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2009 Marlins Trade Deadline Discussion

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  • Originally posted by Swift View Post
    With the Phillies getting Lee I think we're now three legitimate moves away from being better than them, and I hate the idea of being buyers on July 31 purely for the wild-card. Sell, sell, sell. Our priority for the rest of the year should be finding AB's for Cam, a legit audition for Gaby, and failing that some August-Sept. AB's for Logan.

    so dumb

    and i know if we don't make the playoffs you'll point back to this post and say SEE I FUCKING TOLD YOU GUYS but when you're two games out of a playoff spot (who gives a shit if you're playing for the wild card? when the Marlins traded for Urbina in 03 was it to catch the Braves?) and you don't try to make a move you are just not an organization focused on winning, period.


    • We are buyers however we are trying to Sell an OF either Cody Ross or Hermida.


      • Selling Hermida probably helps us now anyways lol

        As I said, if Ross is traded for the right kind of player, go for it. If not, he better stay put.


        • I think we're in sell mode, and if we win... so be it

          I think we're still looking to 2010


          • I'd get the argument if we were someone like Kansas City or Pittsburgh where chances like this just don't come along frequently, but we've had this core play semi-meaningful September games for five of the six previous seasons. There's too damn much wrong with this team, and Philly and St. Louis (the two teams we'll be chasing) getting so much better it's nuts to say unequivocally go for it.

            I mean, just to tread water we need at least one SP, probably 2 (since I doubt we see Miller any time soon) and we need to do the impossible, get Mr. .299 OBP on the bench. I even would go so far as to say the pieces are there for us to make a run if Miller can come up and just be decent and RVH stays healthy, but Lord knows we won't use them properly.


            • How do you want to use Miller?


              • well he just got hurt(sprained ankle), so maybe he's referring to that


                • I'm of the school of thought that if you're close to a playoff spot (aka 2 games out of one at the deadline), you go for it. No if's, and's, or but's.


                  • We haven't had a hanley, Cody, uggla, hermida core since 2004.


                    • I don't know that we necessarily have the pieces to "go for it"

                      Yes, we have Stanton, Morrison and Dominguez but they're pretty much off limits


                      • Originally posted by McLevin View Post
                        I'm of the school of thought that if you're close to a playoff spot (aka 2 games out of one at the deadline), you go for it. No if's, and's, or but's.
                        Too bad our FO isn't.
                        "I just want them to keep bringing guys on and I'm going to strip them of their health. I bring pain, a lot of pain." Mike Tyson


                        • I think the moves will be Carl Pavano for a prospect and either Hermida to Cincy for Arthur Rhodes and prospects OR Cody Ross to Yankees for prospects

                          Nothing big except pick up a veteran arm who will probably resign with us and getting Arthur Rhodes back for this year and next year for 2 mil. Plus some prospects


                          • Why do they always trade for the future? Haven't they been doing this ever since Beinfest came into the picture?
                            "I just want them to keep bringing guys on and I'm going to strip them of their health. I bring pain, a lot of pain." Mike Tyson


                            • Originally posted by Swift View Post
                              I'd get the argument if we were someone like Kansas City or Pittsburgh where chances like this just don't come along frequently, but we've had this core play semi-meaningful September games for five of the six previous seasons. There's too damn much wrong with this team, and Philly and St. Louis (the two teams we'll be chasing) getting so much better it's nuts to say unequivocally go for it.

                              I mean, just to tread water we need at least one SP, probably 2 (since I doubt we see Miller any time soon) and we need to do the impossible, get Mr. .299 OBP on the bench. I even would go so far as to say the pieces are there for us to make a run if Miller can come up and just be decent and RVH stays healthy, but Lord knows we won't use them properly.
                              Both Philadelphia and St. Louis will probably win their respective divisions, so I don't see how they're even relevant in this discussion.
                              Originally posted by tjfla View Post
                              I think the moves will be Carl Pavano for a prospect and either Hermida to Cincy for Arthur Rhodes and prospects OR Cody Ross to Yankees for prospects

                              Nothing big except pick up a veteran arm who will probably resign with us and getting Arthur Rhodes back for this year and next year for 2 mil. Plus some prospects
                              If it's Hermida, I won't mind as much. I just think Cody is far too important to the team this year to deal (not saying that I'm in favor of trading Hermida for a reliever, but I'd rather deal him than Ross).
                              Last edited by m26555; 07-29-2009, 03:10 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                              • Originally posted by Virtuoso View Post
                                Why do they always trade for the future? Haven't they been doing this ever since Beinfest came into the picture?
                                2003 saw Urbina come aboard, 2004 was the Lo Duca deal. So no. Not at all.

                                Anyway as flawed as this team is they are only two games out. I wouldn't have a huge problem with a massive sell-off of assets, but at the same time the PR hit would be pretty big if they were to trade off Hermida, Ross, Uggla, Cantu, etc., while only bringing prospects back, only months after securing a stadium agreement.

                                That's no reason to buy while selling the farm, but at the same time it's not going to help the Marlins generate excitement, ticket sales etc. for 2010/2011/2012. The cries will be of "more of the same, teh stadium didn't help." Selling off those guys in the offseason is much easier to handle from a PR standpoint than is sellign them when teh team is two games out of a playoff spot.

                                That said, if the FO is able to reshape teh roster now by sending off Hermida and Ross (Ross is the only guy who I can see having an urgency about trading him now) while bringing back some players who can help this year (like Pavano, Rhodes, ideally Teahen or someone like that in a separate deal) and could also be a part of the 2010 team, then the FO accomplishes the goal of improving the team for the future while not giving the perception of waving a white flag on the present. Whch, from an organizational standpoint, is the ideal outcome.

