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Heath Bell 2012: It's Not Because He's Fat

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  • You've mentioned it 4 times that I found when searching "breast implants on a corpse" on the forum search. DO you hate LeBatard for that because he's one to admit he's wrong on stuff all the time.


    • I just don't get bringing a player on and trying to embarrass him. He's doing a good enough of that on the field.


      • He also said that the Heat is playing 2-on-8 because the Heat has the top 2 players in PER but the Pacers have the next 8.
        Originally posted by Ramp View Post
        I just don't get bringing a player on and trying to embarrass him. He's doing a good enough of that on the field.
        I dont really think that was the plan. They asked him the type of questions interviewers would ask in that situation and it was kind of Bell's responses that led the interview down the wrong path.
        Last edited by Beef; 05-17-2012, 05:18 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


        • I don't know. You have a struggling player come on and you bring up stats to further show that he's struggling. Seems like he got the reaction he wanted.


          • Lowell brought that up the other day on the show. I don't remember what context it was in but Lowell said something like "You can put eye black on a corpse, it won't change anything."

            I lol'd.


            • Originally posted by Mainge View Post
              Lowell brought that up the other day on the show. I don't remember what context it was in but Lowell said something like "You can put eye black on a corpse, it won't change anything."

              I lol'd.
              I think it was about if Boston people would like Bryce Harper's fieriness in any of their players.


              • Pedroia is pretty fiery


                • Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                  I don't know. You have a struggling player come on and you bring up stats to further show that he's struggling. Seems like he got the reaction he wanted.
                  It's possible, I thought he might be going in the direction of seeking what kind of changes Bell has been working on and the like. I did feel like LeBatard probably wouldn't let the interview devolve that way if it was a player from the Heat on.


                  • Heath Bell is terrible.


                    • He did it with Bell the first time they had him on after he signed. He asked him if he could explain why his K/9 significantly dropped from years passed. Bell said he had a calf issue. Not sure if Bell even remembers that though.


                      • Analysis.


                        • Originally posted by MiamiHomer View Post
                          He did it with Bell the first time they had him on after he signed. He asked him if he could explain why his K/9 significantly dropped from years passed. Bell said he had a calf issue. Not sure if Bell even remembers that though.
                          Yeah, I remember that.

                          He said it was because of an injury and that his K's went back to normal in the 2nd half, which I believe ended up being false and they said it on the show.

                          I bet he's tr305.
                          Good thing we're currently paying him 27 million to do "the little things" like "talk to the other players," though. We "don't see that!"
                          Last edited by Erick; 05-17-2012, 05:32 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                          • I like how it's always the $27 million number that gets thrown out when he's bad


                            • We are not paying him $27 million right now.


                              • Ehe when the gripes come in it's always OMG he's getting paid $27MM for this!!!

                                Then when he's good again next season it'll be, wow, we're getting our $9M worth

