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Marlins Win and Lose SS Games 11-2; Stanton Goes 3-5

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  • Marlins Win and Lose SS Games 11-2; Stanton Goes 3-5

    Stanton's so cool.
    Logan had an 0-6 day. Yikes.
    Last edited by Swifty; 03-08-2010, 03:15 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged

  • #2
    I guess Gaby's winning through 5 games.

    Seth McClung doing everything he can to not get a roster spot today.

    .2 IP, 2 h, 6 ER, 3 BB.



    • #3
      Just got back from the Nats game. Stanton is so cool. Really impressed by Petersen too.

      Logan took an 0'fer, but he had a couple of shots one that just missed a homer and another that was smoked right at a guy. He did look bad on a couple of the strikeouts though.

      Boner had a triple, but I was more impressed by his infield single where he actually got on top of a high fastball. He had a couple of his typical infuriating at-bats though too.
      Oh and that homer by Cantu probably should've been caught by the left-fielder. Bounced off the left-fielders glove over the fence.

      Hammer hit an absolute bomb in the game.
      Last edited by Nick; 03-08-2010, 03:31 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


      • #4
        Just got back from the Jupiter game. Seth McClung did not impress me. I swear I thought that inning would never end. In fact, I'd bet money that if Fredi hadn't gone and got him when he did, I'd still be sitting in Roger Dean, it'd still be the top of the 9th and the score would be about 20-2.

        I've never really been impressed by Gaby but he did really well today. If he keeps that up, he may make me change my mind.

        Tucker looked like shit. I didn't think he'd get out of the first inning.

        I had never heard of the last two guys that did stuff for us; Schroeder the pitcher and Dayleg the hitter.

        Beinfest was there. I think he left before the McClung disaster, though.

        I think I covered everything else.


        • #5
          You mean Terrence Dayleg, the Western Kentucky Hilltopper legend?

          I heckled him.


          • #6
            He's also the fighter of the Nightleg.


            • #7

              He's on twitter, apparently.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bobbob1313 View Post
                You mean Terrence Dayleg, the Western Kentucky Hilltopper legend?

                I heckled him.
                Yeah, that'd be him. Who the hell is he?

                Were you there today Bobbob?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
                  Yeah, that'd be him. Who the hell is he?

                  Were you there today Bobbob?
                  I was not. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to make any games this week, as I've got a test tonight, a test Wednesday, and a paper due thursday.

                  I'm on break next week, so I may go up then.

                  Dayleg was the second best player on our GCL team last year. 22nd rounder, out of Western Kentucky.


                  • #10
                    That may be why I haven't heard of him. Hopefully this will change once the season gets started and I update the minor league database.


                    • #11
                      Some pics from todays game.

                      Space Coast Stadium


                      Dunn speared Cantu and continued to beat him on the ground


                      Ollie throwing high 80's heat


                      The Future

                      Big Country

                      For Ramp

                      Stanton single
                      Last edited by FishFF; 03-08-2010, 04:38 PM.


                      • #12
                        I wasn't really able to take many pictures. I had this huge guy in front of me that had at least 8 beers (that's what he got from the aisle vendor. He probably had more before the game started and I sat down). All the beers came from the same beer vendor dude and the guy tipped him $2-$5 each time. The guy had to have spent at least $80 in beer. It was insane.


                        • #13
                          hehehe nice picture of the Dunn-Cantu wrestling match. That thing seemingly went on forever.


                          • #14
                            I missed a Boner foul ball, hit me right in my palm but I was one handed because of my beer Hot as hell today, felt good to get some sun.


                            • #15
                              I had a foul ball land two rows up and three seats to the right of me. Closest I've come to catching one in a while.

