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Cameron Maybin Thread: Maybin Some Discussion, Maybin Some Fighting, It's All Good!

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  • #46
    I never said anything about Mike Jacobs other than we're really going to miss him.

    I don't think Nunez is a slam dunk better player than him, and I sure as shit think he's (Jacobs) better than what we trotted out at one corner this season for the first 4 months.


    • #47
      I don't think we know exactly what Nolasco or Volstad are at this point.

      By the way, since June 7th (I believe that was his callup, could be wrong) Ricky Nolasco stats are pretty damn good outside of his 4.14era


      • #48
        Except, atleast with nolasco and volstad, it's you just being negative but outside of everybody besides MBA agreeing with the end result (nolasco a ~4 ERA pitcher and volstad a middle of the rotation starter). People call you retarded because you act retarded by talking in retarded extremes (i.e. reading posts about ricky and volstad sound like they should never be in the league), not because the end result is retarded.


        • #49
          Yeah, I definitely said they never belonged in the league. Good call there.


          • #50
            (i.e. reading posts about ricky and volstad sound like they should never be in the league)

            Yeah, I said you said. Good call there


            • #51
              That all depends on how you think he sounds


              • #52
                Well nny, again, with all due respect, who gives a fuck what it sounds like.

                It sounds like you take speed before some of your posts. It sounds like beef and ramp don't care about the team because their posts usually aren't complete sentences. I know that isn't the case. You know why, because I use my brain when I read a post on a message board. I get what people are trying to say, if I don't or if I disagree with what they're saying, I call them out on it. If you honestly believed I wanted these guys out of the league, you should have said something, because that would be me being fucking dumb. Otherwise, it's a case where you know that I have some degree of credibility and you know that no matter what the tone may have been, my point was merited...unless you're backtracking on that now too.


                • #53
                  Oh yeah? Fuck you Junior!


                  • #54
                    I'm just saying people react the way they do because of what you sound like, not the end result you're saying. The end result you say, is not anything far out and is what majority think, at least with those two.
                    Last edited by nny; 09-16-2009, 10:26 PM.


                    • #55
                      Hanley doesn't care. Why the hell should Ramp?


                      • #56
                        I'm just waiting for the day that Ramp reveals he's a fan of the Braves or Red Sox.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by nny View Post
                          The end result you say, with you now acting like some martyr for saying them, is not anything far out, at least with those two.
                          I wish T&B was still up so I could really stick it to you and your 20/20 hindsight.

                          At no point was it ever "oh, you know, Swift's right."

                          Not until like, September, anyway.

                          It's not me being a martyr, it's me being very very very offended by the notion that I don't have an eye for talent.


                          • #58
                            Yeah remember the thread I made asking what Nolasco was and everyone agreeing?

                            Remember that Volstad has been labeled a mid rotation start since, what, he was drafted?

                            And I don't care about the eye for talent thing (I don't think anyone here has any special eye for talent or you wouldn't be posting here), just that you're acting like you had some unique opinion when really they weren't (again only refering to those two)


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Swift View Post
                              I never said anything about Mike Jacobs other than we're really going to miss him.

                              I don't think Nunez is a slam dunk better player than him, and I sure as shit think he's (Jacobs) better than what we trotted out at one corner this season for the first 4 months.
                              I really wish T&B was still here so you could remember the insanity you were spewing about him. And how we shouldn't sign players with OBP. And how we would barely win 72 this year. It was really bad.

                              I'm not saying you don't know shit about baseball, or trying to pick a fight here, I will wait till next summer when we can really evaluate Maybin, but you are as wrong as anyone else is on this board, and saying Volstad would fall apart, blah this. Whatever? Good call, it doesn't mean your eyes become a standard of evaluation. I remember when BOTH of us were arguing Nolasco should be a closer when he was struggling his rookie year and the other starters were being awesome. We fucked up on that too? I am guilty on Hermida big time? I wanted to ship out Uggla after his rookie year because, it just had to fall apart with that K ratio? Oh well.

                              But my point is, if you want to make an argument. Don't just say, "he looks fucking bad." I want to know why. Horrible GB/FB? No LD rates? No XBH? Shitting BB? Those 70+ Ks in his first 210 MLB AB? Poor defensive evaluations? Which is even more problematic, because I know you like to hate on Hermida's defense because he "looks bad" despite the fact he usually comes up as average at the position when the fielding bible gets a hold of him. Is this happening again? This doesn't mean we are devolved into a Matrix-binary view of baseball. But numbers are facts. They are a standard of evaluation. They count big time in coming up with a baseline standard of performance and if a guy is good, average, or bad. Maybin has been awesome everywhere except the majors as a 20-21 year old. This has to count in projections and it's just going to come together, in some capacity, in the future.

                              I just want to see a good argument even if we disagree. I just cannot accept from anybody this phrase.

                              "I watched the game. He looks fucking bad."

                              That's all I'm saying.


                              • #60
                                I recall the terms "young Jim Palmer" and "next Roy Halladay" thrown around with him after his 6-1 start or whatever.

