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Fists and Baseballs Fly. Marlins Win 16-10.

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  • #31
    Pat Listach hurled his helmeted self on top of Volstad to prevent Nyjer from getting creamed.


    • #32
      Like it or not, Gaby and Volstad both connected with punches (I count Gaby's clothesline as a punch) and thus should be suspended.


      • #33


        • #34
          Originally posted by Hugg View Post
          Like it or not, Gaby and Volstad both connected with punches (I count Gaby's clothesline as a punch) and thus should be suspended.
          True but Morgan charged the mound and threw the first punch. Volstad defended himself and Gaby tried to get him off of Volstad (and was the only player directly involved in the fight to not get ejected).


          • #35
            That's a fight. Suspension is definitely coming.


            • #36
              I'd go 6 for Volstad, 3 for Gaby, 2 for Edwin


              • #37
                Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                I'd go 6 for Volstad, 3 for Gaby, 2 for Edwin
                This sounds about right.

                I would say at least what Volstad got for Nyjer.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                  True but Morgan charged the mound and threw the first punch. Volstad defended himself and Gaby tried to get him off of Volstad (and was the only player directly involved in the fight to not get ejected).
                  Volstad wasn't defending himself when he was punching Morgan after Morgan had been obliterated by Gaby.


                  • #39
                    I can't stop laughing after every time i see gaby railroad Nyjer into the ground.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by FishFanInPA View Post
                      I can't stop laughing after every time i see gaby railroad Nyjer into the ground.
                      I know, me too! They just showed it on Sportscenter again and I kept laughing each time you see Gaby flying in and leveling Morgan.
                      Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                      I'd go 6 for Volstad, 3 for Gaby, 2 for Edwin
                      If they give Volstad a 6 game suspension, the Marlins could set up the rotation where Volstad wouldn't even miss a start. His next start in due up on Tuesday. With the double header on Monday, that's 5 games between now and then. They could just push his start back to Wednesday (which was supposed to be Ricky's start). That would still be the 6 games but he wouldn't miss a start.

                      Just saying...
                      Last edited by THE_REAL_MIBS; 09-02-2010, 01:20 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                      • #41


                        • #42
                          Sanabs will most probably get time as well and maybe Davis too. Davis was in the middle of the pack with his mask on punching people, Sanabs was one of the first to come out and he was also throwing punches at everyone until someone threw him out of the pile and the face he makes when they throw him out of the pile is hilarious he looks like a little pissed off kid.


                          • #43
                            Mibs is trying to make me hate Volstad again. Just saying....

                            Also, I endorse Ramp's suspension numbers.


                            • #44
                              For at least one night, we were all Volstad fans.
                              This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


                              • #45
                                Gaby's clothesline is absolutely epic. That shit went down really fast and Gaby did not hesitate at all. Love him.

                                I have no problem with Morgan charging the mound after they threw behind him (after already plugging him). But he kind of ruins it when he acts like an amateur while being escorted off the field. Act like you been there son.

                                If Mike Stanton was pitching (yes I know that is la-la land stuff but just work with me here) does Morgan still charge the mound? I vote no.

