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Fists and Baseballs Fly. Marlins Win 16-10.

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  • #16
    Yeah, I heard Edwin say that they've been throwing inside to Morgan all series. Thrilling.


    • #17
      Originally posted by FishFanInPA View Post
      If you notice after both stolen bases, Nyjer mumbled some choice expletives. Going head first both times also made a difference i guess.
      How does he normally slide? JP always slides head first.

      Also, if you're intention is to "send a message" or cause harm, you lead with your spikes, not your face.


      • #18
        Riggleman said on the MASN postgame that he's glad Nyjer stole those bases. Nyjer said he's a "hard player" and that's just what I do.

        As an aside, I laugh everytime I see Gaby's clothesline. That was the best.


        • #19
          Hal Reynolds is still upset with the stuff and thinks he should be suspended for the rest of the season.

          Gaby's closeline was the best.
          Palm Beach Post has interviews with Volstad and Edwin up on the website, if anyone is interested.
          Last edited by THE_REAL_MIBS; 09-01-2010, 10:23 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


          • #20
            This game was so for me. And Volstad is more for me than he once was.

            That being said, he's lucky Nyjer missed with that haymaker


            • #21
              I wouldn't say he's lucky, he used his superior size to push the punch aside. If you're a foot shorter than someone, don't know why you go for their face. Their reach is a ton farther than yours is.


              • #22
                It would've been super funny looking if he ran out there and punched Volstad in the belly button, I think.


                • #23
                  Pretty sure Nyjer flat out whiffed. I'll have to watch again for further detail into this missed KO


                  • #24


                    • #25
                      This was said by Aarone Boone on BBTN just now regarding the stealing bases. "You don't need to be trying to create runs down 14-3."

                      MBA and FIP can have 'em. They make my head hurt.


                      • #26
                        That is why I do not watch that stuff.


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Morgan connected with Volstad, but not completely. Definitely some contact.

                            My favorite part is Volstad gets like 2 shots in on Nyjer right after the clothesline. That punch sure pissed him off.


                            • #29
                              Yes upon further review, Nyjer gets a piece. Still think it's more to do with Nyjer missing than Chris maneuvering oit of the way. Either way, Volstad is temporarily for me.


                              • #30
                                What do we think is going to be the repercussions of this? I definitely see Morgan getting another suspension but do you guys see Edwin, Volstad or Gaby getting suspensions?

                                Also, when were the benches warned? After the brawl? Rich and Tommy didn't think warning were issued after the Morgan hit and I didn't see that either.

