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Offense Wakes Up in 5th, Bullpen Solid Again In 7-4 Victory Over Nats

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  • Postgame: Offense Wakes Up in 5th, Bullpen Solid Again In 7-4 Victory Over Nats

  • #2
    Winner Winner Pollo Dinner!
    There's No jOOj In Team.


    • #3
      41-14 vs. Washington since start of 08


      • #4
        We did it


        • #5
          It was really funny how Rich Waltz and Tommy Hutton got excited over Leo Nunez hanging a slider to Ryan Zimmerman. And then they pretended that the K on the fastball had something to do with the slider on the previous pitch.

          It was a horrible slider, and he was lucky that Zimmerman only fouled it off. Please never use it again, especially in such a situation.

          With a mid-90's fastball and a very good changeup, there's no need for a slider!


          • #6
            Leo is killing me.


            • #7
              But you loved Matt Lindstrom!


              • #8
                Leo makes me nervous


                • #9
                  I loved Lindstrom like you love a car wreck. You watch but you really don't want to.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      The umpire that called Leo's slider the best he'd ever seen must have been CB Bucknor.


                      • #12
                        Nice to see the team finally put together some offense. It's a pretty important part of the game of baseball.

                        Chris Coghlan might have decided he wants to be good this year unlike he was last season, which would be pretty cool in my book, even though my book is an epic adventure about a Hobbit in the land of Middle Earth.
                        Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


                        • #13
                          Second half of the game was really fun to watch. Buck is such a beastoid.

                          I get scared though when I think about what's going to happen when we (Get Your Marlins Tickets Now) start playing good teams.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                            I get scared though when I think about what's going to happen when we (Get Your Marlins Tickets Now) start playing good teams.
                            I'm not worried about that at all as it's all cyclical and guys like Hanley (and Stanton) aren't going to be footnotes the whole year and they are going to win games by themselves moving forward. The offense is going to pick up big time, especially if Coghlan is going to do what he did tonight. Morrison is going to walk over 100 times easy. Gaby looks like he's going to be a doubles machine. Yea it's a super small sample size, but a big question of the team was are all the sophomore guys going to hit, and signs look pretty damn good so far looking at their ABs and how no one is over matched. Yea, it's not Phillies staff they are facing, but they won't be over powered regardless which is the point. They aren't going to be automatic outs like some guys we have rolled out the last few. Even Bonifacio and Dobbs got some more hits and the bench doesn't look like it's going to be a complete black hole. So they lost to a knuckleballer and a kind of bizarre extra innings game? Shit happens.

                            First time through our rotation, we got three great starts, Volstad kept it close (kind of), and we had a blow up. If that happens on average all year, we're going to keep winning 3 of 5, and that's pretty damn good. These guys can hang with good teams. Can they win 92? That'll be interesting, but I hate to be so optimistic, but you have to love how the team is playing through 5. Theres much more positive than negative. And they've done it without arguably their third best player.


                            • #15
                              We've been benchfucking teams with our bench

