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Marlins Pitching Holds Up As Bats Go Dry Again, Fish Win 1-0

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
    There is no reason to leave Volstad in AAA. He's too good to be down there and he's better than Robertson.

    Personally, I think someone will be traded.
    If Volstad were traded, would you stop rooting for the Marlins?
    This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


    • #17
      Do you even have to ask that?


      • #18
        Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
        There is no reason to leave Volstad in AAA. He's too good to be down there and he's better than Robertson.

        Personally, I think someone will be traded.
        1) Get him some confidence back
        2) Let him work on some stuff with 0 pressure
        3) He is better than Robertson
        4) I have a belly button


        • #19
          West is also probably the first rotation arm called up from here on out.

          Enough with the Volstad stuf.

          Sanabia's changeup is a pretty decent out pitch. I think, worst case, you have a pretty good set-up reliever there.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ramp View Post
            1) Get him some confidence back
            2) Let him work on some stuff with 0 pressure
            3) He is better than Robertson
            4) I have a belly button
            Do we have confirmation that Volstad has a belly button? This maybe his problem


            • #21
              At this point I can only confirm that I indeed have a belly button


              • #22
                Originally posted by Swift View Post
                West is also probably the first rotation arm called up from here on out.

                Enough with the Volstad stuf.

                Sanabia's changeup is a pretty decent out pitch. I think, worst case, you have a pretty good set-up reliever there.
                West didn't pitch that well in his last start. I wouldn't be so sure he's the next. The front office also said that Volstad would be back "sooner than later" and that they "fully expect him back this year".

                I don't even know why I bother. You guys are just going to say more stuff to upset me. It's a never-ending cycle.


                • #23
                  You need to stop taking every single quote like it's gospel


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                    You need to stop taking every single quote like it's gospel
                    Oh, do you have some kind of inside information that the rest if us don't have that says that the front office is just blowing smoke? If so, please share.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                      West didn't pitch that well in his last start. I wouldn't be so sure he's the next. The front office also said that Volstad would be back "sooner than later" and that they "fully expect him back this year".

                      I don't even know why I bother. You guys are just going to say more stuff to upset me. It's a never-ending cycle.

                      You know you don't have to let it upset you right? The reason it keeps on happening is because you keep on trying to respond to them rather than ignore them.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                        Oh, do you have some kind of inside information that the rest if us don't have that says that the front office is just blowing smoke? If so, please share.
                        1) Calm down.
                        2) Sooner than later can mean plenty of things. If West or someone else is called up, it won't be a shocker. Just because they say one thing, doesn't mean for sure this will happen. This goes for life as well.
                        3) I still have a belly button.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MiamiHomer View Post
                          You know you don't have to let it upset you right? The reason it keeps on happening is because you keep on trying to respond to them rather than ignore them.
                          You should know by now that I can't just ignore it.

                          And I would think you guys would root for Volsad to cone back. It's the only thing that is going to make me shut up. He doesn't deserve to be in AAA, he's still better than two of the guys in the rotation (yes, I still think Volstad is better than Sanabia which is not a knock on Sanabia. He's good but I still think Volstad is better) and he's had two great starts in AAA. I will not stop complaining about this until Volstad is back.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                            You should know by now that I can't just ignore it.

                            And I would think you guys would root for Volsad to cone back. It's the only thing that is going to make me shut up. He doesn't deserve to be in AAA, he's still better than two of the guys in the rotation (yes, I still think Volstad is better than Sanabia which is not a knock on Sanabia. He's good but I still think Volstad is better) and he's had two great starts in AAA. I will not stop complaining about this until Volstad is back.
                            If you can't ignore it then I don't know what else to tell you than to stop complaining about it and just deal with it.


                            • #29
                              Aminda thinks Volstad is Nelson Mandela.
                              This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


                              • #30
                                I agree with Ramp. They could call West up and still call Volstad up before they call up the next Chris Seddon. If they do that, they still would not have lied to us.

                                I just hope they have not led us astray, because I tend to take every vague quote any of them say ever forever and assume that it means exactly what I want it to mean in a less vague kinda way.

