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Revamping the Offseason

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  • #16
    The player tell you how much $ they want and for how long. Your role is to guess how many other GMs want who you want and what they are willing to pay. It's called knowing the "fair market value" of who you are after. I'm sure that most of us don't need their hands held when figuring this out.
    This is a Dolphins town, though.

    "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

    I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

    2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
    Edmonton Ice Bats
    2007 Teal League Wildcard
    2008 Teal League Wildcard

    2009 Teal League Wildcard
    2010 Teal League Wildcard
    2011 Teal League West Division Winner


    • #17
      The player's desired amount is absurdly low to the amount they sign for in OOTP. Another reason why the free agent system's blind offer is flawed. Some players sign for twice as much. Also, the limitations on salary caused by the simulation make the need to be more upfront about free agent signings.

      I would have no problem with the current system of free agency if I could bank my surplus cap room for next season. Additionally, the way the system works is that you have to make your offers simultaneously. Suppose you want a MR but you're concerned you will get outbid for the top one. You can't give out offers to the #1 AND #2 MR free agents with the knowledge that only 1 will actually sign if the combined offers exceeds your cap room. That, to me, just makes the free agency process VERY favorable for teams that have single needs they'd like to address and not teams that have built up sizeable cap room to make multiple offseason moves.


      • #18
        +1 CC
        Love the idea of banking cap space.
        Last edited by Party; 02-10-2010, 02:54 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


        • #19
          I don't want to gloss over the fact that if you take free agency away from the program, you eliminate the "Desire for a winning team" rating from every player. By doing this, you make it favorable to cut costs, tank for a season or two and offer huge contracts that other teams can't match to vets to supplement your young players that you attained through firesales and top draft picks.
          Last edited by KnuckleBalls; 02-10-2010, 03:09 PM.
          This is a Dolphins town, though.

          "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

          I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

          2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
          Edmonton Ice Bats
          2007 Teal League Wildcard
          2008 Teal League Wildcard

          2009 Teal League Wildcard
          2010 Teal League Wildcard
          2011 Teal League West Division Winner


          • #20
            Banking cap space is desirable because spending below the cap is just pointless right now, but the free agency issues can create a whole host of problems where you might be locked out from using some of your extra cap space. PLus, it's not like the real world where you get some tangible benefit from that money saved (more profits, if you're the owner).
            I agree with Knuckles' point because I think Desire for a Winning Team should factor in. That's why I propose simply allowing people to bank cap space if they have surplus from one season. It allows people to feel a little better if they missed out on their desired free agents because they can go after more free agents (or sign extensions for players) in the next off season.

            I feel like it's an in-game solution to problem that doesn't require third party arbiters or some outside-OOTP thread to determine free agent signings.
            Last edited by CrimsonCane; 02-10-2010, 03:17 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


            • #21
              Maybe a banking system would work on say, a 4 to 1 ratio. Meaning, if you end the season with 55M (20M under the cap), you would get an extra 5M for next season, pushing you up to the 80M cap.
              This is a Dolphins town, though.

              "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

              I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

              2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
              Edmonton Ice Bats
              2007 Teal League Wildcard
              2008 Teal League Wildcard

              2009 Teal League Wildcard
              2010 Teal League Wildcard
              2011 Teal League West Division Winner


              • #22
                Why have it be a ratio? It's like each team gets a budget of $75 million per season, some people value that money differently (short term vs. long term) based on the team their building. An 80% devaluation per year doesn't seem to make any reasonable sense.


                • #23
                  To prevent a team from having a 200M payroll.
                  This is a Dolphins town, though.

                  "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

                  I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

                  2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
                  Edmonton Ice Bats
                  2007 Teal League Wildcard
                  2008 Teal League Wildcard

                  2009 Teal League Wildcard
                  2010 Teal League Wildcard
                  2011 Teal League West Division Winner


                  • #24
                    I don't like the idea of banking all of it. There should be a limit.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by KnuckleBalls View Post
                      To prevent a team from having a 200M payroll.
                      You can make it that they have to spend it entirely during the following season. So it would work something like this:

                      Payroll Y2 = 75,000,000 + (75,000,000 - Payroll Y1)

                      If Payroll Y1>$75,000,000 then Payroll Y2 = $75,000,000

                      Basically, it's like saying "You get $150 million to spend every two season, distribute it how you'd like."


                      • #26
                        Hmm. Maybe.

                        I know there are some owners who already have a problem with the $5 million plus some teams can add, so I don't think this would go over well.


                        • #27
                          I think this is different because a team is getting a benefit (more payroll) one season because they've undergone a detriment (below $75 million) during a prior season. Moreover, it's not a transfer from one team to another, which is also where I think some of the criticism came from. Also, the person/people were most upset because they considered themselves to be financially prudent. Here, financial prudence is rewarded.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by CrimsonCane View Post
                            In the real world, agents would be telling you what other teams are offering. That is why this blind offer nonsense is ridiculous, especially when it occurs over the course of sims (not real time). For example, I had a player who said, "Hey, this team is giving me more, what'ya got to offer?" But, in that same sim, he signed with the team. I would've upped my offer. In the real world, that doesn't happen.
                            This also happened to me which really cooled me off in trying to sign any other free agents. I had the highest bid the player for two sims and a message from the player that he was probably coming to San Diego and, in the next sim, I got a message from him that he had another offer and then he signed without my being able to do anything about it.


                            • #29
                              I know some of you guys aren't happy, but you're talking about changing an important aspect of the game. Players are not only cash grabbing robots. Also, the way the league is set up now, there is parity. I think if you make drastic financial changes the league will suffer. Those are just my opinions. I admit that I might be a sceptic, but that's me.
                              This is a Dolphins town, though.

                              "Fuck, what've they done?'' --Ozzie Guillen

                              I am dead set against free agency, it can ruin baseball. --- George Steinbrenner

                              2010 SoFlaMarlins Fantasy Baseball Champion
                              Edmonton Ice Bats
                              2007 Teal League Wildcard
                              2008 Teal League Wildcard

                              2009 Teal League Wildcard
                              2010 Teal League Wildcard
                              2011 Teal League West Division Winner


                              • #30
                                If you HAVE to spend the money in the following season, you avoid a lot of the problems you're discussing. A team can't sign tons of free agents to big-time contracts even if they get to bank the previous year's surplus because they go back down to $75 million the next season and most free agents want multi-year contracts.

                                Also, I don't see how parity is effected when everyone is able to do it. It's not like payroll is being dictated by revenues and market size or anything.

