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Beinfest Unhappy?

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  • #61
    why r u guys saying Gonzalez's improvement was unpredictable? Everyone knew he was gonna be a player but his return brought the world series so it worked out....


    • #62
      Originally posted by Valid View Post
      But that doesn't mean you call him a bad GM for making the deal. No one really complained about the return at the time. Beinfest got two top prospects who just so happened to not work out. It's not his fault he was unlucky.
      Everyone was complaining, including the Governor of Puerto Rico

      /can insert hyperbole that's unverifiable just as good as the next guy

      I wonder if the opinion of playing results is similar when discussing experts and their predictions. If you can't play the score at the end of the game, can you ever actually be wrong at making a prediction? If the results of actions you've made don't judge your performance level, how do we know what monetary value should be assigned to a player? Why don't we randomly assign players to each team instead of having a free agency period combined with a draft?
      God would be expecting a first pitch breaking ball in the dirt because humans love to disappoint him.
      - Daft


      • #63
        Originally posted by ....J.... View Post
        why r u guys saying Gonzalez's improvement was unpredictable? Everyone knew he was gonna be a player but his return brought the world series so it worked out....
        When he had 2 home runs in 2003, everyone knew he'd be the best left handed hitter in baseball 4 years later?


        • #64
          Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
          When he had 2 home runs in 2003, everyone knew he'd be the best left handed hitter in baseball 4 years later?
          everyone knew he was gonna be left handed hitter maybe not but there was no doubt he was gonna be a player....


          • #65
            Beinfest has had 2.5 teams to play with since becoming GM. We had one championship, built largely by the previous general manager, a couple surprise teams (2006, 2008), one team that met expectations (2009) and four teams (2004, 2005, 2010, 2011) that failed dramatically to meet the 'expectations'. Not of the general public (hehe) but of the people in charge of constructing those teams.

            Edwin and Fredi were run out of town for failing to meet expectations. McKeon was almost one of these names if not for Loria's loyalty. At what point, is Beinberg to blame? (It appears Loria is nearing that conclusion.)

            As I said earlier, one of those teams was him being forced to put whatever players he could find on a team. He had a three year stretch where he went into the offseason with a public plan to 'overhaul' the roster in his image and failed miserably to get things accomplished. He can hide behind the salary issues all he wants but in the end the good GMs can cobble something together.

            Results should always be the most important measure of determining past performance. Judging based on the consensus at the time of the decision is a good way to set yourself up for failure. Not because you are going to be horrible but because you will not accomplish anything of any significance. (Hey, that sounds like us!) Everyone assumes they are correct at the time the decision is made. Who makes a million dollar mistake wittingly?

            It is silly to suggest that over the long run all GMs will have similar results. That assumes all 30 general managers have a philosophy that is more or less as valid as the other. As experience with business, politics, etc. has proven not all philosophies or management styles work and some are vastly superior to others. Why is baseball any different? The same incentives to innovate are there. There is not one 'way' to build a baseball team.
            Last edited by Party; 09-19-2011, 09:28 PM.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
              When he had 2 home runs in 2003, everyone knew he'd be the best left handed hitter in baseball 4 years later?
              Do not feed the troll.

              Maybe if we ignore him, he will die.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Claudio Vernight View Post
                Edwin and Fredi were run out of town for failing to meet expectations. McKeon was almost one of these names if not for Loria's loyalty. At what point, is Beinberg to blame? (It appears Loria is nearing that conclusion.)
                Since when was Beinfest involved with Edwin leaving. Unless I missed something Edwin left on his own free will and the organization had given no indication of him being fired midseason.


                • #68
                  Some of those underachieving years included significant injuries. Like...Josh Johnson. Every year.

                  Beinfest can't be faulted for that.

                  There are plenty of variables that lead to lack of depth. Beinfest can't be faulted for things such as lack of money, however.

                  The Marlins simply can't afford significant injuries every year and they've seriously been happening every year.

                  Obviously certain things are his fault but the significant injuries every year are rather unpredictable.

                  This year looks a lot better with a healthy Josh Johnson being a part of it. Or, like, Hanley Ramirez not turning into shit. That would've helped. Only one of the best pitchers in baseball and the best position player on the team. No biggie.
                  Last edited by Erick; 09-19-2011, 08:21 PM.


                  • #69
                    What does that say about the rest of the roster and our organizational depth?

                    (As in piecing together league average replacements and trading MiLB talent for established MLers?)
                    I'm not expecting to win 93 games without JJ, but seriously, you would think after a decade Beinfest the mastermind would have more to show than Dombrowski's championship. The NL was relatively weak last decade.
                    Last edited by Party; 09-19-2011, 08:51 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Claudio Vernight View Post
                      What does that say about the rest of the roster and our organizational depth?

                      (As in piecing together league average replacements and trading MiLB talent for established MLers?)
                      I'm not expecting to win 93 games without JJ, but seriously, you would think after a decade Beinfest the mastermind would have more to show than Dombrowski's championship. The NL was relatively weak last decade.
                      I'd say Beinfest has done just fine in terms of acquiring league average replacement players.

                      It basically says that he's been dealing with a horrendous payroll for years.

                      Also, why are we calling it "Dombrowski's championship?" Beinfest made moves to acquire significant players that led to our championship that year, as well.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Claudio Vernight View Post
                        you would think after a decade Beinfest the mastermind.
                        Is this the bounds of the debate? Are we debating whether he's a genius? Because if your argument is simply that he's not any sort of mastermind, I'm right there with you. Nobody has argued he is.
                        Last edited by Bobbob1313; 09-19-2011, 09:49 PM.


                        • #72
                          I think the debate is whether Beinfest is average or slightly above average.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Claudio Vernight View Post
                            I think the debate is whether Beinfest is average or slightly above average.
                            I don't think it is; are we OK average? Would we want to keep average?

                            The team is 1 game over .500 in his time as GM. That's average. But a number of people here are displeased with the results of his time as GM. So, clearly, the discussion isn't about whether he's average, is it?


                            • #74
                              Not at all. Some people (me) are not content with being average.


                              • #75
                                A small payroll team like us certainly needs to be better than average in the front office. I agree with that line of thinking.

