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Update: LoMo Filed a Grievance Against Marlins

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  • What a stupid post.


    • I'm famous!



      • Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
        What a stupid post.
        Yeah. If Hugg wasn't mentioned, I wouldn't even have posted the link.


        • Hugg is going to get hate mail.


          • That would be outstanding.


            • This was one of the comments on JCR's article:

              I have stood with the Marlins through EVERYTHING. I have even defended this front office and ownership endlessly to all comers.

              This is it. I’d say boycott the home game tomorrow but I’m not sure the difference between 5,000 of us and 3,000 will get any message across.
              Seriously? THIS is the straw that broke the camel's back? Not the years of firing managers, not spending money, keeping Wes Helms around, trading "fan favorites" (whatever that means) like Cody and Uggla, getting nothing for Cabrera...THIS move, demoting a guy for at MOST three weeks, is the one that will push him over?

              Oh and har har the Marlins have bad attendance olololol I get it
              Can't believe no one has done this yet.

              "They didn't say anything about [my 17 homers and 60 RBI]. They didn't say anything about maybe the reason I was hitting .240 was getting the guy over to third rolling over groundballs, not worrying about average.

              With a runner on second and less than 2 out Morrison is 3-for-22 with 3 walks and 1 HBP, as well as 4 strikeouts. The runner advanced to 3rd 8 times.

              With runners on 1st and 2nd and less than two out he was 4-for-16 With 3 walks and 3 strikeouts. Runners advanced 9 times.

              /facts (I hope, I'm on my iPad and it's early and I was doing this in my head)
              Last edited by emkayseven; 08-14-2011, 07:43 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged
              Originally posted by Madman81
              Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
              Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM me!


              • Ozzie Martinez and Jose Lopez called up
                great post MK7
                I can only imagine what idiottown has to say about this move.
                Last edited by Ramp; 08-14-2011, 08:55 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                • The Marlins are not a better team without Morrison right now. They are not accerlating his professional development sending him to Triple-A for three weeks worth of games.
                  I'm surprised mk7 didn't catch this.

                  Even Keith Olbermann sided with Morrison, tweeting: ā€œIf you bat a guy third at 7 then send him to the minors at 10, it ainā€™t him (@LoMoMarlins) McKeon, Beinfest, Loria ā€“ itā€™s you
                  That's when you know the FO made the right decision.


                  • Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                    I can only imagine what idiottown has to say about this move.
                    I thought the same thing. I guess he is slumping but so is the entire team. I think its time we send Beinfest down to the minors.
                    Running to Walgreens. Gonna make a sign in support of Logan Morrison for tomorrow's game.
                    After that it devolved into a discussion of race and Hanley's supposed infallible standing to Jeffrey Loria.
                    Amy Adams, AKA Cinnamon Muff
                    Logan Morrison: "If baseball didn't exist, I would probably be ... like a curler. Or a hairstylist."
                    Noah Perio
                    39 AB
                    15 H
                    0 2B
                    0 3B
                    0 HR
                    0 BB


                    • Running to CVS. Gotta counteract the effects of the pro-LoMo signs at the game today.


                      • I need to see what Sign Guy has to say (as in not communicate anything verbally) on the matter.
                        Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


                        • This sure is a hell of a way to head into the new stadium.
                          Last edited by MiamiHomer; 08-14-2011, 10:03 AM.


                          • No one will remember this in two weeks.


                            • I doubt that.


                              • It hasn't been talked about but put me in the "LoMo's apology on Twitter is an effort by to make himself look like a victim" camp.

