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Bats Stay Alive, Marlins Defeat Nationals 9-3 to Take Series

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  • Postgame: Bats Stay Alive, Marlins Defeat Nationals 9-3 to Take Series

    God would be expecting a first pitch breaking ball in the dirt because humans love to disappoint him.
    - Daft

  • #2
    Hanley cares this month


    • #3
      Wouldn't mind seeing more BC and less Maybin.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sashimi View Post
        Wouldn't mind seeing more BC and less Maybin.
        Thing is, you can replace 'Maybin' with 'Ross' or 'Coghlan' and it's still applicable.

        Team needs more Stanton.


        • #5
          Cody's main problem this season has been hitting for power.

          And, I mean, he's gonna be hitting XBH eventually. And he has 4 XBH (3 2b, 1 3b) in his last 5 starts.

          Plus there's defense.

          He's quite far from being Coghlan (Who, while his approach is the main issue right now, also hasn't hit a XBH so far this year) and Maybin (Strike outs strike outs here's another strike out, and where's the power?). Cody Ross's problem this year has been his calling card, chances of his power coming back are huge.
          I also found this interesting in regards to ross

          .775 OPS so far this year against RHP, .300 against LHP

          .740 OPS in his career against RHP, .937 against LHP

          He goes back to being 900+ against LHP and viola
          Last edited by nny; 05-02-2010, 03:43 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


          • #6
            Yeah I'm not worried about Ross at all. I also think that it's only a matter of time before we see Coghlan break out. Maybin is the one guy that worries me a bit, but I think he'll be alright.


            • #7
              Not really directed at you nny, but if Coghlan and Ross' problems this year have been the XBH, and Maybin's problems this year are numerous, why not platoon Ross/Coghlan for a bit and give Maybin enough slack to either keep his job or get demoted with Cody moving back to CF between Cogs and Stanton.

              To me, you can very easily rotate the 4 man OF right now and eventually figure out who the odd man out for the rest of the season is.

              Stanton gets right full time, Cam gets center full time and then Cody and Cogs share left until one gets going then you reevaluate. Plus, Cody can play all 3 positions so when one of the other two needs a day, there ya go.

              BC gets some AAA time, but that's OK.
              Last edited by Swifty; 05-02-2010, 03:51 PM.


              • #8
                I really don't know why you're so gung-ho about bringing up Stanton.


                • #9
                  butomg we should have brought up stanton to replace the horrible Sanchez with the near .800 OPS and equal K/BB
                  Record when He pitches: 3-2


                  • #10
                    I think we should catch the lightning in a bottle and run with it.

                    We let Hermida hang out in AA too long in 2005 and ultimately it probably cost us the playoffs, and the extra time didn't make his career awesome. I'd hate to have that happen again. It'd be one thing if the OF was producing right now but you can make a case all three of them should be benched.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Swift View Post
                      I think we should catch the lightning in a bottle and run with it.

                      We let Hermida hang out in AA too long in 2005 and ultimately it probably cost us the playoffs, and the extra time didn't make his career awesome. I'd hate to have that happen again. It'd be one thing if the OF was producing right now but you can make a case all three of them should be benched.
                      I'm not a big fan of calling up a 20 year old prospect with severe contact issues to finish in 3rd place; while potentially hurting his development.


                      • #12
                        I think we're at an impasse here.

                        I think Stanton's as big league ready as he's going to be, whether he's 20 or 22, contact's always going to be an issue (except, lately it's not so maybe he just 'got it'), and the power's there. It's not doubles power, it's home run power.

                        I think this team has the talent to win the wild-card, but the OF is awful right now. I haven't looked around the league, but if you told me there was a worse 3-man-OF than ours I'd be shocked.

                        Additionally, the NL as a whole is pretty crappy. As I said at the start of the year, and I still stand by, 88ish wins takes the NL WC. With how bad our OF is, Stanton's good for a game or two improvement, and that's huge when you talk WC standings.


                        • #13
                          We're going to have to agree to disagree then. I just don't see it.
                          Last edited by Mainge; 05-02-2010, 04:21 PM.


                          • #14
                            That's fine, and I'm probably yelling at a brick wall in terms of the organization actually promoting him (and if they do, it likely causes Cogs to sit/go down, which I'm not totally sure I want to get behind).

                            Still though, I think the notion of saving the prospect is silly when we continually say it's about the name on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back and it's clear our major league OF is all kinds of awful.


                            • #15
                              Astros have been worse. Bourn's been the best of the six but Lee and Pence have been worse than Cody and Maybin.

