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Loria Encouraged Reyes to Buy House in Miami Days Before Trade

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  • #46
    Loria's business model works very well for my children and I.

    Last year I had instances of anxiety when I thought about missing a half inning because I wanted to buy a pizza or take one of the kids to the restroom.

    And other times I'd be sitting in my seat and all I could think about was leaving a little early to not get caught in a crowded parking garage.

    That monkey on my back has been lifted. We're counting down the days until April 10th,boys.


    • #47
      So join Hugg and the rest of the loria-lovers
      Hugg's No-Bell Loria(tes)
      Last edited by Beef; 02-20-2013, 10:40 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


      • #48
        Beef, I'll let you know where we're sitting. You can come by and say, "ehe".


        • #49
          Ill be at every game


          • #50
            Omar would you be just as critical of Loria's comments toReyes if we got a better haul from Toronto in the trade?

            I mean if we totally fleeced Toronto and Reyes came out publicly with these comments, I think most people would think, "Hey that's just business. Got to make the best decision for the team."


            • #51
              Originally posted by Beef View Post
              I'm not talking cutting hours or making people come in Saturday.

              I'm talking tell someone to buy a home and the change the nature of what the office does or fire someone shortly thereafter. I don't think those things would much publicity at all and I've seen it happen very often during audit work of public companies and legal work. Companies need work and generally aren't thinking of others. Just like we told mk7 to take a job and not tell them he'd be leaving in a few months, companies have the same mindset. Get what they need and keep their plans close to the vest. Otherwise it would be more difficult to get what they need.

              I don't believe major companies tread lightly when making promises. They may tread that way when making public statements for fear of a fraud lawsuit, but they will tell employees all sorts of things to get them to move, stay, accept employment, etc.
              Out of legitimate curiosity, when have you seen it happen? What have they done? Have firms had long-term plans that they've hid from their employees, completely switched course within a couple of days, and acted as if everything was par for the course?

              That's what Loria is accused of doing here, in the worst-case scenario of the 'Loria is evil' camp. If it's the 'Loria is incompetent' camp, he's accused of not having a long-term plan at all and waking up that morning to signal 20% of the team got traded.

              Originally posted by Beef View Post
              I agree its not the best business model and some will so it more than others, eventually losing all/a lot of goodwill, but it happens often. Also, do we have anything that would suggest the marlins do this a whole lot compared to others?
              Probably the times that this happened just in the last decade, in regards to the not having long-term plans complaint. As to the lying to players, that's a good question. What we do have is plain, on the record evidence now that it happened, from multiple players (both Buehrle and Reyes have been vocal about being lied to during this ordeal). What exists to the contrary of the Marlins participating in this, other than conjecture?

              Originally posted by Beef View Post
              This stuff came out because of the whole anger over fire sale thing. The josh Johnson stuff was something that happens all the time - I'd be surprised if anyone argued that. Good young player, you say you hope he retires after long career w the team. Guy couldn't stay healthy. Do you not trade him because you had a little puffery type comment? They told Buehrle they planned for him to be there long term. That's what you do when trying to sign someone. They may have even meant it - but the team sucked. The Reyes thing happens too and perhaps they weren't actively trying to trade him but threw him in the the deal so they wouldn't have to take d'Arnaud, ya know? Either way.

              I guess the other big whopper is that they'd get a stadium and spend money. Ehe, that's a whopper. We'll see. They did say payroll would follow revenues and they are apparently not making money. Another potential whopper.
              Well, the last paragraph is hard to refute, simply because the team reports numbers that no one believes and then stakes the caveat of payroll matching revenues on that empty claim.

              Even if it were true, however, it ignores the first fundamental rule of long-term business development: that investment ≠ losses. A wounded fan base isn't going to be suddenly healed by a fancy white stadium and retractable roof if there's no brand construction put into place. It's impossible to argue that the Marlins have put any substantive effort to grow the brand in the long-term in Miami, especially considering that any such attempts were completely thwarted this past offseason. What the front office is participating in is a series of bad business decisions which will lead to the continued degradation of the fan base over years and years and nothing more than shallow growth the few times it does appear. Businesses, whether they be playing a sporting event or selling a good, can't survive that way for long.

              Originally posted by CrimsonCane View Post
              Omar would you be just as critical of Loria's comments toReyes if we got a better haul from Toronto in the trade?

              I mean if we totally fleeced Toronto and Reyes came out publicly with these comments, I think most people would think, "Hey that's just business. Got to make the best decision for the team."
              I would, because my main concern is the lack of any sort long-term vision in regards to the business model, product on the field, and customers they rely on. This trade merely brought a sharper public focus on problems that many have been railing on for a while. I mean, how many months have some been calling for Beinfest to go?
              Let me ask a follow-up question that I think will help steer the conversation away from the Loria is evil nonsense and more towards something curious:

              Over the next ten years, who is the Marlins target customer?
              Last edited by Omar; 02-20-2013, 02:25 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged
              God would be expecting a first pitch breaking ball in the dirt because humans love to disappoint him.
              - Daft


              • #52
                I can't really answer where I've seen it happen. I've seen large company clients do it and I've seen law firms and accounting firms do the same. I've seen attorneys asked to move to another place so they can transition into a new practice area only to be let go one month later. I've seen partners in accounting firms asked to move to be in charge of another office to then have his entire practice area removed from that office (ultimately being told to change the work you do or find a job elsewhere). In situations like that, these people are at the very least given stipends to travel back and forth and find a new place to live which would certainly infer a plan to have them around into the future.

                I like the last question. I imagine their target is just anyone that will have them.


                • #53
                  Man, some of you would hate to be Bulls fans.


                  • #54
                    Go on...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Omar View Post
                      Let me ask a follow-up question that I think will help steer the conversation away from the Loria is evil nonsense and more towards something curious:

                      Over the next ten years, who is the Marlins target customer?
                      With the stadium done, I don't know if the Marlins have a 10 month vision, let alone a 10 year vision for anything. I simply think the fans are of no conseuqence to them so long as MLB is sending them $80 million a year.
                      This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                        Go on...
                        Jerry Reinsdorf is unimaginably cheap and runs his business 100 percent like a business.


                        • #57
                          They drafted Michael Jordan and Derrick Rose not Chris Volstad and Jacob Marceaux


                          • #58
                            Beef is right. Law firms and accounting firms definitely operate exactly how Omar thinks businesses don't operate. And I'm not talking about failing businesses either. I am talking about the Big Four accounting firms and the most prestigious law firms in the world.

                            I know people that have just moved to a new city for work, leased an apartment and then immediately get sent on a multi-month long assignment somewhere on the other side of the country. It's a regular occurrence. And they can get away with it because they pay a lot of money and there is always someone wanting that job if you decide to quit.


                            • #59
                              CC - wouldn't you agree that the legal / accounting world faces competition from those within their field?


                              • #60
                                We're talking about acquiring/keeping talent here. Would you argue that professional franchises do not face competition from those within their field/industry/league in that respect?

