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Marlins Pre-Offseason Discussion

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  • Marlins Pre-Offseason Discussion

    Name a Marlins’ front office member and chances are he’ll be in New York this week.

    Wednesday, the club’s executives will gather with owner Jeffrey Loria for some off-season planning. Among the topics likely on the agenda: the club’s next manager, free agent targets, and ways to improve the farm system.

    Last month in Chicago, Loria said the lack of organizational depth was disappointing and hinted changes would be forthcoming, but he did offer specifics.

    “Wait and see,” Loria said, during the club’s second-half opening series against the Cubs at Wrigley Field. “We need to improve that situation. When we needed some players, we didn’t have them. The top players in our minor league system are now here, so that leaves us a little thin down there. When we have a problem, we can‘t call on the guys that are here.

    “We could use some additional instruction in spring training. The question of an approach to an at-bat is not a question when you come to the major leagues. It’s dealt with down below, thinking about situations.”

    As far as a new manager, Loria is on the record saying the Marlins would pursue an experienced skipper. If he becomes available, Ozzie Guillen would rank high on their wish list, but the Marlins can’t count on that marriage with the White Sox coming to an end. Some names with previous managerial experience currently on major league staffs: Willie Randolph, John Gibbons, Trey Hillman, Alan Trammell, Tony Pena, John McLaren and Don Baylor…
    Front office summit to take place this week in New York
    Last edited by THE_REAL_MIBS; 09-04-2011, 12:51 PM.

  • #2
    Ramp was invited right?


    • #3
      Maybe they'll realize that you can't pinch-a-penny your way to the playoffs and the entire franchise's modus operandi needs to be reevaluated before we sink into a decade of mediocrity.

      The high water mark was in 2009 and the product has become progressively worse


      • #4
        Frank Forte talked to Loria a little about this during game 2 today. Loria assured everyone that it will be addressed and something about the rotation being spotty but I think our record has more to do with the lack of offense than the rotation. I thought JCR said it perfectly in his game summary.

        Anibal Sanchez and Ricky Nolasco weren't horrible. They just weren't flawless, and that's what it takes for the Marlins to win considering the lack of offense.
        Mets hold Marlins to two runs in doubleheader sweep

        I mean, if Loria wants to go shell out the money to get 4 number 1 starters like the Phillies did, more power to him. I think we'd be better off getting an actual centerfielder and a high average, power third baseman so we can actually stand a chance of scoring some runs once in a while and take the pressure off the starters. Add in a number 3 starter to replace Vazquez (who sounds like he's going to retire) and see what happens.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sandroimbuto
          He said today the fans will be real happy with offseason acquisitions.
          Isn't that what he said about this past seasons acquisitions? How's that working out?


          • #6
            Well Vazquez has been our best SP for 2 months now and John Buck's put up an .861 ops in the 2nd half after his bullshit bad luck .246babip first half.

            So I'd say the free agent moves worked out.

            Infante has a .976 ops since the ASB, which is about as long as Uggla's been worth a shit, so...

            The Maybin trade looks bad, but I doubt he'd be doing what he's doing in SD if he was here. Being upset about that is stupid. And anyone acting like we could have gotten more for him is using revisionist history.

            If the guys who were already here had stayed healthy (JJ, Hanley), not been disappointing (Morrison (kinda), Coghlan, Nolasco, Anibal), we'd be doing pretty well right now.

            I mean, we're still 11 games over .500 with Hanley. Being upset with the way we're playing now is just dumb. Look at our lineup.
            Last edited by HUGG; 08-29-2011, 10:26 PM.


            • #7
              That's kind of my point, though. Hanley goes down and the team goes to absolute shit. We need another, high average power guy that we can use as protection for Hanley or in case Hanley gets hurt. They were relying on one of Gaby, LoMo and Stanton to do that but they have all struggled at times this year. I guess it goes back to needing a veteran guy to rely on to take the pressure off the young guys. Instead, the lack of offense is putting pressure on the starters and they're getting frustrated. Nolasco mentioned that in his post game comments and you could see from Anibal's body language during the game that he is frustrated, too.


              • #8
                well free agency isnt getting you that third baseman or center fielder you want (outside of Beltran)


                • #9
                  I don't want to be that guy (because Omar plays the part way better) but if there ever were an offseason to land Pujols it's this one.

                  The usual suspects...

                  Yankees = Have a 1B
                  Red Sox = Have a 1B
                  Mets = Semi-bankrupt/Reyes a priority
                  Cubs = lol @ Soriano, Zambrano and Pena contracts, $72 million on the books for '12 (payroll $134 million this year), they are really bad
                  Dodgers = It's going to take me a while to figure out how bankrupt McCourt's 7,032 entities (the Dodgers) are
                  Angels = Arte Moreno loves swinging and missing on big FAs
                  Phillies = Rotation of the Decade = $$$$$$$$$$$$

                  That leaves the Cardinals, Nationals, Giants and Rangers.

                  It's a long shot, but I'd say there is a 20% shot the stars align.


                  • #10
                    No suh. Your balloon will be deflated if you believe there is any chance of signing any player to a contract larger than Hanley at this point. Hanley is the face of the franchise for better or worse, the money issues aside and yes the fact it would take a $200,000,000 contract or so aside the political shit storm would not be good for the team. The last thing we need is to have Hanley dog it full time and demand a trade to Pawtucket because we signed someone better than him.

                    Best case scenario is we sign or trade for a SP and hope our current talents stay healthy, grow up and improve.
                    There's No jOOj In Team.


                    • #11
                      Cubs have an owner who is willing to spend a ton of money and will have a new GM who could start his regime off with a bang.

                      And couldn't Pujols DH? Jorge Posada has been the Yankees most used player at that spot.
                      Last edited by HUGG; 08-29-2011, 11:58 PM.


                      • #12
                        I sense a trap, why is this meeting on Tessio's turf?
                        Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hugg View Post

                          The Maybin trade looks bad, but I doubt he'd be doing what he's doing in SD if he was here.

                          Based on what?


                          • #14
                            Interview Forte had with Loria during game.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                              Cubs have an owner who is willing to spend a ton of money and will have a new GM who could start his regime off with a bang.

                              And couldn't Pujols DH? Jorge Posada has been the Yankees most used player at that spot.
                              Considering how much the Yankees "like" Nunez and how increasingly fragile ARod is becoming, you have to think the DH going forward has a lot of ARod.

