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The Hanley Ramirez Roller Coaster: Taking to Twitter, Showing off His Smile

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  • #46
    Godfather does not get asked questions like that


    • #47
      A tickle then?
      LHP Chad James-Jupiter Hammerheads-

      5-15 3.80 ERA (27 starts) 149.1IP 173H 63ER 51BB 124K


      • #48
        Originally posted by Miamarlin21 View Post
        If we make the playoffs will you suck our dick?
        Depends if our dick is married.


        • #49
          Godfather, I think your take is a valid one if not for the current state of the organization. I think right now they need to establish the team as a brand. You are approaching it from good baseball sense, but ownership is going mainly from a marketing/business sense perspective.

          Just look at the buzz this has created, not too mention what will fester during the leadup to the opener. This has gone a long way to convince the mainstream baseball fan of the legitimacy of this organization. By galvanizing and building a fanbase, you are also opening up numerous new lines of revenue that can sustain the team for years to come.

          I think they had to change the tone and they have largely done that. I don't think making just the smart signings would have made the splash necessary to seize this moment.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Mainge View Post
            Depends if our dick is married.
            I get it. fwiw the married chick thing was only recently resolved. Went on way too long.


            • #51

              You're fucking crazy <3


              • #52
                Originally posted by Metes View Post
                Godfather, I think your take is a valid one if not for the current state of the organization. I think right now they need to establish the team as a brand. You are approaching it from good baseball sense, but ownership is going mainly from a marketing/business sense perspective.

                Just look at the buzz this has created, not too mention what will fester during the leadup to the opener. This has gone a long way to convince the mainstream baseball fan of the legitimacy of this organization. By galvanizing and building a fanbase, you are also opening up numerous new lines of revenue that can sustain the team for years to come.

                I think they had to change the tone and they have largely done that. I don't think making just the smart signings would have made the splash necessary to seize this moment.

                Yea that's fine. Good for marketing. Honestly though as bad as it would have looked numbers wise if we would have added Pujols this all would make sense. It would be so all outlandishly over the top, adding Pujols would have been the gravy. Without him we are just left with a pile of dry mashed potatoes.

                All these contracts are still over the top stupid, just without enough substance to make us be a really great team IMO.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by The_Godfather View Post
                  It's bad money management IMO. Not my money so I won't care obviously..but baseball has proven over and over again that you need to somewhat spread the wealth among the players. The Red Sox and Yankees can do this because it is a lesser % of the payroll, I'm not sure the exact number right now but assuming our payroll is 100 million we have roughly 40% of our salary tied up into the three guys we just signed. That's not a good % and isn't feasible long term.

                  If one of them busts it's not like we truly are the Yankees and can just go out and add another 15 million dollar per year contract. I also think all three players got over valued contracts and all three are questionable signings. Bell is an aging closer who got a contract even a young dominate closer doesn't deserve IMO, Reyes is injury prone, has little power and relies on speed...speed that could diminish as he gets older and Buerhle is a solid pitcher, but isn't dominate and to me that contract is given to a dominate pitcher, not a slightly above average pitcher who will be 33 when the season starts.

                  Never mind guessing on the actual players...Just the math alone makes me weary. How much further will the payroll go? The FO said it wouldn't reach 100, how are we going to resign Stanton? Morrision? Very little flexibility left. Loria doesn't strike me as the type who is going to loss big money just to win, and I just don't buy us being a big enough market to support a 100 million dollar payroll team, and in order to keep this team as is now for a couple years, it will be much higher than 100 million. not to mention our farm system is terrible, maybe the worst in baseball so it's not like we have many upcoming cheap options to plug in.

                  What happens if we don't make the playoffs with this team?

                  Lots of questions marks, just because we had money to spend doesn't mean we had to spend it which is what it seems this FO is doing.

                  I agree with you, in a sense.

                  However, I disagree a bit more because:

                  1. There's a lot of value in winning now, and there's no better time to spend the money. There's no question this makes us a better team in 2012; how much better, I don't know.

                  2. Quite frankly, the only deal I hate is the one we're about to give C.J. Wilson for six years.

                  In terms of handicapping the franchise, I feel like the contracts are tradeable if it doesn't pan out with this team.

                  Reyes is probably here to stay for good, but he's easily a guy you can consider a core player anyway when healthy and he's still in his prime, as of right now.

                  We overpaid a bit for Buehrle imo, but he's the type of guy any team would want at the trade deadline if this new team just so happens to suck.

                  It's the same thing with Bell. I believe his K rate will come back a bit next year, and he'll be fine. At the end of the day, the guy is still a top-tier closer and all GM's are suckers for saves. Relievers are always a hot commodity at trade deadlines if the team doesn't pan out and we're forced to sell.

                  All this said, it does piss me off that we've spent all this money and none of it has gone to locking up Mike Stanton for life.


                  • #54
                    I don't know about really great but this rotation is pretty damn good.


                    That's enough alone (assuming health) to challenge for a playoff spot without adding much to the offense. If we can catch some breaks offensively (Hanley, LoMo, Stanton improving, Boni not regressing too hard, Sanchez not collapsing 2nd half) we can get in.

                    Longterm, who knows?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by The_Godfather View Post
                      Yea that's fine. Good for marketing. Honestly though as bad as it would have looked numbers wise if we would have added Pujols this all would make sense. It would be so all outlandishly over the top, adding Pujols would have been the gravy. Without him we are just left with a pile of dry mashed potatoes.

                      All these contracts are still over the top stupid, just without enough substance to make us be a really great team IMO.

                      This is a little ridiculous. The Marlins just signed a very good closer (regardless of the money, the batting champion from last year, and a proven innings eater.

                      At worst, these are cheese mashed potatoes with a hint of garlic. This shit ain't dry.


                      • #56
                        Maybe even a pad of butter on that shit
                        LEBLANC IS THE FUCKIN BUTTER
                        Last edited by Metes; 12-07-2011, 07:35 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Ramp View Post
                          This is a little ridiculous. The Marlins just signed a very good closer (regardless of the money, the batting champion from last year, and a proven innings eater.

                          At worst, these are cheese mashed potatoes with a hint of garlic. This shit ain't dry.
                          Fine. They are good gravy.


                          What I mean by it is I feel that even with all this shit ton of money we are spending I still think we are borderline playoff team. With Pujols we are over the top and who cares if we don't make the playoffs we have Pujols and a team of all stars with a crazy manager.
                          Last edited by The_Godfather; 12-07-2011, 07:53 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                          • #58
                            Marlins president David Samson spoke to beat writers late this afternoon to refute an internet report that alleged the team was trying to trade shortstop Hanley Ramirez. The report said the team was upset that Ramirez’s representatives allehedly asked to restructure his contract.

                            Samson said the team met with agent Adam Katz “because he represents many different players” and “during the course of that emeteing we talked about Hanely and how we had spoken to Hanley (about shortstop Jose Reyes) and that Hanley and Jose will form an all star left side of the infield and we can’t wait for that.

                            “We talked about the batting order, we talking about Hanley up there in first inning and it was great. He never asked to restructure a contract. There was no talk of that. It never came up once, ever. It’s the most unbelievable thing. We are not angry with them, they’re not angry with us, it’s a very bizarre. That rumor is really not a good one…

                            “It is very disappointing when someone tries to put a wedge in a relationship between a player and a team. It can’t happen with us because we have been with Hanley for so long. We have such a great relationship with him that nothing …. Hanley is going to be just fine.”

                            Stay tuned…


                            • #59
                              stay tuned
                              Originally posted by Madman81
                              Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
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