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'Los Marlins' for Every Friday Home Game

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  • #76
    "Did you see the Marlins game?"


    "Hermida is shit."

    "He swings the bat like a girl without strength."

    That is thrown around at once in every Marlins conversation with a Cuban old guy.


    • #77
      Thanks. Not too bad for someone who never took spanish and has only taken yo a few words I've learned by working in a Hispanic neighborhood a couple years ago.


      • #78
        I took 3 years of Spanish. El queso es muy bueno porque vamos a la biblioteca.

        That is the extent of my knowledge of the Spanish language.
        Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


        • #79
          The cheese is good and something about a library?


          • #80
            Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
            The cheese is good and something about a library?
            The cheese is very good because we're going to the library.


            • #81
              The Marlins marketing department comes up with some of the craziest ideas, but outside of the occasional super-saturday concert I don't think any of them ever really boost attendance. Over the last several years they gave us the Mermaids, Manatees, etc.

              To me, it's pretty simple. When you win a lot of games and make the playoffs people show up. 97' and 03' they had over 70,000 people at baseball games because we were in the playoffs and had a legit shot at a championship.

              No matter how many gimmicks you come up with people are still going to be scared away by the impending rain that the summer months bring. This will hopefully be rectified by the roof on the new stadium, not a "Los" patch on a jersey. They get really good TV ratings on a yearly basis so the fan base is definitely there, it's just finding out how to get these people into the stadium which again isn't going to happen because you add a "Los" patch on the Jerseys.

              But I guess when you have a minor league payroll and minor league attendance... you have to employ minor league promotions and gimmicks? I don't like it... but then again I don't like most of the marketing gimmicks the team comes up with.


              • #82
                I guess your post showed me pretty well one reason that some around here overreact to these little things.

                If you really think the Marlins front office has, as its purpose in putting a "Los patch" on the jersey on Friday nights, the idea that it will greatly increase attendance and get people to say "forget the rain!", you and whoever else thinks that way is thinking that the people in the organization sees this as a much bigger deal than it is.

                My goodness


                • #83
                  I always thought the purpose of promotions at the ballpark was to try and boost attendance... otherwise what would the point be? You're trying to set an atmosphere that makes people say "hey! that's serious fun... I have to get in on it!"

                  How a patch relates to this train of thought... I do not know. But then again most of the things the marketing department does for this team doesn't make sense to me.


                  • #84
                    I'm a little confused Beef

                    Do you think that a lot of posters were under the impression that the FO thinks that adding a "Los" would have a big impact on attendance?


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Daft View Post
                      I'm a little confused Beef

                      Do you think that a lot of posters were under the impression that the FO thinks that adding a "Los" would have a big impact on attendance?
                      Like I said, it showed me one reason why people around here overreact. I can't really imagine what people are really thinking around here that causes such an uproar to such a meaningless little nothing decision.

                      It seems like people like to treat little decisions as big ones so that most anything can be overanalyzed and called a horrible decision. It is what it is, basically nothing and meaningless. I can see responses like, dang, I wish they would wear those sweet ole Cuban jerseys or something, but there seems to be lots of overreaction instead


                      • #86
                        We'll agree to disagree on that I guess.

                        It's a Marlins message board. If ever there was a place for in depth discussion on all things Marlins (whether they be microscopic in importance or major) you would think this is the one place where it would be embraced with open arms.


                        • #87
                          Because it is a Marlins message board, little nothing things should create some sort of front office uproar as if they just gave the 3rd base job to a Bonifacio?

                          There are different levels of importance.

                          I can understand a conversation about this, I just can't really understand the conversation that happened.


                          • #88
                            How do you quantify importance?


                            • #89
                              1) Impact on team

                              2) Impact on team's community

                              3) Impact on me
                              With each, mix in "Intended Impact . . . "
                              Last edited by Beef; 03-17-2010, 12:21 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged

