Mistakes that Mattingly will make:
1) Batting Bour fourth every day. Bour is an entirely different hitter vs. LHP (not very good). A platoon with Cooper is the right path, but Mattingy will not do that. If he insists on playing Bour vs. lefties despite all we know, he should be dropped to sixth or seventh in the order on those days.
2) Castro batting third. A guy who bounces grounders to third and short with consistency is a rally killer. Anderson is the right choice to hit third.
3) Ziegler at closer. Steckenrider is the right choice, with Barraclough next in line. Those two ARE the BP right now.
4) Hitting someone other than Galloway at lead off (Galloway won't even make the roster). IG would provide 40-steals and excellent OF defense. If spring was a competition, as Mattingly suggested, Galloway won it.
Correct moves he will make:
1) Hitting DD second.
1) Batting Bour fourth every day. Bour is an entirely different hitter vs. LHP (not very good). A platoon with Cooper is the right path, but Mattingy will not do that. If he insists on playing Bour vs. lefties despite all we know, he should be dropped to sixth or seventh in the order on those days.
2) Castro batting third. A guy who bounces grounders to third and short with consistency is a rally killer. Anderson is the right choice to hit third.
3) Ziegler at closer. Steckenrider is the right choice, with Barraclough next in line. Those two ARE the BP right now.
4) Hitting someone other than Galloway at lead off (Galloway won't even make the roster). IG would provide 40-steals and excellent OF defense. If spring was a competition, as Mattingly suggested, Galloway won it.
Correct moves he will make:
1) Hitting DD second.