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What is the Appropriate Amount of Time for Marlins Fans to Vent?

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  • I mean if there's any owner who deserves money less than Loria it's the 30 NHL owners (clowns).


    • Originally posted by CrimsonCane View Post
      Also, attendance would have been a lot better if they had done a better job on the marketing and planning side of things. They botched nearly every aspect of their rebrand and didn't capitalize fully on their opportunity.

      The other issue is that the organization's philosophy seems to be that current payroll has to not only reflect current revenue projections; it also has to cover previous losses. Essentially, they never accept any of the financial responsibility for their bad decisions. Either next years fans foot the bill or they cut costs. That is an awful medium to long term business model.
      Thumbs up on the rebrand comment.

      What we had heard originally was that the rebrand was going to be this county-wide event leading up to the event. None of this occurred minus some stories on the local news.

      The rebrand itself was an opportunity missed and as time passes the defects in the design will become more apparent. This is something I will address in a future thread. It's going to look dated very quickly compared to others. The Denver Broncos, Anaheim Duck (current), and a lot of the NBA looks from the 90s are great examples of this. A great rebrand becomes timeless aside from a few modern alterations. (Current Blue Jays) The redesign was not universally well received like it should have been.

      It's going to be very interesting next year when the bandwagoners are busy following the Heat and 4,000 die hards show up how many are wearing the new colors. To me, the new look and colors have come to represent this ownership and I won't be buying any of it in the future.


      • Originally posted by Hugg View Post
        Well probably not the Panthers, Mainge.

        Uhhh I meant the Boca Panthers
        Originally posted by Hugg View Post
        I mean if there's any owner who deserves money less than Loria it's the 30 NHL owners (clowns).
        Yeah but I care about the Marlins, so fuck him.
        Last edited by Mainge; 11-24-2012, 11:49 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


        • Originally posted by Erick View Post
          You're more upset about the trade itself,it seems.

          No. Let's clear it up so there's no more confusion. I'm most upset that the ballpark was built but we're going back to pre-ballpark Loriaball (assuming but it appears likely). I've voiced other frustration about defending the organization for years to friends, family and co-workers and losing Reyes yet not getting Toronto's top spec but I'm far and away more annoyed by the return to pre-ballpark spending.

          I'm pretty sure this won't clear things up, though.


          • I think we know what you're annoyed about. I think it's mainly the part where you are saying other people are thinking and doing things that they are not thinking and doing that is getting to the Loria Fanclub.


            • Daft's doing this thing where he is mad we're misrepresenting his position.

              While simultaneously saying we're happy about the trade and love Loria.

              Beef, ask him is he understands why that's weird.


              • It's that simple.


                • Oh so I had you guys thinking I was happy that they shaved off $60 million in payroll. LOL
                  got heeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
                  Last edited by Namaste; 11-24-2012, 12:10 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                  • That post made zero sense.

                    Daft, that oakfella hacked your account.

                    Festa, fix daft's account.


                    • We got got


                      • dieses thread weiterhin ist Kacke


                        • Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                          That post made zero sense.
                          You know what else makes zero sense?

                          Me saying 35 times that I'm pissed that we're back to pre-new ballpark spending yet we're STILL debating something. What are we debating?

                          Are we debating that I made a thread that said I was very pissed about defending the organization to friends? If so, I'm sorry I made it sound like that was the thing I was MOST pissed about.

                          One more time, IM MOST PISSED that after crying about no ballpark revenues being the reason for very low payroll for several years, payroll will seemingly be very low after the ballpark was built.

                          I lose, you guys win.


                          • You did a thing where you keep saying people are Loria fans and trade-lovers


                            • We know what you're mad about (at least I do).

                              Can you now explain how I, or the other members of this alleged crew, are in favor of the trade, as you keep saying. Find one time where any one has done this. You've taken us from apologists to being in favor of the trade, by tomorrow we will have negotiated the trade with Toronto.

                              The point was you're doing the same thing.


                              • Beef, I already said you won. When you win, it means the game is over because you won.

