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Marlins Pitching Holds Up As Bats Go Dry Again, Fish Win 1-0

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  • #46
    People have explained to you why Volstad was sent down as opposed to Robertson but you refuse to listen to it.


    • #47
      Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
      And I would think you guys would root for Volsad to cone back.

      how did everyone miss that mba gave us a new well-fitting nickname for him?
      Originally posted by Madman81
      Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
      Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM me!


      • #48
        I think that should be her nickname.
        I honestly think she's more worked up about it than probably he is.
        Last edited by Nick; 07-18-2010, 07:14 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


        • #49
          Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
          You guys can't make me feel good about Volstad being in AAA when I still don't think he should have been sent down in the first place and who I still believe is better than people we currently have on the roster. You can say whatever you want, it's not going to change my view on this or the way I feel.
          Ok, let's look at it this way. You are too stubborn too change being wrong, and everyone else is too smart to change being right. So no one is going to "change their view."

          So either

          1) You can stop

          Or 2) Others can stop.


          People continue doing this because it's funny how you react. So there's no reason for others to stop.

          That leaves option #1.
          also how has this not been posted yet

          Last edited by nny; 07-18-2010, 07:19 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


          • #50
            If you'll go back and check, I'm not the one that starts this. I can't just let it slide because I'm the kind of person that will stand up and defend myself and my opinion.


            • #51
              I hate this place sometimes.


              • #52
                I'm rooting for Volstad to throw 3 or 4 more quality starts and then get recalled when we trade NateBob.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Hugg View Post
                  I'm rooting for Volstad to throw 3 or 4 more quality starts and then get recalled when we trade NateBob.
                  I can guarantee that, if it takes that long, you will all hate me if you don't already.

                  Besides, the trade deadline is in 13 days. Volstad making that many starts in AAA would put us past the trade deadline.


                  • #54
                    He'll be traded in a waiver deal.


                    • #55

                      > : I)
                      "You owe it to yourself to find your own unorthodox way of succeeding, or sometimes, just surviving."
                      - Michael Johnson

                      J.T. Realmuto .282/.351/.412


                      • #56
                        We did win the game today right?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                          I can guarantee that, if it takes that long, you will all hate me if you don't already.

                          1) Jesus H.
                          2) Belly button.
                          3) Not every time someone makes a post about Sanabia or one related to Volstas is it purely baiting you.
                          4) You look more and more ridiculous with each post.
                          5) Shout out to Ralph, Swift, ¿NICK?, Beef, Hugg and everyone else holding it down it in the greatest country in the world, AMERICA!
                          6) Seriously, point 2 is legit.


                          • #58
                            This is more than opinion...


                            • #59
                              What is more than opinion?


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ¿NICK? View Post
                                This is more than opinion...
                                It's also


