? There’s been plenty of terrible people of all religions in sports that have taken public money and not held up their end of the bargain.
              It doesn’t sound anti Semitic, it is anti Semitic. I don’t even really care about this debate but that comment is indicative of a complete and utter garbage human being

              - - - - - - - - - -

              Originally posted by Maddawg View Post
              Hey your words not mine, and of course your projection & maybe deep-seated guilt is coming right through. All I said was they fed into a stereotype because of their actions, amd of course the video of Samson at the Dan Lebatard party only re-enforces the worst of what people already think. If you haven't seen it, you should look it up.

              Oh of course, everyone knows about the common anti Semitic projection all Jews are known for. Makes total sense. Has nothing to do with you being and anti Semitic asshole

              - - - - - - - - - -

              And no need to move the convo, I’m done with it. He’s shown perfectly clear who he is


              • Conclusions:

                1. fish16 just likes to argue. Somehow got worked up about the stadium deal when in actuality people were hating on Samson for the infinite amount of other legit reasons people should hate him.
                2. Maddawg is a real piece of shit.


                • Originally posted by ¿NICK? View Post

                  1. fish16 just likes to argue. Somehow got worked up about the stadium deal when in actuality people were hating on Samson for the infinite amount of other legit reasons people should hate him.
                  2. Maddawg is a real piece of shit.
                  1. I do like to argue lol but my only point was in reference to the blame allocated for the stadium deal. It’s a 7 year old topic so I’ll drop it
                  2. He is


                  • Originally posted by fish16 View Post
                    It doesn’t sound anti Semitic, it is anti Semitic. I don’t even really care about this debate but that comment is indicative of a complete and utter garbage human being

                    - - - - - - - - - -

                    Oh of course, everyone knows about the common anti Semitic projection all Jews are known for. Makes total sense. Has nothing to do with you being and anti Semitic asshole

                    - - - - - - - - - -

                    And no need to move the convo, I’m done with it. He’s shown perfectly clear who he is
                    Will you are watch the video ? This trpe of behavior is what makes people hate Samson so much.....


                    • Originally posted by Maddawg View Post
                      Will you are watch the video ? This trpe of behavior is what makes people hate Samson so much.....

                      It’s a terrible look even given the joking intention. I’ve watched the video and listened to his explanation of the event on lebatsrd yesterday. Doesn’t make you any less anti Semitic
                      Last edited by fish16; 12-20-2018, 12:45 PM.


                      • It's no wonder why nobody posts here.


                        • So Kyle tucker would be a cool jt centerpiece...


                          • Originally posted by fish16 View Post
                            It’s a terrible look even given the joking intention. I’ve watched the video and listened to his explanation of the event on lebatsrd yesterday. Doesn’t make you any less of an anti Semitic piece of shit
                            Hard to be anti-Semitic when I'm a Semitic myself. I'm just self-effacing and wish to make the stereotypes go away. You, Samson & Loria perpetuate them.


                            • FISH AND MADDAWG...

                              WILL YOU TWO JUST STOP. PLEASE

                              Click each other's profile and click "ADD TO IGNORE LIST" and be done with it/each other. It's incredibly annoying when all you two do is bicker back and forth about everything.
                              Last edited by rmc523; 12-20-2018, 09:21 AM.


                              • I'm Jewish as well, and I didn't read the thing as mildly anti-Semitic, but truthfully it's nothing I haven't thought of or even said myself about Samson. I think all maddawg is trying to say is that Samson is a living stereotype -- not that the stereotype is actually correct.

                                And all fish16 is saying is it's a topic better to not joke about. I can see both sides of it.

                                That having been said, stop it now, please. Either ignore each other (use the ignore feature or just actually ignore it) or I'll have to break out the ban hammer, which doesn't happen often around here.

                                (In reference to no one posting here, a 59 page offseason thread by December is probably a recent record for us, and we also broke our server bandwidth during the uniform reveal last month)
                                Originally posted by Madman81
                                Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
                                Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM me!

