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Braun Suspended for Remainder of the Season.

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Namaste View Post
    I feel very confident that a LOT of professional athletes have gone to great (HUGH) lengths to avoid detection of their PED use.
    And if the Commissioner's Office comes into the possession of such evidence he should act accordingly.


    • #47
      It's not just coming into possession of if. They likely sought it like they've never done before.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Beef View Post
        It's not just coming into possession of if. They likely sought it like they've never done before.
        Yeah, I think this A-Rod thing has risen to a level far greater than any of the other players.

        I also think it's absurd that MLB is (allegedly) using the 2003 failed test as fodder to make A-Rod a repeat offender but ignores Ortiz' positive test and Manny's failed 2 tests plus the same 2003 informational testing and he's not banned for life.

        It's just an absurd double-standard going on with A-Rod.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Party View Post
          If there is a mountain of evidence against him going through an extremely elaborate process to avoid detection over a long period, he deserves a lifetime ban. PEDs are just as bad or worse than gambling.
          What bothers me is that Selig more or less condoned steroid use until it was no longer convenient to him. He didn't give a shit about steroids when the home runs and increase in popularity got more stadiums built and brought in HuGH revenue via TV contracts, but now since that's all done it's now about protecting the sanctity of the numbers and the integrity of the games, which is bullshit.
          This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


          • #50
            Somehow this is all Jeffrey Loria's fault.


            • #51
              I think Showalter is right that it's also kinda bullshit that he could get banned for life and suddenly the Yankees get out of that stupid ass contract.

              I don't really buy into conspiracy bullshit, but come on.


              • #52
                I just dislike that they're essentially making this shit up as they go along.


                • #53
                  Isn't that how it works in most workplaces? That's supposed to be the whole purpose behind collective bargaining.

                  So, the question then becomes: Can Selig take any of these supposed actions without violating the CBA? If its permitted, then I have a lot less issue with the perception of fairness.

                  Selig doesn't have an obligation to be fair to any one player. He has an obligation to honor agreements he has made (the CBA) and he has an obligation to baseball's bottom line. And this would be a popular decision that would benefit that bottom line.


                  • #54
                    He has a vague provision in the CBA that he can essentially apply to anything. I don't like the idea of choosing to use it selectively in an unfair manner. I wouldn't be ok, for example, with a law firm firing one guy for possibly soliciting clients in a way that is borderline improper but turning a blind eye to the handfuls of other folks at the firm doing the exact same thing.


                    • #55
                      Selig is a lame duck commissioner who wants to destroy any chance A-Rod has of passing his BFF Henry Aaron who he already let down by letting Barry Bonds pass him illegitimately. That and the Yankees are treading water with all the stadium debt and declining attendance, so he's looking to bail them out and restrengthen the sport's flag ship franchise. It makes perfect sense and Selig is on #YOLO mode right now.


                      • #56
                        Fuck Bud Selig.
                        Amy Adams, AKA Cinnamon Muff
                        Logan Morrison: "If baseball didn't exist, I would probably be ... like a curler. Or a hairstylist."
                        Noah Perio
                        39 AB
                        15 H
                        0 2B
                        0 3B
                        0 HR
                        0 BB

