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Update: LoMo Filed a Grievance Against Marlins

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  • Originally posted by Hugg View Post


    • I think that was the worst comment in the history of this board.


      • Originally posted by FishFanInPA View Post
        Beef is right. He cancels an event because not enough people were there? How bout the ones who did show up.
        Wonder what his threshold is for games-- 300 people?


        • Originally posted by Hugg View Post
          I think that was the worst comment in the history of this board.
          I really doubt that.


          • Originally posted by dim View Post
            I really doubt that.


            • Comment

              • Those LoMo comments sound like a teenager whose daddy just spanked him and told him to go to his room. What a bitch this guy is becoming. Once he got to the majors and was here for a minute he was more interested in being a celebrity than a baseball player and his play has shown it this season. Someone needs to sit his ass down and talk to him like a man and tell him he is being a little bitch.


                • I do not think tweeting and being a good player are mutually exclusive. I wouldn't blame twitter for his struggles anymore than I would say Hanley doesn't care.


                  • Originally posted by Beef View Post
                    At all?

                    It's still quite an unexpected surprise.


                    • Even though they are not mutually exclusive and I agree with you they are not. However, you can tell me with great certainty that he is not distracted from baseball, at all and I'm not talking just twitter or his interviews I'm talking about his fucking ego getting bigger than an elephant's ass. What has LoMo done to deserve all the media attention as baseball player for the Florida Marlins? To get noticed as a Marlins player you need to be pretty spectacular as a baseball player or have a mouth that doesnt shut the fuck up. I feel that he does not have the same fire or desire to be a great ball player but rather be a great celebrity. There are no stats that can back up my claim and their is nothing that can give my argument credence but thats how I feel. People get distracted all the time from their work and I feel LoMo is distracted.


                      • I'm not comfortable making mostly baseless assumptions about Hanley, so I won't do it about Lomo. If he sucks, it could be because he's changed his approach, and not because he tweets a lot.


                        • This move makes me happy.

                          I'm hating Lomo more and more everyday.

                          If one of my workers bitches about something, one of three things happens: they quit, they cry, or they learn to man up real fast. One word of backtalk I raise my voice say do it again and then they do it. Afterwards they get a job they will hate even more. Lomo would cry so much if he worked 1 day with me.


                          • Yeah, what soured me on him was his victim act when he was asked not to criticize Loria.

                            Your boss tells you not to criticize him publicly, you shut up. You don't act like a victim and say you're being censored.


                            • As an aside, JCR made a blog post about the negative reactions to LoMo's demotion. One of our own is mentioned in the article (and no, it's not me).



                              • Fans are dumb, Lazboy rules

