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  • #76
    Also, Volstad was developed enough to be in a higher level (AAA really) and he got shelled in his last two starts in A ball and didn't really show any signs of dominance. (He gave up 5 or more runs in 5 of his 9 starts). I think you're getting caught up in viewing his potential as something that would inevitably occur. The program has random rate downs. And, it's not that different from the real world. Take Kyle Skipworth for instance, he was a highly touted 5 star catcher out of high school. Based on his performance, he's highly touted because of his past, but there is nothing about his minor league performance to suggest that he is putting his tools together well or that he should still be a 5 star prospect.


    • #77
      Hey dude, believe me it sucks. I have been hit just like that in at least 2 other leagues. It's freaky random but You gotta over come it and move on the players you had are gone and there is no getting them back. Sucks but thats the way it works.
      You know what the difference between Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow is?... Jeremy Lin is probably a good Quarter Back.


      • #78
        I'm not saying it's anyone's fault but there should be a way to change that because that is absurd that 20 year old prospects can lose all there future potential overnight with no warning and having nothing to do with injuries. Computers make mistakes and things like that should be fixable by humans. I could understand a slight drop to 4 or 4.5 stars from a 5 overnight but not a full out crash to a 1. If that's how this system is going to be run and it can't be changed, I'm not sure I want to play.
        Originally posted by CrimsonCane View Post
        Also, Volstad was developed enough to be in a higher level (AAA really) and he got shelled in his last two starts in A ball and didn't really show any signs of dominance. (He gave up 5 or more runs in 5 of his 9 starts). I think you're getting caught up in viewing his potential as something that would inevitably occur. The program has random rate downs. And, it's not that different from the real world. Take Kyle Skipworth for instance, he was a highly touted 5 star catcher out of high school. Based on his performance, he's highly touted because of his past, but there is nothing about his minor league performance to suggest that he is putting his tools together well or that he should still be a 5 star prospect.
        That didn't happen overnight with Skipworth, though. A gradual decline I can understand but not an overnight crash unless he had some kind of serious injury.

        If it's my fault for keeping him in A ball where the AI says I should have him ( updted as soon as 1 day before the sim that crashed him), then I'll claim ignorance since this is my first time running a league.

        It just really pisses me off that my two best prospects lost all there potential in overnight crashes with no warning.
        Last edited by THE_REAL_MIBS; 11-30-2009, 01:23 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


        • #79
          It's not a mistake by a computer, it's the way the game was programmed. Like wise, a 1 star prospect can become a 5 star prospect

          There really isn't much you can do to keep random rate down from happening or random rate up from occuring


          • #80
            Random should not be outright crashing like that, is my point. Guys don't lose all their future overnight without a serious injury in the real world. There is no reason that should happen in the game either.


            • #81
              So take it up with the OOTP guys lol


              • #82
                This is the problem with a numerical rating system.

                I could say "Barry Bonds has an 83 power, he should have like 40 home runs." But that's not how baseball works. What if a guy just loses confidence in himself? He might still have all of the tools to be that 5 star guy one day, but the likelihood of it happening is slimmer. The star ratings aren't THAT important, what's more important are the actual ratings, anyways.


                • #83
                  But I thought that's what the intelligence and work ethic are for. Volstad is high in both of those and he still crashed. That is utter lunacy and I am beyond upset about it.


                  • #84
                    INtelligence and work ethic are for actually building up overall rating.

                    They have nothing to do with random rate ups/downs.

                    They're random.


                    • #85
                      There not up/downs. They crashed! That should not be allowed to happen, especially to guys that have high intelligence and work ethic.


                      • #86
                        uh they are rate ups/downs.

                        again, THIS IS THE GAME. I don't understand what you're trying to get out of this.


                        • #87
                          Would you also like all players' on-field performance to perfectly reflect their ratings as well? It's a game where randomness is programmed.

                          If all improvement/declines were gradual, it would not mimic the real world any better than the current randomness. By that logic, Albert Pujols wouldn't exist (coming out of nowhere, 13th round pick and starting off gangbusters from the beginning). Or, for that matter someone like Rick Ankiel. (No apparent injury, but just completely blowing a fuse)


                          • #88
                            to this entire page.
                            *Is a huge fucking asshole*


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by CrimsonCane View Post
                              Would you also like all players' on-field performance to perfectly reflect their ratings as well? It's a game where randomness is programmed.

                              If all improvement/declines were gradual, it would not mimic the real world any better than the current randomness. By that logic, Albert Pujols wouldn't exist (coming out of nowhere, 13th round pick and starting off gangbusters from the beginning). Or, for that matter someone like Rick Ankiel. (No apparent injury, but just completely blowing a fuse)
                              Yeah, because the Ankiel's and Pujols' happen everyday. This is just bullshit that they tanked overnight. Excuse me for being upset that the one player that I joined this league to get was the victim of some retarded computer "randomness". If shit like this happens and I already won't get anything out of the two players I really joined this league to get, I don't see any reason to continue to play.


                              • #90
                                You're easily my favorite poster ever

