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Nick Johnson Exits with Hamstring Injury; Placed on Disabled List

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  • #46
    Sometimes (most of the time) I think this team wins in spite of the front office, not because of it.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Sashimi View Post
      Not saying they are infallible or anything, but on balance they've got to be doing a lot more stuff right than wrong to have a team with this payroll right in the thick of the WC hunt this late in the season (and generally field a fairly competitive team). I actually think that, considering the resource constraints they operate under, this is one of the best run teams in the league.
      To use a baseball related analogy, because you were born on third base doesn't mean you hit a triple.

      I honestly believe the front office lucks into tremendous situations. That's not to say this doesn't happen with other teams, but were this team '06-now to have played out to the front offices expectations, just superficially, neither Uggla nor Cantu would have even received PT. Going into camp, the jobs those two have were essentially promised to Pokey Reese and Jose Castillo. And those two are the living breathing testament to Beinfest's "brilliance."

      Guys like Hanley you sure as fuck better get when you trade a player like Josh Beckett.

      We've beaten this horse to death, but the team has had huge missteps that go uncriticized, or attributed to payroll limitations. Go ahead and say I'm being unfair, but this payroll limitation is, unfortunately, turning into a crutch for Beinfest's ignorance to lean on. It didn't take a genius to see that a guy OBP'ing .299 had no place being a regular, but we insisted upon it, it didn't take a stretch to promote a guy like Hammer, and play him, more in '04 and '05 when the team needed him. Hermida was setting the minors on fire in '05 and we didn't promote him until August 31. The internal layups we've screwed up is where I go insane, and its not like it's a one time thing. It's just pick how we're going to do it this year.

      Larry Beinfest is the perfect assistant GM. He'll scout systems, he'll find talent from other teams, he knows how to sell his guys to other teams. He absolutely, positively, cannot construct a roster that complements itself, and he is so overly fascinated by tools that he ignores results. So long is that is at the helm, we will not win with a Beinfest team. 2003 was by and large Dombrowski's baby, and I will argue that to the end.
      Originally posted by Ramp View Post
      Sometimes (most of the time) I think this team wins in spite of the front office, not because of it.
      I wish I could rep this more than 1 time.
      Last edited by Swifty; 08-26-2009, 06:39 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


      • #48
        Back in the lineup tonight
        Sanchez life


        • #49
          Yeah, this is great news.


          • #50
            Man, this could be just soon enough to give us a jolt. We need a lot of luck.
            Record when He pitches: 3-2


            • #51
              Originally posted by Swift View Post
              I honestly believe the front office lucks into tremendous situations. That's not to say this doesn't happen with other teams, but were this team '06-now to have played out to the front offices expectations, just superficially, neither Uggla nor Cantu would have even received PT. Going into camp, the jobs those two have were essentially promised to Pokey Reese and Jose Castillo. And those two are the living breathing testament to Beinfest's "brilliance."
              I missed this the first time around. It's not Beinfest's fault that Pokey Reese had personal issues. He was going to hit .330 with a .390 obp, 20 homers, 89 rbi, 120 runs, 74 stolen bases while only being caught stealing 8 times.

