to profitable NOT to fail
smarmy wannabbe film critic, too cool radio newswimp,dan lev, money sucking daddy in loria, banana republic local pols....(hey, 3 anglos from palm beach county commission currently in prison too!) and you get The Marlins....and near billion dollars stadium care of the tax payer who was not allow to vote yeah or nah in a referendum. Where are the real sports reporters.......?
Socialized American Sports.....public funds, owners cash.......
smarmy wannabbe film critic, too cool radio newswimp,dan lev, money sucking daddy in loria, banana republic local pols....(hey, 3 anglos from palm beach county commission currently in prison too!) and you get The Marlins....and near billion dollars stadium care of the tax payer who was not allow to vote yeah or nah in a referendum. Where are the real sports reporters.......?
Socialized American Sports.....public funds, owners cash.......