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Hanley Ramirez 2010: Starting All-Star SS

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  • #46
    Hanley Ramirez didn’t stick around to talk to reporters after tonight’s game. If he did, he might’ve thanked manager Fredi Gonzalez for choosing his words so carefully in explaining why Ramirez was taken out of the game in the second inning.

    And to Fredi’s credit, he didn’t try to sugar-coat what everyone in the press box and on TV saw — his $70-million shortstop loafing after a ball that he kicked down the left-field line.

    But Fredi was kind compared too what he could’ve said about the lax effort. Here’s the gist of what Fredi said in his post-game session with reporters — while owner Jeffrey Loria stood and watched from the manager’s office:

    “He got smoked by the ball in the ankle. Whether he’s hurt or not hurt or whatever it was, we felt the effort wasn’t there that we wanted. There’s 24 guys out there busting their butts. Cody Ross got hit by a ball 95 miles an hour that wasn’t thrown any less slower and he stayed in the game. And battled and got two hits.

    “You know what? There’s some injuries there but we expect an effort from 25 guys on this team and when that doesn’t happen we gotta do something.”

    What did you tell Hanley when he came into the dugout?
    “I told him he needed to go inside and we’re gonna run (Brian) Barden out there, who has a sprained ankle, by the way. And he battled eight innings with a sprained ankle probably killing him, but that’s the effort we’re looking for as any organization.”

    Gonzalez said Ramirez offered no excuse when he came off the field after the play.

    Will Hanley receive any further discipline?
    “You need more embarrassment other than being taken out of a major league game?”

    Will he start Tuesday?
    “We’ll see.”

    How disappointing is it to see that from your marquee player?
    “You guys call him a marquee guy. I got 25 guys all wearing the same uniform with the same Marlins insignia on the front. I thnik it’s disappointing if anybody did it, not just one guy.”

    Earlier in the day, Hanley was lingering in the clubhouse, talking to a reporter, when Gonzalez came and got him because he was late for a pre-game team meeting.

    Don’t forget what happened last September — when Hanley took himself out of a game on a day when Atlanta’s Tim Hudson was dealing. Hanley cited a sore hamstring, but Dan Uggla publicly — and other teammates privately — questioned his desire to win.

    Hanley is a two-time All Star who won the batting crown last year by hitting .342. He’s getting $7 million this year, as part of that $70-million extension he signed in 2008.

    Any suggestions?
    What should the Florida Marlins do about Hanley Ramirez’s lazy lapses?


    • #47

      I say we stomp him! Then we tattoo him! Then we hang him!!!! And then we kill him!!!!!!!!!

      Seriously, what the fucking fuck Capozzi. What do we do about his lapses? Have you noticed the entire team plays with its collective head up its ass? That in the same game Coghlan was indefensively bad on the bases yet no one gives a crap because it was done sprinting instead of jogging. This team sucks at fundamentals. This team sucks at focus. I think at some point you either say it's who we are and move on or you make fundamental and meaningful changes to the way we do things, and that starts at the top, not at short-stop.
      I will also say this, the post game comments I've read from Fredi are amazing. You couldn't ask for much more from him if you're an organization. My opinion of him drastically improved with the way he handled it. He walked the line between saying nothing and calling his player out. It was effective and completely diffused the situation. My only complaint is that he should have something more direct than "we'll see" regarding tomorrow, doesn't have to give an answer, but being coy isn't good.
      Last edited by Swifty; 05-17-2010, 11:25 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


      • #48
        You mean he's no longer...


        and more like...


        in your eyes???


        • #49
          Getting there.


          • #50
            Originally posted by MiamiHomer View Post
            And you know what happens if Fredi does nothing with Hanley after that play was seen in clear daylight. It gets scrutinized by the media and can lead to trouble within the club house and how Hanley basically just shit on the rest of the team and had no repercussions.
            exactly. good post


            • #51
              Originally posted by Festa View Post
              I don't want this to sound like an enormous cliche but...

              There really has not been a Latino veteran presence on the team since 2006. Helms (from what we've read) is that guy for many of the American players. But there is not that common bond that Latino players have amongst each other. Perhaps, the lack of a Latino presence explains why Hanley is still being a bitch four years into his career.

              The organization has Tony Perez and he was used a few times to fill that role when Cabrera was here. (Remember Cabs begging Tony for #24?) I'd be interested in finding out if Tony has ever taken Hanley aside has a former player and told him he needs to man up.
              Luis Gonzalez, 2008?


              • #52
                Originally posted by Swift View Post
                I will also say this, the post game comments I've read from Fredi are amazing. You couldn't ask for much more from him if you're an organization. My opinion of him drastically improved with the way he handled it. He walked the line between saying nothing and calling his player out. It was effective and completely diffused the situation. My only complaint is that he should have something more direct than "we'll see" regarding tomorrow, doesn't have to give an answer, but being coy isn't good.
                I was going to say this. Perfectly scripted response and I really am not a Fredi fan, but I really respect that and it made me like him a bit more.
                Originally posted by Goodfella View Post
                Luis Gonzalez, 2008?
                not really. I mean, he's of Cuban descent but he was born in Tampa and went to college in Alabama. You think he's really someone the Dominican-born players look up to?
                Last edited by emkayseven; 05-18-2010, 06:45 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged
                Originally posted by Madman81
                Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
                Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM me!


                • #53
                  Now Hanley's really being a bitch:

                  Hanley won't apologize. Says he lost some respect for Fredi.
                  - JoeCap's twitter.


                  • #54
                    had to see that coming.


                    • #55
                      Here’s the latest on the Hanley saga…

                      Wes Helms, Florida’s veteran clubhouse leader, says Hanley Ramirez needs to apologize to his teammates for dogging it on a play last night. Hanley told reporters he has no plans to apologize.

                      But Ramirez said he is angry about being benched. And he has lost some respect for manager Fredi Gonzalez.

                      “It’s his team He does whatever he (expetive) wants,” Ramirez said. “There’s nothing I can do about it. It’s brutal.”

                      Asked about his ankle, he said: “That’s OK. He doesn’t understand that. He never played in the big leagues.”

                      Some other highlights from this morning.

                      Do you want some time to get past it?
                      “For what?”

                      To talk top Fredi
                      “Who’s that?”

                      Your manager.
                      “Oh yea? Im just gonna play the game…”

                      Did you lose respect for Fredi?
                      “A little bit. We got 24 more guys out there. Hopefully they can do the same things I do. They’re wearing the Marlins uniform.’’

                      Do you plan to apologize to the team?
                      “To who?”

                      One of your teammates suggested an apology might be good if you did that.
                      “Do what?”

                      “For what?”

                      They thought that you were dogging it chasing that ball.
                      “We got a lot of people dogging it after ground balls. They don’t apologize.’’

                      Are you playing today?
                      “I don’t think so. I don’t know when I’m going to be back on the field.’’

                      You feel you’re healthy enough to play today?

                      Mentally or physically?

                      I don’t think we’ve ever seen you this angry before.
                      “It has happened a couple of times. It’s been under the table so I know when I’m angry.

                      Jimmy Rollins got benched before. Does this show it can happen to anybody?
                      “It can happen to anybody.”

                      What happened on the play?
                      “I wasn’t trying to give up. That was the hardest I could go after the ball. ”

                      You know how fast you are. Because people watching on TV might not think you were going as fast as you could’ve.
                      “That’s fine. I can’t control what you can think about that. I can only control what I can do on the field. I know some people are gonna think I gave up, some poeple will think he was a little bit hurt.”

                      Is it this one incident or are the several incidents through the years?
                      “A couple, a couple.”

                      Do you respect Fredi?
                      “I respect everybody. But I don’t know if I get the same respect back.”

                      Does it hurt you to hear some of the things he said?
                      “I havent heard anything but I got a couple of phone calls they told me. It’s fine. I don’t want to hear what he says… Hopefully, I keep talking to my kids., They don’t keep me down. I’ll forget this and go forward.”
                      /Capozzi's blog


                      • #56
                        only a matter of time before Fredi is fired for "losing control of the clubhouse" a la Boles/Miceli
                        Originally posted by Madman81
                        Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
                        Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM me!


                        • #57
                          The "he never played in the big leagues" comment, and the lack of respect from the players because a manager didn't play, is part of the reason why Boles was fired.

                          Anyway, this doesn't seem like the first time this has happened, and Hanley comes across as a real fucking diva. But whatever. If the team wins and Hanley plays well, this shit will all be forgotten.


                          • #58
                            Bobby Valentine played in the big leagues.
                            "You owe it to yourself to find your own unorthodox way of succeeding, or sometimes, just surviving."
                            - Michael Johnson

                            J.T. Realmuto .282/.351/.412


                            • #59
                              I love the old, "he never played in the big leagues" rant. It doesn't really matter what level of baseball you play at, hussle is hussle. If Hanley really wants us to think that jog was the fastest he could possibly go, then they should show the tape of him chasing the pop-up before it landed... because he was running a lot faster than he was after he kicked it.

                              I wish he would just apologize and get it over with, rather than let it fester on for days and days.... oh well.


                              • #60
                                joecapMARLINS: Fredi had 10-min meeting w Hanley. He's not sure if H2R got message #Marlins

