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Update: LoMo Filed a Grievance Against Marlins

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  • Seth's a very intelligent baseball guy. We used to have him on the show before he got big time.


    • Well he said something stupid.


      • Fritz.

        You ARE The Father.
        There's No jOOj In Team.


        • Man, that baby don't even look like me. It look like a loser and the head is all fat and those eyes are LAME!
          This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


          • Comment

              There's No jOOj In Team.


              • I did not realize that Lomo led the NL in RBI in July, to go with his .733 OPS and .272 OBP.

                So yeah, RBI.


                • I thought in the age of advanced statistical understanding it'd be about more than his .249 average, like his 16 HRs and 60 RBI. /TommyHutton


                  • 1. Logan Morrison is a good personality and a good player. Let's start there. But like many young players, he needs to learn to be a pro more. That's why he was demoted to the minors, and you have to give the Marlins management credit for not looking the other way in what's become a disappointing overall season.

                    This is a hiccup in what should be a good career for Morrison. It's like Sean Smith being benched by the Dolphins at the start of last year for being late to a couple of meetings and giving sporadic play in practice.

                    "Looking back, I needed that,'' Smith said. "It was the best thing that could have happened to me. It made me focus on what mattered."

                    No single item of Morrison's last few days before Saturday's demotion stands out as a reason for demotion. Collectively, they tell a story of a guy who management felt has gone sideways a little.

                    FIrst, he took another swipe at Hanley Ramirez. While later saying it was too bad Ramirez was injured, he said, "What we don’t have is experience and a veteran who is in the lineup every day that can be an anchor for us. We don’t have it.”

                    Asked whether Ramirez could be that anchor, Morrison said: “I guess, but he’s not there every game. It’s 162 games. It’s not a 100-game season.”

                    Before this year, Ramirez played 158, 154, 153, 151 and 142 games.

                    Morrison has played 157 major-league games in his career.

                    Among other things, Morrison told a fan last week on Twitter to "Piss in the wind" rather than just ignore the fan's dumb remark, and then missed a players' mandatory meet-and-greet with season-ticket holders.

                    If he was hitting like he did at the start of the season, that's one thing. Teams overlook a lot when a player's producing (Hanley's career is Exhibit A on the Marlins). But the collective picture Marlins management saw was a young player who needed to be reminded how delicate a pro career can be. It's not that big a deal.

                    Work hard. Act like a pro. Don't get too comfortable. That's the message sent here not just to Morrison but through him (and the release of Wes Helms) to a Marlins team full of young players.
                    Hyde5: Marlins take good, hard stance with Morrison

                    Buster Olney's thoughts in his column as well:

                    • Jack McKeon was fairly direct in addressing Logan Morrison's demotion; it is clear from his comments that Morrison's outspokenness, as a young player, did not sit well. From George Richards's story:

                    "If there is a message, it's, 'Don't get comfortable,' '' McKeon said. "Don't think you have it made. You have to work at this game. Too many young guys think they have it made, are darlings of the media, run their mouth. Tend to your business, get better at your craft. The record books are full of one- and two-year phenoms. Don't believe me? Look it up.''

                    Morrison has some things to work on, says GM Larry Beinfest. Morrison skipped an event, writes Joe Capozzi; Morrison is trying to decide whether to file a grievance.

                    David Hyde thinks the Marlins have sent a good, hard message.

                    The thoughts from here: Morrison should head to Triple-A and go about the business of playing baseball. Derek Jeter is considered to be incredibly boring by some of the writers who have covered him, but there is a method -- a strategy -- in that. Derek figured out a long time ago that he didn't want to create any situation that would interfere what he really loves: Playing baseball. It would be worthwhile for Morrison to take the same approach.


                    • I like that there are these articles starting to come out. Thought everyone was just going to shit on the franchise


                      • Just criticism from the people who know they could always use a loudmouth with no filter to generate stories.


                        • really liked that quote from Sheffield via Swifty that was posted earlier about if the media likes you, there's a problem

                          so true.


                          • Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                            I think that was the worst comment in the history of this board.

                            Originally posted by Erick View Post
                            It would be stupid to trade him because of this.
                            Not the least bit shocked that you feel this way.

                            I'm 100% behind the organizations decision to demote this fucking goober.

                            This dumb motherfucker just can't wrap his brain around who signs his paychecks.
                            Has anyone with one year of service time in the majors ever made this big of an ass out of himself?

                            Also, in reference to a previous comment I made, I don't think the FO should just blindly trade him because of this but if a situation presents itself where they can get a nice return for him I'd be all for it.

                            There is no way this twit is ever going to get "it" (I think Swift mentioned this).
                            Last edited by Namaste; 08-15-2011, 02:50 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                            • I want to thank Tito in Miami for yelling in his thick Miami on 790 for five minutes and making me angry. You are a moron and can't pronounce words thoroughly.


                              • Originally posted by Claudio Vernight View Post
                                I want to thank Tito in Miami for yelling in his thick Miami on 790 for five minutes and making me angry. You are a moron and can't pronounce words thoroughly.
                                He does that every time he opens his mouth.

