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Bobby V: If this is a Major League Process I Hope I'm Never in the Process Again

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Ramp View Post
    Considering the years of evidence we have with the front office, I don't think it's a vast overreaction to suggest that the organization is in the wrong here.

    And if they aren't, good for them. Would be nice to see a change.
    Agreed. I think they probably are in the wrong, somewhat more than Bobby V would be, due to the history of inadequacy of the FO. I guess my point in resonating with Bobbob's plea is that suggesting and blaming seem like two different things to me.
    Christian Yelich
    LF, Greensboro Grasshoppers
    12/5/1991 - 19 years old

    100-334, 24 2B, 0 3B, 10 HR, 38 BB, 74 SO, 26 SB (4 CS)


    Last 10 Games:

    Last Update: 7/27/2011


    • #47
      I just think it's weird that we go from "Bobby V is upset" to "Samson is such a tool. Why does he still have a job?" in like 3 posts, especially when we have no clue what caused things to break down.


      • #48
        And FWIW, there are sooo many better candidates than Bobby V. I want Tom Foley (Rays 3rd Base coach),
        Christian Yelich
        LF, Greensboro Grasshoppers
        12/5/1991 - 19 years old

        100-334, 24 2B, 0 3B, 10 HR, 38 BB, 74 SO, 26 SB (4 CS)


        Last 10 Games:

        Last Update: 7/27/2011


        • #49
          I mean I think BobbyV comments speak for itself. The process wasn't handled like a class act organization, he was offended, and probably left thinking my God what a joke. Unless Bobby lied, or demanded mega signings right away or he would be offended, I gotta believe some FO circus act went on.


          • #50
            Originally posted by FishFF View Post
            I mean I think BobbyV comments speak for itself. The process wasn't handled like a class act organization, he was offended, and probably left thinking my God what a joke. Unless Bobby lied, or demanded mega signings right away or he would be offended, I gotta believe some FO circus act went on.
            Ugh, you're being so un-Dude-like here


            • #51
              Originally posted by FishFF View Post
              I mean I think BobbyV comments speak for itself. The process wasn't handled like a class act organization, he was offended, and probably left thinking my God what a joke. Unless Bobby lied, or demanded mega signings right away or he would be offended, I gotta believe some FO circus act went on.
              How did we handle this and how would a class organization handle it?


              • #52
                It's not like Bobby V is a class act and a squeaky clean personality.


                • #53
                  No one is claiming to "know" exactly what happened. This is where you look at track records and then look at comments made by Bobby V who seemed to have the job in the bag suddenly back out and have some pretty harsh words towards the whole ordeal. I'll make my assumption based on that. Like someone said, if it turns out it was Bobby V and the FO handled the whole situation very reasonably, good for them. I'll take the better odds here though.


                  • #54
                    The last thing our front office deserves is the benefit of the doubt.


                    • #55
                      I think there is a difference between not giving them the benefit of the doubt and taking everything anyone but them says as gospel and using to shit on them.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                        What kind of response would you like from me here?

                        I'm not pretending to know what happened, I'm simply offering a possibility that is not "Loria is a fucking shit head and David Samson is retarded". I don't automatically go with the Front Office as villian storyline when the only evidence for it is that Bobby Valentine is vauguely upset.

                        Well you mentioned that it was possible that BobbyV went in and started making demands that the FO was uncomfortable with. I gave a list of some likely demands he made.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by FishFanInPA View Post
                          It's not like Bobby V is a class act and a squeaky clean personality.
                          links? examples?

                          I'm being serious here.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Daft View Post
                            Well you mentioned that it was possible that BobbyV went in and started making demands that the FO was uncomfortable with. I gave a list of some likely demands he made.
                            Oh, so you actually expected a serious response with that post?

                            OK, here goes.

                            No, he probably did not make those demands, as those are silly and oddly specific demands for a person uninvolved with the organization to make, save the last one, which they've shown they are willing to do by trading for Nick Johnson last year. If he was aware that we ran our season into the ground with Boner, as implied by your post, then he would have to be aware of last year's trade deadline move to acquire a very good offensive player.
                            Last edited by Bobbob1313; 06-30-2010, 02:29 PM.


                            • #59
                              cmon Bobbob, those were all serious things that Daft posted.

                              Ramp, links coming.

                              The standoff between Lotte fans and management is reminiscent of 1995, when Valentine was let go despite leading the team to a second-place finish in the Pacific League.

                              Valentine, a native of Stamford, Conn., returned to the United States to manage in the major leagues, and his success with the Mets only added to his popularity with Lotte fans who felt betrayed by management.

                              General manager Tatsuro Hirooka said Valentine was being let go because he didn't understand Japanese baseball. Others argued his popularity with the players and the fans rubbed Hirooka the wrong way.
                              Valentine had an uneasy, if not volatile relationship with general manager Steve Phillips, who eventually fired him after the 2002 season.
                              If anything, they prefer he did not exist at all. They disdain the bad publicity he brought to the team during those winning years. Valentine was feuding with Steve Phillips, Todd Zeile, John Franco, Todd Hundley, Al Leiter, and Daryl Hamilton often.

                              He would disrespect the Wilpons by not obeying their ultimatums.
                              Just a couple of snippets of things.
                              Now you may say those are small things and Steve Phillips is an idiot and blah blah blah...but honestly, i'd rather not deal with any of that.
                              Last edited by FishFanInPA; 06-30-2010, 02:35 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                              • #60
                                How is that an example of class?

