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Baseball Prospectus NL East Preview

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  • #16
    The Nats core is not anywhere as strong as ours.
    Last edited by Bobbob1313; 03-04-2010, 09:21 AM.


    • #17
      Exciting time to be a Nationals fan nonetheless. The only way for them to go is up right now.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Swift View Post
        Thing is, Atlanta is asking those two to be their "core" since their team is by and large on the back 9 of their careers.

        We've already got our "core" in Hanley and JJ with periphery guys like Coghlan and Nolasco. We're just asking Stanton/Morrison/Maybin/Dominguez/James to come in and make our team absolutely retarded, not make our team like Atlanta is asking their duo. If Chipper were 10 years younger, yeah, get the fuck out of their way, but he's not.

        Thus, I still think the scariest team going forward is Washington. They've got the most terrifying combination of established talent, super prospects and a demonstrated willingness to jump into free agency if a match surfaces. Like, come on, tell me that if our franchises switched owners that we wouldn't be burning up the phone lines with Smoltz or Washburn right now.
        I think Atlanta already as their complementary pieces in place long term. They've got a really nice long term SS and C in place, and what should be a very nice long term CF. They also have a very good 1B prospect that I believe is in AA this year. They're pretty well set up long term.

        The Nats really only have Zimmerman as far as a real long term building block at the major league level as far as position players go. Yeah, they've got all of that young pitching, but I remain unimpressed with most of them and I really can't see John Lannan continuing to do what he has, and he's the only one who's shown any consistency. Right now they have the highest upside, sure, but they could flameout, and their position prospects still don't get me too excited.


        • #19
          Originally posted by nny View Post
          All the nationals have is Zimmerman and Strausberg and the chance to spend the same 100 million the Braves, Phillies, and Mets spend.
          And Josh Willingham


          • #20


            • #21
              Originally posted by lou View Post
              And Josh Willingham
              He doesn't count because he's about to be a FA and will break A-Rod's contract.


              • #22
                I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaaally interested to see what he does in a FA year and what kind of deal he'll get next year.


                • #23
                  Would be more interesting to make a 31 year old Willingham with his career a free agent in 2006, any contract he gets now is going to be for 2/3 the length and 50% of what he would have otherwise gotten. I don't know if it's the economy, smarter FO's or both, but a guy like Willingham does not want to hit free agency right now.


                  • #24
                    No, it isn't. Even if he OPS's .850+ this year, teams will always look at him as an injury prone guy who keeps getting lucky. And that's a shame.


                    • #25
                      I don't think teams will think he's getting lucky. He's a fucking ox out there. That being said, it's too bad is FA is coming now. But luckily he's finally getting paaaaaaaaaid. He deserves it.


                      • #26
                        Well ya he'll get paid, I just get the impression that FO's will always regard him as a flash in the pan and question his consistency. He won't get paid what he's worth. Also, HE ONLY BATTED .260 LAST YEAR


                        • #27
                          And he's played in two pitchers parks (atleast I assume DC is pitcher parky)

                          Dude abuses pitchers on the road

                          Also, dude set career highs in OBP, tied his best SLG, new OPS and OPS+

                          he's so fucking cool


                          • #28
                            You are preaching to the choir (I'm wearing the robes), I'm just sayin, dude doesn't get his r-e-s-p-e-c-t


                            • #29


                              • #30
                                and just for the hell of it...

                                his OPS' from May-June last year


                                my god

