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Marlins Winter Warm-up (formerly Known As Fan Fest)

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  • #46
    Sucks that it would take that long, but I think Ramp is right on this one
    God would be expecting a first pitch breaking ball in the dirt because humans love to disappoint him.
    - Daft


    • #47
      Is it the owners that speak up 1st or will MLB do it on their own? I mean My tipping point was a long time ago but I still like the team however harder and harder after each firesale.


      • #48
        Originally posted by AdamRavs View Post
        The shitty thing is it's not these players faults and their "home" games are gonna be a joke. At what point will MLB do some thing about this? Brand new stadium no one there. Collecting revenue sharing checks when they are hardly putting any revenue into the pot. I think this year could be the tipping point.
        Well same thing until last year was going on in Pittsburgh (low attendance and low payroll and new stadium), and Selig did nothing. He'll ignore it until the Yankee's, Red Sox and Dodgers etc, complain to much.
        Last edited by oakelmpine; 02-11-2013, 04:47 PM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by oakelmpine View Post
          Well same thing until last year was going on in Pittsburgh (low attendance and low payroll and new stadium), and Selig did nothing. He'll ignore it until the Yankee's, Red Sox and Dodgers etc, complain to much.
          Pitt's stadium is not THAT new. They aren't exactly just blowing up the team either. We're in the 2nd yr of the stadium and look at the debacle.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Ramp View Post
            I mean the tipping point for MLB
            Ah, my bad.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Swifty View Post
              They claim to have sold 25K FSE's (full season equivalents, so one full, two halves, etc).

              I've also been told that renewal this year is just below 20%. Knowing the way the human mind operates, that suggests to me that it's above 15% since that's the next benchmark number down. Give or take a few Erick's buying some kind of plan (so it's "new" not renewal) and you've got about 5K FSEs.

              The bad year is going to be next year. The Marlins did, I think, a September 15 early renewal deadline for pay in full savings. I'd imagine that a decent number of those may reconsider.

              Also, just as a reference point, the Marlins claimed to have 5K FSEs at Sun Life and that they got to about 11K in 2011 in anticipation of the new facility. Samson also admitted (on LeBatard?) that the 5K number was exaggerated and they were actually closer to 2.5K FSEs.

              I guess it'll be interesting to see which has a greater negative impact on attendance: apathy (Sun Life) or anger (now).
              It was 15,000 FSEs. At 20% renewal we're looking at 3,000 season ticket holders. The Marlins comped their way to 12-13k in the seats during the week back in the old days. They might need to go back to that. I think if attendance comes in at 9,000 per game (729,000 total), things will begin to happen from the league's perspective.

              I wonder if that renewal rate include seats that were locked in three year contracts in the Diamond Club.


              • #52
                Originally posted by AdamRavs View Post
                Is it the owners that speak up 1st or will MLB do it on their own? I mean My tipping point was a long time ago but I still like the team however harder and harder after each firesale.
                also how much of a stink will the MLBPA make - they have an interest in seeing larger salaries in Miami.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by oakelmpine View Post
                  also how much of a stink will the MLBPA make - they have an interest in seeing larger salaries in Miami.
                  Salaries are trending up and traditional/recent non-spenders (like Cleveland and Oakland) are spending. This isn't an MLBPA fight. Especially because the lower spending teams represent opportunities for end of the road kind of guys. Not opportunity in being a starting player, but accruing enough service days to qualify for one of the tiered pensions.

                  The PA has a duty not just to the high end, but the low end as well.

