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  • I think it is PWG. He is trying to sabotage your team. :\
    You know what the difference between Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow is?... Jeremy Lin is probably a good Quarter Back.


    • Originally posted by pdub858 View Post
      I think it is PWG. He is trying to sabotage your team. :\
      If I can't have top prospects, nobody can!

      CSBC Commish


      • It is the name. If the name was Vhis Colstad, she wouldnt give a shit. It's rather annoying and borderline retarded that some random information and pixels that happens to have a Chris Volstad tag on it, will cause an owner to quit.


        • Damn, I had ____ player go from a 2 star spec to a 4 star! I QUIT!
          You know what the difference between Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow is?... Jeremy Lin is probably a good Quarter Back.


          • Hey guys, enough with the tryin' to make her feel dumb maybe? Not helping?
            *Is a huge fucking asshole*


            • I'm not trying to make anyone feel dumb, I just can't see someone complaining about a rate up... so why complain about a rate down.
              You know what the difference between Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow is?... Jeremy Lin is probably a good Quarter Back.


              • Because nobody would ever complain about something good happening but it's normal to expect someone to complain about something bad...

                Here rate up = good; rate down = bad.


                • Can we please get a posted perhaps stickied sim schedule (with who sims which day) and draft orders (with trades reflected).
                  You know what the difference between Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow is?... Jeremy Lin is probably a good Quarter Back.


                  • I'm assuming a sim isn't happening tonight?


                    • It's simming right now.


                      • I have a little suggestion for dealing with the draft. Since the low end got the first picks for the pros and the high end got the first picks for the prospects, why not start with the teams in the middle of the draft field and work our way out from the center? I think that would be a pretty good way to handle the draft order until you base it off of season standings next season. Any thoughts?
                        This is a Dolphins town, though.

                        "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

                        I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

                        2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
                        Edmonton Ice Bats
                        2007 Teal League Wildcard
                        2008 Teal League Wildcard

                        2009 Teal League Wildcard
                        2010 Teal League Wildcard
                        2011 Teal League West Division Winner


                        • season standings this season

                          shitty teams are shitty!


                          • Originally posted by KnuckleBalls View Post
                            I have a little suggestion for dealing with the draft. Since the low end got the first picks for the pros and the high end got the first picks for the prospects, why not start with the teams in the middle of the draft field and work our way out from the center? I think that would be a pretty good way to handle the draft order until you base it off of season standings next season. Any thoughts?
                            That's most likely along the lines of what we were going to do.

                            Obviously, we don't want to base it off mid-season standings because that, in all likelihood, amounts to two top-5 amateur draft picks for the same team in one calendar year. While there is a reasonable argument to be made that such a process would expedite those teams' road to recovery, it just isn't in the best interests of the league to provide such value to franchises, especially in the infancy of the league where so many teams, good and bad, have as of yet untapped minor league systems.


                            • I think the best way to do this draft is to give me the first overall pick. Just my opinion. Also I would like another first round pick followed by a late first round pick.

                              This is all.

                              You know what the difference between Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow is?... Jeremy Lin is probably a good Quarter Back.


                              • Consider this an open message to all owners.

                                When receiving a trade offer, especially via PM, let's pretend there are three generic options:

                                No thanks, not interested.

                                You're going to have to do better than that.

                                Tell me more.

                                The old no response at all PM kind of serves no purpose. Is that a 'no.' Is that a 'I don't know' or did you actually just not see it. It makes the league a whole lot more fun to actually have active owners. Now no one's saying that you need to propose 20 trades a week and fill up inboxes, but responding to PM's goes a long way to making the league fun.

