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  • interesting that they have serna playing SS. if he can play that position his prospect outlook changes a bunch.


    • Originally posted by Todd View Post
      I disagree with you vehemently about Mazur.
      Here's a deep dive here too. And to note, this isn't an attack. This is just hey, this is the data, so we can call calibrate what a reasonable expectation might be for some arms.

      Ignoring everything else, let's look at STUFF. How are these guys going to look as they climb levels and their skills translate? You know, how we always told Lee the cautionary tale of Yusmiero Petit dominating A ball then doing nothing as a SP for the Marlins.

      Safe projection middle rotation SP For me

      Max (FV50 FG)
      MLB PL - 70 SL, 60 FB, 55 CU, 50 CTRL
      FG - 60 SL, 60 CU, 50 FB, 55 CTRL

      This is three pitches that could be above average with a 60/70 SL wipe out pitch, and they have the FB and CU as 55/60 collectively. Good enough control 50/55. Based on this and what I've seen from Max so far, combined he is a smaller dude for less wear and tear, this is probably a "2 time through guy" and a 140-160 IP SP in modern baseball. I like him here and he's going to be good at that. This is # 3 SP mold probably and if he can tick all of the FB, CU, and CTRL up, could be a good # 2.

      Noble (FV50 FG)
      MLB PL - 60 FB, 60 SL, 50 CU, 55 CTRL
      FG - 60 SL, 60 CU, 55 FB, 55 CTRL

      They don't see an elite pitch like Max's slider, but this is a strong 55/60 FB, 60/60 SL, 50/60 CU, and better control 55/55 combination. This is a classic 3 above average pitch arsenal, but not 1 stellar pitch. He's probably a 3/4 SP absent improvements and mechanical changes, but he's huge and survive the wear and tear, so this could be in the 170+ IP projection land. The control projection is what sets him apart from most below ultimately.

      Maybe SP if it all clicks, but high high floor good relievers

      White (FV45+ FG)
      MLB PL - 60 FB, 60 CB, 55 CU, 45 CTRL
      FG - 60 SL, 60 FB, 50 CU, 45 CTRL

      They like his FB at a 60/60, and then they are all over the place with one as a CB, one a SL, a potential third above average CU, and no CTRL. This is just a live arm projection and they need to develop him. I agree with FG here, he's probably not a top 100 prospect, but still a really good one. His MILB results are obviously outstanding, but this seems like a summer 2027 guy to me at earliest. Which is fine. As a lefty, there is probably a really really safe 2nd pen lefty floor with a good FB and 1 good secondary probably develops even if he's throwing it all over the place with a lower control projection. This is a development project, but we knew that on draft day. So far so good.

      Dax (FV45)
      MLB PL - 60 SL, 60 CB, 55 FB, 50 CU, 50 CTRL
      FG - 60 CB, 50 FB, 50 CU, 55 CTRL

      They love the curve 60/60, and various reports on a SL, and maybe a good FB/CU 50/55. Better control then white. I do remember some scouts liked him more than Max before all the injuries. With the injuries and he's really tall and lanky, along with the other better SP Miami has, I imagine he turns into a deceptive pen lefty but maybe a really good. There is a back rotation funky mechanic starter profile here if he can get healthy. I'd have White over him because he's healthy and more optimism with youth, but they are close on a profile basis.

      I don't know, too young, not a lot of info

      Y. Sananta
      FG - 60 SL, 60 FB, 50 CU, 50 CTRL

      FG likes this 18 year old IFA as a FV45+ and top 10 prospect in the system over everyone below. Not mentioned pipeline. No idea, but a 60/60/50/50 18 year old would be very interesting to pull out of their asses. That trends to one of the tiers above with 2 plus pitches and does the third develop, or could trend down to he is a FB/SL reliever type. Hope this one works out.

      #5 Innings eater because he's a lefty, 2nd/3rd pen MIRP lefty

      The main event here

      MLB PL - 55 CB, 50 FB, 50 CU, 50 CTRL
      FG - 50 FB, 50 SL, 45 CU, 50 CTRL

      Look at this - no 60 pitches from either. And what's going on here where one says curve, the other slider. Pipeline says this "His two-plane curveball hasn't been the same plus pitch it was last season, parking in the upper 70s." So it's some funky curve/slider thing that is regressing. Both don't love a CU (pipeline - He continues to fiddle with an 85-87 mph changeup, and more refinement could turn it into an average offering in time.). How this guy is a top 50 prospect on MLB is beyond me. Both think a mediocre FB 50/50, a not so great CU 45//50, and there is potentially a plus secondary here. Not even a 55 CTRL. So he's athletic, so did the Padres break him and the Marlins pitch program gets something more out of it? This looks like a potential 3 pitch guy, without top control which trends to a back rotation guy. This is a big jump away from Max/Noble on STUFF.

      For perspective, all the main Marlins guys (sandy, luzardo, rogers, garrett, cabrera, puk, even bender and faucher) have had a 60 or grade better pitch during their prospect development. I found only one who didn't - Ryan Weathers (FG - 55 SL, 55 FB, 45 CU, 45 CTRL). And he even has two 55s there unlike Snelling, but Snelling has more control, so all of this is kind of negating out and they are likely similar value PROSPECTS. If we look at Weathers now ( he's overachieved this year and has moved his arsenal to a killer Sweeper, a good CU, and the FB/Sinker are getting drilled. Weathers is kind of a two pitch offspeed guy, who needs a better FB to survive. And they thought he would have a 55 FB if it all broke right. I imagine from the velocity and he's a lefty. It's a story about how guys change as Weathers pitch (Sweeper) wasn't even on his development profile, and the worst one (CU) might be the best one now, but the point is as a prospect ,Weathers was believed to have arm talent with two 55 pitches. Snelling - on both services - isn't there. Snelling is a project. Marlins (and Rays) arm development program gets every benefit of the doubt last half decade, but when I see all of this, a lot needs to happen here. I imagine they are going to try and do what they did with Weathers to him and see if a sweeper? cutter? sinker? Something else becomes that "out" pitch he needs as he's otherwise looking at a 50/55 secondary, 50 FB, and 45/50 CU and that's likely not gonna cut it unless the control radically improves. He's a lefty though, so there is probably a reliever floor here and ultimately, if White, Fulton, and Snelling are your lefty relievers in say 2028, that is pretty fucking good. No insults to any of them there.

      Final thought here, he needs minors time and a lot to figure out the pitch mix. Gonna be harder to move Luzardo now. I was thinking maybe Snelling and Mazur below would be quicker, but this general lack of stuff is more project oriented and they do have the arms to work this out at AAA and not have to rush them.

      SP/High Ceiling RP projection, but overall low ceiling arm. Boom or Bust type.

      J. Shim (guy for DLC)
      MLB PL - 60 FB, 55 CB, 55 SL, 45 CU, 45 CTRL
      FG - 60 FB, 55 SL, 50 CB, 45 CTRL

      He's below Snelling because of the control which is bad. The control sucks, but it's a unified 60/60 FB so there is 1 pitch, and a unified 55/55 SL so there is a second pitch. He's ridiculously young and throws a ton of pitches so you're hoping something else develops. But if nothing more, this has a FB/SL reliever written all over him. This is a good speculative addition for DLC. Really nice idea, even if this is a 2028 landing guy. This one is VERY interesting as he seemingly has arm talent if they can get it out of him. Find 2 good pitches and then figure out a third I say, and he might already have it with the FB. I would bet he makes the bigs as at least a RP flyer as there is a lot to work with here. Its control control control. This dude must be wild AF. I love this trade.

      Things will need to happen to become SP, but a safe mid-pen projection with 2 good pitches and potential plus control

      MLB PL - 55 FB, 55 SL, 50 CU, 55 CTRL
      FG - 55 SL, 50 FB, 45 CB, 45 CU, 50 CTRL

      Like what are the Marlins doing here? The only other guys who don't have 60 pitches are Snelling and Weathers (and Hoeing!). This is kind of bizarre right its all Padres? FB/SL reliever profile, but that 55 CTRL is interesting. He has been injured and his actual stats suggest no control, but I'd defer to the scouting pedigree as hes been hurt and a prospect. Where's the out pitch? Where's the third pitch? This is going to be the Marlins pulling something out of him the Padres did not see. That being said, a 55 FB/SL guy who can go multiple innings is valuable. He's not a future closer, but this could be a very good 7th inning guy if all he has is a 55 FB/SL and gets that control to 55. Won't need a third pitch to have a long career if that is all he is. This is a major success if the marlins get something out of him more than this.

      To note, Hoeing graded out at the end as a 55 SL, 50 FB, 45 CU, 50 CTRL (FG). This must be why San Diego asked for Hoeing as they may have just time shifted having a guy more MLB ready. I do tend to agree looking into this more, expectations for a large pen/starter role next year in 2025 may be slim. I think Jim Bowden is right here he may be a true project. Summer 2026. Gonna be A LOT harder to move Luzardo now as Jesus' innings are becoming really needed.

      I'm a one pitch reliever but I have an amazing 1 pitch

      MLB PL - 70 SL, 45 FB, 45 CTRL
      FG - 70 SL, 50 CT, 40 FB, 55 CTRL

      Best pitch currently in the system is Maldonado's slider????? Pray to god he can get that FB/CT to an acceptable 2nd pitch but a wipeout slider makes him a safe backend reliever if not more.

      A lot needs to happen to start, potential relievers too

      MLB PL - 60 CB, 55 SL, 50 FB, 50 CU, 50 CTRL
      FG - 55 CB, 55 SL, 55 CU, 45 FB, 50 CTRL

      He has two secondaries grading 55/60 and 55/55, but his FB stinks. This is a development project to get a FB, sinker. Something faster to play off that curveball and slider. Of all the "low end prospects" this is an interesting arsenal if he can figure out a FB/sinker. This is probably a reliever.

      MLB PL - 60 FB, 55 CB, 50 CU, 45 CTRL
      FG - 60 SL, 55 FB, 50 CB, 45 CU, 45 CTRL

      Has some pitches that could be 60 out pitches, no control. Not a lefty like White who gets a lot more mentions with 2 plus pitches. Low control is the thing that is a concern here and why we're at the bottom, but you can see him hitting on the FB and one of CB/SL and he becomes a 2 pitch wild reliever. I think Shim is above him as a low control guy, as Shim has the unified 60/60 FB and there is some debate here as to how good Millbrandt's stuff is. I'd bet on him over Miller though. I imagine a FB/SL reliever is the path here with other Marlins arms above already.

      And just trust me here as I have fatigue now, on a quick look, all the Marlins guys have multiple 60 or better pitches. Sandy, Eury, Luzardo, Rogers, Garrett. Bender had a 60 FB. Faucher a 70 CB. All of them. This is kind of crazy I didn't intend to come out here as a hit piece for Snelling, Mazur, Weathers, and Hoeing's STUFF, but jesus here we are. Guys, Matt Pushard has a 60 cutter on FG. Matt Pushard. Like this is something that speaks volume on their pitch movement for these Padres?

      For perspective, Lesko, the other Padres arm that was traded for Jason Adam and the Rays got.

      MLB PL - 70 CU, 65 FB, 55 CB, 40 CTRL
      FG - 70 CU, 70 CB, 60 FB, 40 CTRL

      WOW. Big differences from everything above here right? He might have the 2 best pitches of everyone in the Marlins minors, but look at that control. It's worse than EVERYONE. I'd take him over Snelling and Mazur all day regardless as this is an ace profile if it clicks.

      I guess that's the thing here - shoot for the moon or ocus on high floor/well roundedness, but you're not getting 1/2 starting pitchers out of anyone. It's a tough bet to make, but this goes to the point the Marlins went QUANTITY over UPSIDE with nearly every trade here (Shim was not, they went for a BOOM with him). Which is a fine strategy, but what I want to see next is, they did the quantity mostly, start shooting for the fucking moon with whoever is traded next or draft picks. A shall we say, it's better to burn out than fade away prospect strategy for 2025 as they have the bodies now to go for it with more Lesko kind of guys.

      Ultimately here, this is probably their upside map if everything cuts right

      SP 1 - Sandy, Eury,
      SP 2 - Cabrera (really want to put him above too)
      SP 3 - Luzardo, Max, Noble (Santana? Who is this guy?)
      SP 3/4 - White, Fulton
      SP 4 - Garrett, Shim, Millbrandt
      SP 5 - Weathers, Snelling, Mazur, Miller

      And I'm not saying Millbrant and Shim are better than Snelling here, he's probably safer as a lefty, but this is just the STUFF index of if they make it, where does the stuff play

      Looking at this, I'm kind of re-calibrating on should they just keep Luzardo and move on from Sandy? Luzardo is the best lefty to me all over and it's not close to me. So keep him even if it's 6/$100m? He's from here? They can afford Luzardo and my dream move Adames if they move out Sandy, and some of the other guys like Sanchez, Burger, and Garrett and that's going to happen eventually anyways next 1-3 years.

      I'd love to see this develop ultimately as the long term staff:

      Eury (give an extension, probably in a year)
      Sandy --- > Noble (let him go via FA or trade and replaced here eventually)
      Luzardo (extension this offseason)
      Cabrera (give an extension)
      Max (give an extension, probably in a year)
      Garrett ---> White/Fulton (replace when ready)
      Weathers ---> Snelling (replace when ready)

      Bender ---> ______ (Maybe Shim, dare to dream)
      Faucher ---> _______ (Maybe A. May - 2nd rounder this year not launched yet)
      Cronin ---> Mazur
      Maldonado (and other FB/SL guys like Millbrandt)

      Nardi ---> White/Fulton (One's gonna be a RP practically)
      _______ ---> _______ (Maybe Simpson)

      Like this is fucking awesome. Nothing is supposed to be insulting here. This is just mapping where they are, service time development, and who is above them on the pecking order. I like every name on this list above. If you think someone is better, great. This again isn't supposed to be argumentative, just data gathering to figure out what Bendix is doing. I see a very cohesive plan here and I'm starting to think doing this crazy dive that Rogers was the SP trade and they are done for a bit with that until we get more data on Max, Noble, White, Fulton, Snelling, and Mazur maybe jumping up in the world and pushing someone out. This is a good situation. There is high end and numbers here.

      They need high leverage relievers, or maybe back end starters if someone like Max or Cabrera falls down because of health or whatever. Everything else should be set for quit some time.


      • Originally posted by fish16 View Post
        interesting that they have serna playing SS. if he can play that position his prospect outlook changes a bunch.
        Yes, they need a SS, 3B, and CF longterm so they should all be doing this with everyone at least for this season, and maybe some of next. I am not sure any name below besides Sanoja in CF as a probable Berti-style backup, and probably Pauley as a defensive 3B and then can hee hit, is going to work out here into a viable defensive player, but you sure as hell try.

        SS - Edwards, Sanoja, Serna
        3B - Norby, Sanjoa, Pauley, I'll even say DDLS and Berry here. Dane too. Try them all. All of them
        CF - Stowers, Sanoja, Dane, Pauley, and even Sanchez maybe

        Doing the tiny dive as the P post is absurd and boy was that coffee strong, this works for me:

        C Fortes ---> Ramirez, Mack, Banfield

        1B/DH Burger ----> Still Burger, DDLS, Marotrella, Berry

        2B Edwards, Otto -----> Edwards, Otto, Serna, Sanoja ---- > Johnson

        SS ______ ---> ________ ---> ________

        3B ______ ---> Pauley ---> ________

        LF Sanchez ---> Norby ---> Morlando, Aldermann

        CF ______ ---> Mesa Jr., Sanoja, Cova ---> Head

        RF Stowers ---> Stowers, Dane, Marsee ---> ________

        Filling any of those three blank lines at the front is the story of the offseason.

        If they can get Serna/Edwards at SS, Norby/Sanoja/Pauley at 3B, and develop Mesa Jr/Sanoja into a backup OF, they are in serious business just needing some other OF type.

        Practically, this is 3 outside the organization guys and our trade deadline enthusiasm right now turns into - Bruce Sherman fucking do something


        • Originally posted by sports24/7 View Post
          The most interesting prospect they got might be Shim. I was listening to a podcast today, and they were saying his stuff is insane, but he's only pitched 8 innings (total, since he was signed) with all of the health issues. The health thing is a very real concern, but the upside seems to be massive if he can ever get healthy. Especially developing in this system.

          Interestingly, that same podcast talked about how the Marlins essentially bought low on all of the prospects they got back from the Padres. A year ago, that haul might have gotten you a front line starter, but it sounds like they rushed Mazur and Pauley, and all of them struggled this season. That doesn't necessarily mean this isn't who they are, and that all 3 of the top names will return to glory, but I do like the idea that there may be more there. And, like I mentioned with Shim, there should be a bonus here with the organization's ability to develop pitchers (and we shouldn't ignore that the Padres have not done so well in that area). To me, that makes Snelling and Mazur even more compelling.
          100% on Shim. He is going to be our board favorite for years to dream as the most BOOM or BUST guy in the system.


          • Good thing we have such a great track record on keeping pitchers healthy in this organization.


            • Originally posted by Nick View Post
              Good thing we have such a great track record on keeping pitchers healthy in this organization.
              Isn't this everyone in baseball with the amount of injuries of late? Look at the Rays too. Decimated.

              Just plan it out and hope for the best. It's a numbers game and they probably don't have the depth for 2025 as they are a few optionable inventory guys short (i.e. they could use 3 more Hoeings as a floor, but that's where Bendix may shine), but they might for 2026 by, optimistically midseason, Noble, Snelling, Mazur, and some RP surprises (Millbrandt?) may all show up and it may be in force.

              Things are pretty good on paper besides a long term SS at all levels of the team, and they need at minimum good short term starting options at 3B and CF. They should probably have 1 more bat draft (3B/RF first pick as that is who will be their and a 2nd round SS), and then it shifts heavily to college pitching.


              • Originally posted by lou View Post

                Isn't this everyone in baseball with the amount of injuries of late? Look at the Rays too. Decimated.

                Just plan it out and hope for the best. It's a numbers game and they probably don't have the depth for 2025 as they are a few optionable inventory guys short (i.e. they could use 3 more Hoeings as a floor, but that's where Bendix may shine), but they might for 2026 by, optimistically midseason, Noble, Snelling, Mazur, and some RP surprises (Millbrandt?) may all show up and it may be in force.

                Things are pretty good on paper besides a long term SS at all levels of the team, and they need at minimum good short term starting options at 3B and CF. They should probably have 1 more bat draft (3B/RF first pick as that is who will be their and a 2nd round SS), and then it shifts heavily to college pitching.
                the difference i would say is that we seem to baby our pitchers more than any other team in baseball and somehow simultaneously jerk them around as well. the way they handled Eury last year was fucking moronic, and then for some reason this spring was beyond reckless, and meyer this year isnt much better. The extent to which they are babying these guys needs to stop. Not saying you throw them for 200 pitches every 5th day, but for fucks sake let these guys throw. There is no evidence that the way they are handling these guys is working. The human arm is not meant to throw a baseball this hard. It leads to injuries. Babying them like this does nothing but hinder their development and their level of impact before the inevitable injury


                • Originally posted by fish16 View Post

                  the difference i would say is that we seem to baby our pitchers more than any other team in baseball and somehow simultaneously jerk them around as well. the way they handled Eury last year was fucking moronic, and then for some reason this spring was beyond reckless, and meyer this year isnt much better. The extent to which they are babying these guys needs to stop. Not saying you throw them for 200 pitches every 5th day, but for fucks sake let these guys throw. There is no evidence that the way they are handling these guys is working. The human arm is not meant to throw a baseball this hard. It leads to injuries. Babying them like this does nothing but hinder their development and their level of impact before the inevitable injury
                  Skenes got baby'd a little bit and they were screaming up there too, and then look at what happened to Jones (injured).

                  I don't know the day to day pitch counts for all teams, but I think most are pretty fucking cautious - for better or worse. Eury was also a service time thing for sure. I do think a slow Max ramp up is worth it this year (4 innings a pop here on out which gets him to October).

                  However I am leaning slightly your philosophy now - if they are healthy, throw them within reason. This is where the quick hook thing comes in. They don't need any of Max, Garrett, Weathers, and Cabrera going past 5 innings. They have a lot of arm inventory so use it. Look at how good their bullpen has been this year, and it has been good. Bendix shines here. They can get close to 150 IP doing that with those guys which I think we all agree would be amazing. Just pull them a little early to keep them healthy and not stress with higher pitch counts in 6th inning/3rd time through. Aim for a balance of health and production. Of course the Rays did this with McClanahan and he got hurt, so there may be no science here, but that's what I hope happens.


                  • Also want to mention here some more insane pitch grades for maybe relievers:

                    Munoz - 60 SL, 70 FB (both FG)..... but 40 CTRL. His stuff is good, no one knows where its going. Potential high leverage profile, boom or bust. I want him out of the rotation ASAP.

                    Ekness - 70 FB, 50 SL, but 40 CTRL. He should be ticked up into the maybe RP category too. Ekness best FB in the system to Fangraphs? Wild. High leverage possibility if he gets the 2nd pitch fully and can control them. Boom or bust.

                    Pushard, mentioned him above but a 60 cutter, 55 FB, and the problem 40 CTRL. Could be more of a Bender who is also a 1 pitch guy.

                    And I found May's pipeline grade 60 SL, 55 FB, 45 CU, 45 CTRL - he too has a better out pitch than Team Padres. No FG yet. Tick up of control from the Munoz/Ekness guys. He's profiling as RP with the Marlins having a slew of better longterm SP options as right handers for sure.

                    These are good project pitchers to see if something happens. Get enough of them, you eventually get one. Like Bender as a floor. Maybe there are a few more, but I'll update the longterm map to this for how I'd do it, and tweak a little putting guys in maybe SP or RP spots:

                    Sandy --- > Noble
                    Cabrera ----> (Maybe Shim becoming an absolute animal)
                    Garrett ---> White/Fulton/A.May
                    Weathers ---> White/Fulton/A.May/Snelling

                    Bender ---> ______ (Maybe Shim here too, or Ekness or Munoz hitting top end, dare to dream)
                    Faucher ---> _______ (Maybe A. May top end, and Shim, Ekness, or Munoz could be here too)
                    Cronin ---> _______ (Mazur could be here too, as well as trickle downs from Shim, Ekness, Munoz, and May)
                    Maldonado (Maybe Millbrandt/Pushard as further backend pen depth arms)

                    Nardi ---> White/Fulton (one's gotta be a RP. They can't get that lucky)
                    _______ ---> _______ (Maybe Snelling hitting no ceiling as a 2nd pen lefty, or someone like Simpson)

                    This is good. Peter did well adding Snelling, Mazur, Shim, and A. May to this via trades and this draft.

                    Draft an unbelievable amount of college relievers next year after a 3B/RF and a SS/3B with 1-2 picks. That's the longterm move here for me. Get a few more late draft pick Maldonado, Ekness, Pushard, and Millbrandt types to pop into this who start in A/A+ quickly for perhaps 2027 launches.


                    • Originally posted by lou View Post

                      Isn't this everyone in baseball with the amount of injuries of late? Look at the Rays too. Decimated.

                      Just plan it out and hope for the best. It's a numbers game and they probably don't have the depth for 2025 as they are a few optionable inventory guys short (i.e. they could use 3 more Hoeings as a floor, but that's where Bendix may shine), but they might for 2026 by, optimistically midseason, Noble, Snelling, Mazur, and some RP surprises (Millbrandt?) may all show up and it may be in force.

                      Things are pretty good on paper besides a long term SS at all levels of the team, and they need at minimum good short term starting options at 3B and CF. They should probably have 1 more bat draft (3B/RF first pick as that is who will be their and a 2nd round SS), and then it shifts heavily to college pitching.
                      I mentioned this the other day, but they’re about to land a pretty good SS prospect in this next IFA class in Andrew Salas. He’s obviously incredibly young, so he will be in the lower levels, but he might be their biggest IFA signing since they went to the current format. Baseball America released an article talking about the best players in this class, and he was the second name they profiled after the top guy, Elian Pena.


                      • Originally posted by sports24/7 View Post

                        I mentioned this the other day, but they’re about to land a pretty good SS prospect in this next IFA class in Andrew Salas. He’s obviously incredibly young, so he will be in the lower levels, but he might be their biggest IFA signing since they went to the current format. Baseball America released an article talking about the best players in this class, and he was the second name they profiled after the top guy, Elian Pena.
                        That would be amazing to match with the impending next generation of 2025/2026 1st/2nd Rounders, Head, Johnson, Morlando, Cova, etc. guys way way down the line.

                        How about this as a rough plan if he's included

                        C Fortes, Sanchez ---> Ramirez, Mack, Banfield ---> 2026 2nd Rounder

                        1B/DH Burger ----> Still Burger, DDLS, Marotrella, Berry --> Vradenburg/IFA/Who cares its 1B/DH

                        2B Edwards, Otto -----> Edwards, Otto, Serna, Sanoja ---- > Johnson

                        SS Adames and Bruce stepping the fuck up ---> Adames ---> IFA - Salas

                        3B Moncada type FA (or Bride if you're lucky) ---> Moncada type FA, Pauley ---> 2025 1st/2nd Rounder

                        LF Sanchez ---> Norby ---> Morlando, Aldermann

                        CF SP Trade of Luzardo even if painful ---> Mesa Jr., Sanoja ---> Head, Cova

                        RF Stowers ---> Stowers, Dane, Marsee, Cheap FA if needed ---> 2025 1st/2nd Rounder

                        Eury ---> Extension
                        Sandy --- > Noble
                        Bruce stepping the fuck up to replace Luzardo as 1 of 2 major FA on entire team through 2032. Fuck you Bruce
                        Cabrera ----> Ideally extension (Maybe Shim becoming an absolute animal)
                        Max ---> 2026 1st Rounder
                        Garrett ---> White/Fulton/A.May
                        Weathers ---> White/Fulton/A.May/Snelling

                        Bender ---> ______ (Maybe Shim here too, or Ekness or Munoz )
                        Faucher ---> _______ (Maybe A. May, Shim, Ekness, or Munoz)
                        Cronin ---> _______ (Mazur could be here too, as well as trickle downs from Shim, Ekness, Munoz, and May, or Burger/Sanchez/Bender Trades)
                        Maldonado (Maybe Millbrandt/Pushard as further backend pen depth arms, or 2025 3rd/later)

                        Nardi ---> White/Fulton (one's gotta be a RP. They can't get that lucky)
                        Burger/Sanchez/Bender Trades ---> Burger/Sanchez/Bender Trades (Maybe Snelling hitting no ceiling as a 2nd pen lefty, or someone like Simpson, or 2025 3rd/later)

                        Kind of easy on paper (lol) and amounts to three big decisions, and then just operating like a normal franchise nothing fancy:

                        Three Big Decision

                        -Trade Luzardo CF this offseason
                        -Sign Adames this offseason. There is just fucking nothing and payroll is slashed and burned, especially without Luzardo
                        -Sign SP to replace Luzardo this offseason (2-3 years max)

                        Normal decisions

                        -Sign stopgap 3B and pray for Pauley or the Norby 3B defense, 1 year deals - this is easy
                        -Maybe need a stopgap OF, 1 year deals - this is easy
                        -Draft 1st Rounder 25
                        -Draft 2nd Rounder 25
                        -Draft 1st Rounder 26
                        -Draft 2nd Rounder 26 - These 4 all obviously happen as they have the picks
                        -Draft college relievers to holy hell 3rd round and on 2025 - this happens too as there is a draft
                        -Trade Burger, Sanchez, Bender when they peel off roster for more pitching - this is easy if they are performing

                        Better days are coming if Bruce will allow it. This is a looooooooow bar for Bruce Sherman to ask for 1 major (Adames) and 1 moderate (Luzardo replacement short term) signing for the next 5-7 years on paper. The only epic arbitration buyout on top of that may be Eury and that can wait 2 years to see what's up.


                        • The Punching Bag had 2 hits in his Pirates debut


                          • Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                            The Punching Bag had 2 hits in his Pirates debut
                            raising that OPS to a whopping .708. Another hot week and he will get right back up to where he always is- .725 OPS, bad defense, bad plate discipline. He's remarkably consistent if not anything else.


                            • christian pache was DFA'd by the orioles. probably just a bust but cant hurt to put in a claim and see if he can figure it out for a few months and maybe become something. very limited action but he wasnt terrible for the phillies last year
                              Last edited by fish16; 08-01-2024, 12:43 PM.


                              • kemp alderman has finally started to show some of the promise he came with when he was drafted over the last month. Reminds me of josh willingham a little bit with the bat

