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What is the Appropriate Amount of Time for Marlins Fans to Vent?

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  • They went for the exciting flash-in-the-pan strategy, which everyone loved at the time (including me, can't pretend otherwise), when what they should have done was gradually increase payroll, making strategic decisions and spending the money wisely instead of just to spend.

    Which is what they will do this time.

    That last line was just to troll Daft, I don't really believe that.


    • Revenue has increased and will continue to increase. Attendance saw the largest attendance increase in MLB. The team is collecting suite, club, parking, and concession money for the first time since the late 90s. The team, for the first time, controls the building and collects a portion of the revenue from concerts, soccer games, festivals, and any other event you can think of hosting at the stadium. Starting in 2014 national TV money will double for every team.

      Did attendance disappoint? Yes. Was it sustainable to have payroll near $100 million going into 2013 after a last place finish? No. (2014 is another story. $110 million payrolls are going to be the norm fairly soon.) Did it warrant dropping payroll down to $30 million? Absolutely not.
      I will also say, that had they cleaned house in the front office, brought in some rising star from another organization and then had a firesale, it would have been hard to stomach but that would have made some sense.

      They basically set themselves up to repeat the last decade minus Dave Dombrowski's pieces to play with and deal away for Hanleys and Anibals.
      Last edited by Party; 11-24-2012, 10:26 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


      • Also, attendance would have been a lot better if they had done a better job on the marketing and planning side of things. They botched nearly every aspect of their rebrand and didn't capitalize fully on their opportunity.

        The other issue is that the organization's philosophy seems to be that current payroll has to not only reflect current revenue projections; it also has to cover previous losses. Essentially, they never accept any of the financial responsibility for their bad decisions. Either next years fans foot the bill or they cut costs. That is an awful medium to long term business model.


        • Originally posted by Namaste View Post
          Assuming the Marlins do not re-invest this money (a likely scenario), this is an indefensible trade because Reyes was included AND it's the second season in a new ballpark that they've been telling everyone for years was going to be the turning point for them.

          It's laughable (to me) that any fan is anything less than pissed off at ownership.
          No it's not.

          For the 17th time, the trade makes some sense on a baseball level, even though I disagree with it.

          The shitty, indefensible part is the fact that we cut payroll by an absurd amount. And who here is not pissed off about that?


          • Originally posted by Namaste View Post
            Assuming the Marlins do not re-invest this money (a likely scenario), this is an indefensible trade because Reyes was included AND it's the second season in a new ballpark that they've been telling everyone for years was going to be the turning point for them.

            It's laughable (to me) that any fan is anything less than pissed off at ownership.
            It's laughable that you ignore every counterpoint because you're apparently that close-minded.

            I like how you've yet to respond to posts stating how all the players we traded are either garbage or overpaid. Overpaid is not ok when the product, as a whole, is a losing product.

            Reyes is a player a franchise can possibly build around yet he holds zero trade value soon (and possibly now) due to the fact that the last four years of his contract are rather absurd. Remember, when he signed here, no team was rumored to be giving him anywhere near the amount of money we gave him. It was a fun frontloaded deal and an abysmal backloaded deal.

            You really can't seem to comprehend how replaceable Mark Buehrle is. It wouldn't surprise me if Henderson Alvarez put up a better ERA than Buehrle in 2013.


            • Fucking hell, when did Namaste become Dim?


              • So you don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I'm dim.

                Yes, Erick, we had overpaid players on the team. That never happens in sports.

                I'm looking forward to watching how this smart baseball decision unfolds next year when there are 5K people in the stands during the week. Do some of you realize how alone you are in your thinking about this "smart baseball decision". They just alienated the last 25,000 remaining fans they had.



                • Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                  So you don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I'm dim.

                  Yes, Erick, we had overpaid players on the team. That never happens in sports.

                  I'm looking forward to watching how this smart baseball decision unfolds next year when there are 5K people in the stands during the week. Do some of you realize how alone you are in your thinking about this "smart baseball decision". They just alienated the last 25,000 remaining fans they had.

                  It happens in sports, yes. Often times, it happens in sports to consistently mediocre teams especially when you consider our highest payroll in 2012. We're probably not spending like the Yankees anytime soon; bad contracts should not be acceptable because they "happen in sports."

                  As for the second part, who cares? You do realize that not many people were coming to watch Jose Reyes, Mark Buehrle and the rest of the idiots in 2013 either, right?
                  Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                  So you don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I'm dim.

                  Actually, that's not what you're saying.
                  Last edited by Erick; 11-24-2012, 11:18 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                  • So you don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I don't like the trade because we're not re-investing the $60 million saved and I'm dim.
                    You haven't said that.

                    I'm looking forward to watching how this smart baseball decision unfolds next year when there are 5K people in the stands during the week. Do some of you realize how alone you are in your thinking about this "smart baseball decision". They just alienated the last 25,000 remaining fans they had.
                    I'm okay with being alone, although I don't know why you're painting us with the "We're happy with this ownership group/FO" brush. I'm not happy at all.

                    What do you think my stance is? What am I alone on?


                    • Isn't it painfully obvious that ANY diehard Marlins fan is upset that they're not re-investing the $60 million?

                      I guess we're arguing about our reactions to this move.

                      I'm upset (still) and Mainge and Erick are like, "whatevs, no one was coming to the ballpark anyway next year to see more shitty baseball".

                      I guess we're done here, right?


                      • Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                        Isn't it painfully obvious that ANY diehard Marlins fan is upset that they're not re-investing the $60 million?

                        I guess we're arguing about our reactions to this move.

                        I'm upset (still) and Mainge and Erick are like, "whatevs, no one was coming to the ballpark anyway next year to see more shitty baseball".

                        I guess we're done here, right?
                        You're more upset about the trade itself,it seems.


                        • Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                          Isn't it painfully obvious that ANY diehard Marlins fan is upset that they're not re-investing the $60 million?

                          I guess we're arguing about our reactions to this move.

                          I'm upset (still) and Mainge and Erick are like, "whatevs, no one was coming to the ballpark anyway next year to see more shitty baseball".

                          I guess we're done here, right?
                          No, because you haven't demonstrated an understanding of my position and the fact that you think I'm not upset kind of proves it.

                          For example, I had planned on going to a lot of games next season. Now they can kiss my ass. That money is going towards the Heat and probably the Panthers.


                          • dieser thread ist kacke


                            • Well probably not the Panthers, Mainge.


                              • What Mainge is saying is that if this trade had not happened, he wouldn't be such a big fan of the front office. But because they made this trade, his love is ever-lasting.

