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  • #61
    No contemporary teams run with 4 man rotations for extended periods of time. The only primary reasons being for: giving a guy time to heal, or giving a guy time to develop.

    Fact of the matter is, there are enough guys in the league where everyone can sport competent 5 man rotations. 5th guys aren't supposed to be lights out, they're supposed to be good enough to get by
    CSBC Commish


    • #62
      So just to clear it up, I'll be running a sim tomorrow, what time, I'm not sure as of yet but we'll have a holiday edition at some point during the day.


      • #63
        Can we get a draft order posted somewhere? I think I have traded a pick somewhere I just cant remember where or what pick..also we really need to know what spot we have.

        ps. If it is posted somewhere please forgive my stupidity.
        You know what the difference between Jeremy Lin and Tim Tebow is?... Jeremy Lin is probably a good Quarter Back.


        • #64
          Is it normal to have a 5 star prospect fall to a 1 star prospect? How does that happen and is there any way to change it?


          • #65
            Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
            Is it normal to have a 5 star prospect fall to a 1 star prospect? How does that happen and is there any way to change it?
            random development

            no way to change it


            • #66
              Originally posted by nny View Post
              random development

              no way to change it
              So far, for me it's happened to:

              Nick Adenhart, twice
              Collin Balester
              Jessie Litsch
              and Leo Nunez

              All were 4 stars or better and now Leo is the highest at 1.5 stars

              I hate my life
              CSBC Commish


              • #67
                It happened to me with both Volstad and Ellsbury. They both dropped from 5's to 1's.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                  It happened to me with Volstad. They both dropped from 5's to 1's.
                  At least the game tries to be as real as possible by even mimicking him


                  • #69


                    • #70
                      Hey, I'm just curious, but... Well, everybody else got to pick their park factors and such. Am I ever gonna get to do that or is it always gonna be those fackin .950's across the board at Sin City Stadium? :\
                      *Is a huge fucking asshole*


                      • #71
                        Speaking of park factors, why do I have so many rain delays? My team plays their home games in San Diego. I have about twobweeks worth of rain delayed games already.

                        I still don't get how a 20 year old goes from being a 5 star prospect to a 1 star overnight. Something is not right with that. Shouldn't it go down gradually instead of a great depression style stock market crash?


                        • #72
                          No. He's been in single A where the AI system put him (even though the minor league report says that I can put him in AAA). He was also pitching well after he returned from a couple minor injuries and then he just crashed. It makes no sense.


                          • #73
                            Pitching well in A ball doesn't signify that he is maintaining his POTENTIAL. Injuries can wreak havoc on a player's upside. I had a 5 star CF back in the old league that suffered a 3 month injury and went from a future All Star to a 1 star spec. He performed fine for his level, but he lost all of his future potential.


                            • #74
                              His injuries weren't serious, neither caused him to miss more than 1 start and both happened at the beginning of the season, over a month before the crash. I still don't think it sounds right and nothing preceeded the crash.


                              • #75
                                Well that's the way the game works

                                Considering the fact that no one here programmed the game, I'm not sure what you're trying to get at

