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Apparently Matt Treanor is Hitting for More Power, Rangers Down Fish in 9th

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  • #31
    last night sucked


    • #32
      Originally posted by Fish Tank Frenzy View Post
      Ridicule me if you like but I was one of the 5,000 people booing Nunez. Nunez pretty much got the brunt of total frustration from the fans over this horrendous bullpen. Sanches almost blew it in the 8th and Nunez blew it in the 9th. Walking Hamilton and then letting him get a great jump from 1st base to steal 2nd was just unexcusable.

      Leaving the stadium yesterday almost everyone was either angry or in disbelief. Everyone was cursing the bullpen. Something needs to be done with this bullpen. If nothing is done to improve the bullpen we are looking at going sub .500 for the entire season. That is unacceptable with a team as talented as this one.
      Except Hamilton would have been out by a good 3 feet if Paulino could have gotten the ball out of his glove cleanly.
      Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
      Cody Ross was fucking brutal last night.

      Stanton looked really silly at the plate too.

      And he goes too hard after foul balls. On at least 3 occasions I thouht he was going to hit the bullpen wall at full tilt. Kid needs to learn from Hermida. It's not worth it.
      Last edited by Swifty; 06-16-2010, 02:20 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


      • #33
        I was joking, Swifters.


        • #34
          Someone asked if we are unlucky or whatever, Our pythagorean record is 34-30.


          • #35
            Originally posted by DropkickAlex View Post
            Someone asked if we are unlucky or whatever, Our pythagorean record is 34-30.
            I was referring specifically to the fact that a poster here numerous times said that our positive record in 1-run games last season and early this year were indications that we were playing over out heads.

