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Is the National Media Right?

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  • #16
    Yeah, hopefully others will wait to see if these two clowns actually live up to their word before committing. I would love to eat crow at any minute.


    • #17
      Are you lilchris?


      • #18
        Don't stress it man, believe me. Good things are coming.


        • #19
          Give me Reyes and a solid arm and I will be more than happy...


          • #20
            This is like the general public all over again.


            • #21
              Originally posted by tr305 View Post
              I guess you are right, I mean their track record is just stellar...
              When have they had money to spend, said they were going to, and then failed to?


              • #22
                I thought I remembered everyone within the organization saying they could afford the Delgado contract and all outside sources said he was going to be dumped when they saw how backloaded the contract was.

                But I believe they have some money to spend and that they will spend said money otherwise they are idiots and won't be able to afford to retain ownership of the club in the future.


                • #23
                  That was always a gamble to try to get attendance to rise to an acceptable level and try to secure stadium funding.


                  • #24
                    I am not concerned about the publicity stunt conspiracy theories. I'm more concerned about the possibility of agents using us to get their clients better deals elsewhere. Since the Marlins are new to this free agency stuff, they are a big wild card. A shrewd agent would take advantage of that fact to make it look like these "ready to spend" Marlins are making better offers than the team/city my client truly wants to end up in. If it works, the other team will go beyond the existing highest offer when in reality it's their own. And if I'm the Marlins I am not running to the media to clarify the offer. A bigger offer makes us look more spend happy to other players and if we don't really want that guy at the current price it's in our interest to have the other team over pay, unless we also targeting a similar player and don't want to inflate the market for a Type X player.


                    • #25
                      If we truly offered Pujols 190, then this is a publicity stunt. Does anyone know the answer ?


                      • #26
                        Every1 knows where i stand on this. ive been the biggest "PR stunt" guy. pujols contract offer shouldve really confirmed this to all, but some need to be kicked in the balls for it to be real. pujols was never a viable option for this club, but it served its purpose as it probably sold a few ticket pkgs. quick name 2 free agents the marlins havent been linked to? all these media reports about a club that are notoriously secretive isnt a conciedence. loria and samson are the same car salesmen they were in montreal.


                        • #27
                          The thing I'm just not grasping is why do the Marlins make an offer to Pujols that is less than the offer the Cards already have on the table? What is there to gain by doing this? Hence my thinking that is all about PR, to say they made an offer but they were outbid. If the Marlins are truly interested and are willing to make a competitive offer, why not wait for the market to develop more and see what deals are being offered? Why not let his agent know they are interested but want to see where the market goes. The Marlins already know he won't be accepting less than what the Cardinals are offering unless he really wants out of St. Louis (which I have yet to see any indication of). Do you think Albert really would leave St. Louis to take less money here?


                          • #28
                            No, of course Pujols doesn't leave St Louis for a lesser offer. But this is Negotiations 101 people. Good heavens.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ....J.... View Post
                              Every1 knows where i stand on this. ive been the biggest "PR stunt" guy. pujols contract offer shouldve really confirmed this to all, but some need to be kicked in the balls for it to be real. pujols was never a viable option for this club, but it served its purpose as it probably sold a few ticket pkgs. quick name 2 free agents the marlins havent been linked to? all these media reports about a club that are notoriously secretive isnt a conciedence. loria and samson are the same car salesmen they were in montreal.
                              WHY DO YOU FOLLOW THIS TEAM THEN?


                              • #30
                                has 9/190 been confirmed?

