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Marlins Pre-Offseason Discussion

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  • #16
    The word out of Chicago this morning is that the White Sox are renewing discussions with the Marlins about compensation for Ozzie Guillen, that coming from the Chicago Sun-Times (read the story here).

    This wouldn't be the first time the two teams have discussed the manager. As you'll recall, the Marlins requested permission to talk to Guillen at the end of last season but refused to give up a player -- reportedly Logan Morrison -- in order to do that.

    No surprise that the two sides are back at it, as the strain between Guillen and Sox G.M. Kenny Williams appears to be worsening, according to the newspaper's sources.

    Despite the recent issues involving Morrison, I can't imagine the Marlins would even think about dealing the young outfielder, whose potential value in terms of producing wins is greater than any one manager's. But the managing situation is sure to be one of the topics discussed on Wednesday when the Marlins' top execs gather in the Big Apple to meet with owner Jeffrey Loria.
    Newspaper: White Sox/Marlins talking Guillen
    Here's most of the Sun Times article that was referenced.

    A major-league source told the Sun-Times that the fragile relationship between Guillen and Williams is now beyond repair.

    Not that the Guillen-Williams saga is anything new.

    What is new? Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf and the Sox are feeling pain in the pocketbook during this frustrating season. Whether it’s because of the drama doesn’t matter anymore. Lost money is lost money.

    A year ago, Reinsdorf was willing to play peacemaker, put a Band-Aid on the wound and let it heal over time. It seemed like it did when Williams announced at SoxFest that Guillen’s 2012 club option was picked up. Hugs and kisses for everyone.

    That was almost seven months ago, but it feels more like seven years.

    There have been at least two known heated blowups between Guillen and Williams, according to sources. But even more significant is the recent talk in baseball circles that the White Sox have been getting a feel for managerial candidates. Sources said that also included renewing talks with the Florida Marlins about compensation for Guillen with the team set to open its new stadium next season.

    News to him

    Guillen wasn’t shocked to hear that being discussed last year, especially because it was leaked. This time, however, it was somewhat surprising for the eighth-year Sox manager.

    “I hadn’t heard anything about [the latest talk], but I’m not really paying attention to that,’’ Guillen told the Sun-Times on Monday. “Like I keep saying, whatever they do, that’s up to them. I have a contract, so my hands are tied. I want to stay here, but only if they want to keep me here. This is a business, so if they want to talk to other teams or talk to others about managing .  .  . I know it’s not what I want.’’

    A team spokesman was unable to reach Reinsdorf for comment.

    Guillen, however, was full of comments, especially when he was asked if he had a gut feeling on whether Reinsdorf was poised to separate his manager and general manager.

    “Who knows?’’ Guillen replied, sounding exhausted by the entire situation. “To be honest, it’s pretty good money for him to just let me go. If they don’t think I’m doing my job and all this s---, they think Ozzie f----- this up, fine, let them think that.

    “This Florida talk, every option is there, but I don’t know if they can do that without getting in trouble by MLB. If they want to try and trade me, there’s all these rumors out there, but maybe I have to accept a trade. If it’s not a situation that’s comfortable for me or for my family, maybe I won’t.’’

    What has Guillen fired up is the idea that he was making decisions to sabotage the season in hopes of making Williams look bad.

    “Let’s get this straight: I’m the face of the franchise,’’ Guillen said. “People can say what they want. There’s a lot of blame going around out there, but I blame myself because I guess I’m the one with the balls around here. It’s not because I’m cocky or an arrogant guy, but I can leave Chicago with my head up. That’s what’s important to me.

    “Jerry is the one that has to decide on if [Kenny and I] can make it work. We’re doing it, getting by. We’re not best friends, but we make due. We’re professional. We do what’s best for the ballclub. Our job is more important than our friendship.

    “I do know I’m trying to win games, period.’’

    It’s all an act

    Which might be the biggest reason for the disconnect between Guillen and Williams this season. Guillen’s focus remains on winning games. Williams’ seems to be on saving his own butt.

    For the first time since the 2007 season, Williams took responsibility for putting the roster together. The entire $127 million wreck of it. But that’s because he had no choice but to do so.

    Where he continually has failed is in acting like a GM regarding personnel decisions. Even going back to the Jim Thome drama in 2010, Williams has been painting a picture that he allows a certain amount of responsibility for roster decisions to fall on his coaching staff and Guillen. One big happy family.


    The same coaches he won’t extend contracts to beyond this season, and a manger he’s willing to trade? No one is buying that attempt to pass the buck under a veil of responsibility.

    This isn’t going to end well.

    And at this point, maybe it shouldn’t for one of them.

    The ball is in the chairman’s court.

    Strange days, indeed.
    White Sox' Ozzie Guillen: 'I can leave Chicago with my head up'
    Last edited by THE_REAL_MIBS; 08-30-2011, 02:07 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


    • #17
      Originally posted by Namaste View Post
      Based on what?
      The fact we would have sent him down after 2 bad weeks like we always did. He got one year of ABs here and they gave up on him.


      • #18
        I'm gonna be really pissed if we give up anything for Ozzie Fucking Guillen.


        • #19
          I'm so expecting a LoMo for Ozzie trade this offseason. The groundwork has already been laid.

          Sent from my e-smuggin' iPhone.
          This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


          • #20
            never gonna happen, stop


            • #21
              Originally posted by Ramp View Post
              well free agency isnt getting you that third baseman or center fielder you want (outside of Beltran)
              Im not sure he can handle CF for 140 games. So I think it's no one.


              • #22
                We coulda had him for Maybin! /idiot
                There's No jOOj In Team.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                  The fact we would have sent him down after 2 bad weeks like we always did. He got one year of ABs here and they gave up on him.

                  I don't think he was ever sent down after two bad weeks here but I see where you're coming from.

                  No doubt the fan base (many on this forum) gave up on him WAY too early.


                  • #24
                    With less than a month to play in the season, the Marlins' front office gathered for much of Wednesday afternoon to address how the organization should move forward for the future.

                    Team owner Jeffrey Loria held a prolonged meeting at the team hotel in New York before the club took on the Mets at Citi Field.

                    Among those in attendance were team president David Samson, president of baseball operations Larry Beinfest, general manager Michael Hill, vice president of player personnel and assistant general manager Dan Jennings, along with special assistants Tony Perez and Andre Dawson.

                    Manager Jack McKeon attended for a while before he headed to the ballpark.

                    McKeon took over as interim manager on June 20 after Edwin Rodriguez resigned.

                    If McKeon doesn't return as manager, he is expected to return to his advisory position.

                    A strong candidate to manage next year is Ozzie Guillen of the White Sox. The Marlins' third-base coach in 2002-03, speculation already has started that Guillen could be leaving Chicago for Florida.

                    "We talked about how bad we're doing and how good we're doing -- general stuff," McKeon said. "And what we need to get better. I just kept quiet. You know me."

                    The Marlins are laboring through their roughest season since they were 71-91 in 2007.

                    The franchise is moving into their new ballpark in 2012, and plenty of changes are expected.

                    Specifics from the meeting were not revealed, but McKeon noted the get-together isn't out of the ordinary. The team frequently has a meeting of the minds.

                    "It was nothing to get excited about," McKeon said. "It was general stuff. It was a normal thing, except we just had it in a hotel room and had better food."
                    Marlins' brass holds meeting to discuss future


                    • #25
                      Is the assistant to the traveling secretary there?
                      Amy Adams, AKA Cinnamon Muff
                      Logan Morrison: "If baseball didn't exist, I would probably be ... like a curler. Or a hairstylist."
                      Noah Perio
                      39 AB
                      15 H
                      0 2B
                      0 3B
                      0 HR
                      0 BB


                      • #26
                        Q. What was the gist with yesterday's meeting?

                        Beinfest: We have these meetings time to time with Jeffrey. It was like any other meeting, talking about this club and maybe what went wrong and what went right. Things that we want to improve on for next year.

                        Q. Outside of the significant injuries to J.J. and Hanley, what else do you see (is needed)? The team has not been successful the last few months.

                        Beinfest: We've just been very inconsistent. We've been streaking, which is not great. We've had winning streaks and really sustained losing streaks. You just wanted to see it kind of even out, and htis club just wasn't able to do that. I think it starts with the starting pitching. It's been really inconsistent. I'm not going to point fingers at anybody. It sets the tone. There was a ..the early runs in the game. When you're behind in the game, it sets the tone and makes it very hard to come back. That would be one area. On the positive I think the defense has improved. I think the bullpen has done a solid job, and under a heavy workload.

                        Q. But was there something you saw with what happened with the unit you had out there that made you think about next season and what you need to address?

                        Beinfest: I think it's more on the pitching than anything else. It could be addressed through health. Or it could be addressed through maturity. Or it could be addressed with different personnel. But, really, the starting pitching, we needed to be more consistent and we weren't.
                        Beinfest on Hanley, JJ


                        • #27
                          Our pitching has been the biggest issue? Hasn't the hitting been equally inconsistent? We get well pitched games but couldn't hit to save our lives.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by AdamRavs View Post
                            Our pitching has been the biggest issue? Hasn't the hitting been equally inconsistent? We get well pitched games but couldn't hit to save our lives.
                            I totally agree with this. You look at our numbers with RISP and the fact that we're 11th in runs scored in the NL and I don't get how everyone thinks that pitching is our biggest need. With our offense, we need 5 Roy Halladay's and I'm still not even sure that our offense would be able to keep us over .500 even then.


                            • #29
                              but the pitching has been as bad or worse than the hitting. we have had horrible seasons from volsatd and nolasco and not so good half from vasquez


                              • #30
                                We've also been shut out 10 times and have scored 1-2 runs countless other times.
                                Frank just showed the stats. We're 20 points below the league average in RISP.
                                Last edited by THE_REAL_MIBS; 09-01-2011, 07:49 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged

