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Update: LoMo Filed a Grievance Against Marlins

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  • #61
    He's coached LoMo how to suck recently so it'll probably work.


    • #62
      Bonifacio, on the other hand, took tips from his friend, Hanley, in July.


      • #63
        Apparently, Helms said that he wasn't surprised and hopes to catch on with another club. That's from the article on the Marlins site. No direct quotes from him, though.


        • #64
          Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
          Apparently, Helms said that he wasn't surprised and hopes to catch on with another club. That's from the article on the Marlins site. No direct quotes from him, though.
          I don't think there are any clubs out there that want to deliberately get worse Wes.


          • #65
            SBerthiaumeESPN Steve Berthiaume


            • #66
              @LoMoZephyrs was the best thing about all of this.
              There's No jOOj In Team.


              • #67
                I have more respect for Volstad right now because he didn't act like a bitch when they sent him down.


                • #68
                  Man, I like LoMo, but these quotes make him sound like a grade A bitch.

                  And it's stupid if they sent him down for his comments. They were stupid, but others have been making the same comments for a while. Should Conine be sent to the Zephyrs postgame show for his comments? Everybody who does not speak spanish or is Jeffrey Loria hates Hanley Ramirez on this team. It would be absolutely stupid to send down a guy for actually speaking his mind (even if he should've kept it shut).

                  LoMo's hitting does suck this year for the most part though. More power, but his bread and butter is getting on base. He forgot how to do that.
                  Last edited by dim; 08-13-2011, 10:14 PM.


                  • #69
                    manbearwolf John Baker
                    Wes Helms is the man. He plays the game the way it's supposed to be played, like each game or at bat is your last. #Respect to mentor.
                    That made me sick

                    Helms last AB should have been like 3 years ago.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by dim View Post
                      Everybody who does not speak spanish or is Jeffrey Loria hates Hanley Ramirez on this team.

                      He plays the game the way it's supposed to be played, like each game or at bat is your last.
                      That's the mentality you have to have when you suck so much you should be released at any moment.
                      Last edited by Chewford; 08-13-2011, 10:18 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged
                      Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


                      • #71
                        Sorry dim, you don't air clubhouse laundry in public. The same standard is observed at other businesses.


                        • #72
                          It gets better...

                          The clubhouse door stayed shut for several minutes after the Marlins 3-0 loss to the Giants on Saturday at Sun Life Stadium. The aftermath? Veteran Wes Helms was released and left fielder Logan Morrison was shipped to Triple-A New Orleans.

                          When the door opened to the media, manager Jack McKeon said the moves were decisions made by the organization and that Morrison needed to "work on his whole game.''

                          Morrison was sitting by his locker with his head down, seemingly in shock after being summoned from the training room to the manager's office, where President of Baseball Operations Larry Beinfest and GM Mike Hill delivered the stunning news.

                          "Heartbreaking move, disappointed. What are you hitting, .240?'' Morrison said Beinfest told him. "I don't know if that makes any sense to me or you guys, but all I know is I go out and give everything for this team. I play hurt, play through injury and this is how you get treated. It doesn't seem very fair or right to me.

                          "They didn't say anything about [my 17 homers and 60 RBI]. They didn't say anything about maybe the reason I was hitting .240 was getting the guy over to third rolling over groundballs, not worrying about average.

                          "Am I going to say I'm having the best of years? Absolutely not. But I'm never satisfied.''

                          Morrison, who's outspoken and often shares his humorous, candid thoughts on Twitter and radio, said he believes the demotion may have to do with something he did "off the field.'' He didn't wish to elaborate.

                          Morrison said he still wanted to play "for a big-league team and yes, that's the big-league team I'm with, [except] I'm in Triple-A now,'' he said. "Right now I just feel resentment and anger. I guess anger could motivate.

                          "Stand up for what's right and this happens.''

                          Helms, in his second stint with the Marlins (2006, 2008 to present) didn't express any bitterness about his release and has no intentions of retiring.

                          "I'm hitting .190 and haven't played much lately,'' Helms said. "They got to do what they got to do. They got a new stadium next year and evidently I'm not part of the plan. I'm not done yet. I want to give it a shot somewhere else. Not ready to coach yet.'
                          Marlins option Morrison, release Helms after loss to Giants


                          • #73
                            Oh, I agree. I just think that there is a common denominator here. LoMo, as I stated, is being a dick for continuing to pile on Hanley even when he isn't producing himself, but rarely do you ever hear good things about Hanley. Dawson, Perez, etc... have all said negative things about Ramirez and his work ethic in the past. How come one gets punished and the rest don't? (If he really was sent down for his comments). There's quite a bit of hypocrisy in all this.


                            • #74
                              What a bitch.

                              Sexy time with the Mermaids?


                              • #75
                                Oh mah gawd, trade the freakin' turd.

