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  • Okay, I downloaded OOTP and the league file but I forgot where to go to get the league file into OOTP. Can someone help please?

    Sorry to be a bother. This is the first time I've used Windows 7 and I can't remember where to find the saved programs file.


    • C:\Users\Ryan\Documents\Out of the Park Developments\OOTP Baseball 8

      you actually have to manually make a folder titled "saved_games" (no quotes) and put the league file in there
      CSBC Commish


      • Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
        Okay, I downloaded OOTP and the league file but I forgot where to go to get the league file into OOTP. Can someone help please?

        Sorry to be a bother. This is the first time I've used Windows 7 and I can't remember where to find the saved programs file.
        Has nothing to do with which OS you're using.

        Yeah, I know, I'm being a dick.

        I'm in a bad mood.
        *Is a huge fucking asshole*


        • Stop being a dick >_>
          CSBC Commish


          • OK.
            *Is a huge fucking asshole*


            • Alright, so what's our plan from this point on? We'll be simming the remaining seven games on Tuesday and then starting the post-season on Thursday? What will our sim schedule for the post-season be like? The reason I ask is that I lose my ability to download and upload the league file without going to a bar/cafe with wifi tomorrow and then leave for Bulgaria the next Tuesday, where I will most likely not have the ability to access the internet on my laptop.


              • Well, I could set you pitching and lineups if you'd like. It's not like I would do anything that would cost you your playoff chances or anything......just sayin.......
                This is a Dolphins town, though.

                "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

                I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

                2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
                Edmonton Ice Bats
                2007 Teal League Wildcard
                2008 Teal League Wildcard

                2009 Teal League Wildcard
                2010 Teal League Wildcard
                2011 Teal League West Division Winner


                • I can see it now: Jeremy Hermida is the new starting pitcher for the Stone Crabs in every single one of the last seven games of the season.


                  • The boy has potential...
                    This is a Dolphins town, though.

                    "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

                    I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

                    2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
                    Edmonton Ice Bats
                    2007 Teal League Wildcard
                    2008 Teal League Wildcard

                    2009 Teal League Wildcard
                    2010 Teal League Wildcard
                    2011 Teal League West Division Winner


                    • BP, don't listen to him!

                      He's climbin' in your FO
                      He's snatchin' your starters up
                      Tryna replace em so y'all better
                      Hide your stars, hide your coach
                      Hide your stars, hide your coach
                      Hide your stars, hide your coach
                      And hide your bench guys, cuz they replacin' everybody out here!
                      *Is a huge fucking asshole*


                      • Originally posted by Blackout Pact View Post
                        Alright, so what's our plan from this point on? We'll be simming the remaining seven games on Tuesday and then starting the post-season on Thursday? What will our sim schedule for the post-season be like? The reason I ask is that I lose my ability to download and upload the league file without going to a bar/cafe with wifi tomorrow and then leave for Bulgaria the next Tuesday, where I will most likely not have the ability to access the internet on my laptop.
                        You pretty much have it nailed, the Playoffs sim schedule is usually daily in the evening.

                        If you'd like to type up some sort of playoff plan, I can do that for you, or have Nny do it if you feel there'd be a conflict of interests there.

                        The thing about the playoffs is, I like to have a quick turnaround so the owners that didn't make it can get right back into the mix.

                        In a somewhat creative twist, if you could check email from your phone, I could probably email you a screenshot of the daily schedule and of your team and go from there?
                        CSBC Commish


                        • Originally posted by PitchingWinsGames View Post
                          You pretty much have it nailed, the Playoffs sim schedule is usually daily in the evening.

                          If you'd like to type up some sort of playoff plan, I can do that for you, or have Nny do it if you feel there'd be a conflict of interests there.

                          The thing about the playoffs is, I like to have a quick turnaround so the owners that didn't make it can get right back into the mix.

                          In a somewhat creative twist, if you could check email from your phone, I could probably email you a screenshot of the daily schedule and of your team and go from there?
                          If I could just get screenshots and a team update (injuries, hot cold etc.) I'll be fine until at least the 31st. The rest of this week, including Sunday night, and Monday I will be in the office but for some reason I am unable to download new league files or upload any of my own. I do have internet however. On the 31st I fly to Bulgaria and will be spending the night in Sofia at a hostel (although it doesn't have wireless.) On the 1st I'll be heading back to Bratsigovo and there is little chance I'll have much access to the internet in the village. There's a chance I can still hop on for a bit in my old office at the municipal building, but once again, not on my laptop. If the post-season starts on Wednesday day though, I should be pretty good to go if you or Nny could just make small changes for me. I will probably not be able to check on Saturday though. If we could do an early sim on Friday (around 10 AM in Florida) and a late one on Sunday (around 4 PM) that would work out perfectly.

                          Sorry to be the out of the country ass who is causing problems. Thanks for being accommodating!
                          Also, I'm hoping to get internet in my flat in Bratsigovo, but I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to. I have no idea where I'm going to live yet and when I was there with the Peace Corps, it took ages to get the guy to come and hook up my internet. I'll keep you posted though and we can figure something out.
                          Last edited by Blackout Pact; 08-23-2010, 02:12 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                          • Spring training starts today. Woo!


                            • I pulled out all the stops on my team.


                              • My team is pretty much where it was at the last two years, which isn't a bad place to be in. It may be the last year however, before I have to sell off my core to get under the salary cap.

