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  • #91
    Excuse me for being upset that the computer fucked me out of 2 of my top 3 minor league draft picks. There should be an exemption to that development system that excludes players we drafted. We have the cap space rule that Bobbob used to keep the guys he drafted. We should also have a rule to prevent negs to like the top 5 guys we drafted for the same reason. I've had other guys negged, too but I wasn't upset because I didn't draft them. High draft picks should be exempt from this.


    • #92
      Why does it matter so much that you have those 2 players? You can rebuild, draft players who will be better than they could have been. Just because you like them in real life it multiplies the suckiness exponentially to the point it's no longer fun for you? Maybe you joined the league for the wrong reasons. The entire point of this game is that it takes real players and puts them in an unreal situation..

      Let me tell you a story. In the original TBBC, I was the manager of the Massachusetts Machines. I recieved the #3 pick in the inaugural draft, and I was massively excited to draft Johan Santana, as he was the consensus best pitcher in baseball at the time and one of my favorite, if not my favorite at the time, pitchers. He pitched in my rotation for barely over a month before tearing his entire tricep muscle. He was lost for the entire season and suffered a significant ratedown. He came back and pitched serviceably, but never at the level of the top-5-in-the-league caliber ace he was before being injured. Was I furious that the player I drafted to build my team around got torn away from me? Absolutely. Did I throw my hands up, throw a fit and quit? No. I made moves, tried to build my team in a different direction. I acquired C.C. Sabathia and pegged him as my new ace. Guess what? He blew worse than Santana did! Still didn't quit though. Traded for Jeff Neimann and a couple other young up-and-comers. And before the league was shut down in favor of this new one those young guys were starting to turn the corner. My point is, just because you lost "that guy" is no reason to throw away an awesome opportunity to build a successful organization and take pride in your accomplishment. It'll feel even better when you accomplish that knowing what you lost. I know I felt better for having rebuilt, rather than walk away.
      *Is a huge fucking asshole*


      • #93
        This is especially true when there was no guarantee that the favored players would ever reach their potential as opposed to someone like Santana who was fully developed. Development can be a crap shoot. Would it have been significantly less frustrating if Volstad just never developed? Or, if he developed but significantly underperformed his ratings? Same result, different route. And, the way this game works, you can never rule out any of those situations either.

        For example, Matt Holliday is a 4.5 star player for me, but he's been a pretty awful player in my lineup. I've kept him in hoping he turns it around, but he hasn't done much.


        • #94
          Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
          Excuse me for being upset that the computer fucked me out of 2 of my top 3 minor league draft picks. There should be an exemption to that development system that excludes players we drafted. We have the cap space rule that Bobbob used to keep the guys he drafted. We should also have a rule to prevent negs to like the top 5 guys we drafted for the same reason. I've had other guys negged, too but I wasn't upset because I didn't draft them. High draft picks should be exempt from this.

          MBA... lemme just remind you... this has happened to 5 (!!!!!) of my guys, all top prospects, all very important players in my system, including the guy who was my top pitching prospect, twice.

          I'm sorry that you're bummed out that it happened, but, it happens... Nothing is going to happen to rectify the situation... sometimes top prospects become nothings... see: Karp, Josh, (among MANY MANY others)
          CSBC Commish


          • #95
            It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. It is becoming less fun to me as time goes on. Ellsbury crashed in March. Was I upset then? Yes but he was just one player so I excepted it and decided to just move on.

            Volstad is a different story. It's no surprise to anyone on this board that he is above and beyond my favorite player. The opportunity to draft him and play him in my team was a major reason why I decided to join the league. Having a player you like makes the game more enjoyable. Him crashing out of nowhere is really not making this league fun anymore. Maybe things would be different if I hadn't already lost Ellsbury (who was another player I wanted) but I'm just extremely upset right now.


            • #96
              Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
              It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. It is becoming less fun to me as time goes on. Ellsbury crashed in March. Was I upset then? Yes but he was just one player so I excepted it and decided to just move on.

              Volstad is a different story. It's no surprise to anyone on this board that he is above and beyond my favorite player. The opportunity to draft him and play him in my team was a major reason why I decided to join the league. Having a player you like makes the game more enjoyable. Him crashing out of nowhere is really not making this league fun anymore. Maybe things would be different if I hadn't already lost Ellsbury (who was another player I wanted) but I'm just extremely upset right now.
              Again, I'm a big fan of pitching in general... I've lost 5 separate pitchers that I had grown attached to. But, I can almost guarantee you that Adenhart was someone I wanted to see succeed in this game at least as much as you wanted Volstad to (for obvious sentimental reasons)... I lost Adenhart in March, too. And 4 other guys since then. Just find someone else to attach your fictional fandom to, and enjoy the actual Volstad in the real world.

              Ordinarily I couldn't care less about Jarrod Saltalamacchia, but TBBC made me a relatively big fan of his.
              CSBC Commish


              • #97
                I understand that you lost 5 players but I doubt you know exactly how I feel.

                It's just not the same anymore. I put together a good team that had been in first place most of the season until the last couple of weeks but is still in striking distance and I'm leading the wild card but it doesn't feel like any of that means anything anymore. I lost both of the guys that account for 85% of the reason why I joined the league in the first place. I don't want to give up what I built but it's just not fun for me right now.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                  I understand that you lost 5 players but I doubt you know exactly how I feel.

                  It's just not the same anymore. I put together a good team that had been in first place most of the season until the last couple of weeks but is still in striking distance and I'm leading the wild card but it doesn't feel like any of that means anything anymore. I lost both of the guys that account for 85% of the reason why I joined the league in the first place. I don't want to give up what I built but it's just not fun for me right now.
                  Why did you join the league, previously then, when you had neither of those players?
                  CSBC Commish


                  • #99
                    I drafted a great team and yet the record sucks. Oh well.


                    • It's a game part of the game is dealing with the ups and downs of the ratings.. One option in the game is to turn the stars off and base everything on stats. We all get caught up in ooooh 5 stars or 4 stars.. There are guys in the league 5stars of potential at 27.. Are they gonna even come close to full filling that? no. My point is base your "happiness" on stats not stars!


                      • Originally posted by PitchingWinsGames View Post
                        Why did you join the league, previously then, when you had neither of those players?
                        Because I wanted to. I was willing to take over a team and see what I could do with it. I didn't have it very long and did not know anything about this overnight crashing of talent.

                        After the TBBC was suspended, I was offered a chance to join another sim league before this one started up again. The chance to start from scratch and make everything my own was enticing as was the opportunity to draft Volstad and Ellsbury. The first part of that reason still exists but my enthusiasm and enjoyment just crashed with Volstad's potential. Will it come back? I hope so but everything feels very hollow to me right now.


                        • You realize we're talking about a computer game right?


                          • This is Obama's fault too.

                            /not serious.


                            • Originally posted by FishFanInPA View Post
                              This is Obama's fault too.

                              /not serious.

                              no no its Bush's fault!


                              • Originally posted by Swift View Post
                                You realize we're talking about a computer game right?
                                Oh, I thought we were talkin' 'bout practice

                                CSBC Commish

