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Front Office Expects 2010 Marlins to Make the Playoffs. Do you?

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  • Front Office Expects 2010 Marlins to Make the Playoffs. Do you?

    Marlins pitcher Josh Johnson finally got his big contract Thursday, but it came with a lofty order from the front office for him and the rest of the team:

    Now, go out and make the playoffs.

    "I don't want to mislead any of our players," team president David Samson said at a news conference to announce Johnson's four-year, $39 million contract, which was agreed upon last week. "We have very high expectations going into this season — it is not unreasonable for our fans to believe that we will make the playoffs."

    Samson also said the team has no plans to trade second baseman Dan Uggla, who hit 31 home runs in 2009 when the Marlins finished with 87 wins, missing the playoffs by five games.

    Uggla, who had been the subject of trade talks at the winter meetings, reached agreement on a $7.8 million contract Monday.

    "I did not go to bed one night this past off-season thinking Dan Uggla was not going to be a Marlin," Samson said. "We're bringing back an 87-win team. We want this team back because we were so close."

    Several of the key Marlins, including shortstop Hanley Ramirez, Uggla, Johnson and starter Ricky Nolasco will be starting their fifth season together.

    "Sprinkle in a few people coming in to compete for first base, piece together the bullpen and all of a sudden you're one of eight (playoff teams), and that's exactly where we plan to be," Samson said.

    "We thought we were going to be there last year. We fell short but this year we would not expect to fall short."

    Samson would not discuss whether the club's recent spate of signings was related to the Marlins' recent agreement with Major League Baseball and the players' union to use revenue-sharing money to boost the payroll, which last season with the lowest of the 30 teams. The payroll is projected to rise from $36.8 last season to about $45 million.

    The Marlins held the news conference at the site of the team's new ballpark, which is set to open in 2012.

    "We wanted to do everything we could to build on last year as were heading in to the new ballpark, to get momentum," Samson said. "We want to win in 2012, but we'd like to have that coming off of two championship seasons in '10 and '11."

    Johnson said the Marlins can meet the challenge.

    "I think we're closer than people think," he said. "If we can get that starting pitching to come through and get deep into games, that's the main thing."

    Johnson, 25, was 15-5 with a 3.23 ERA last year, his first full season after reconstructive elbow surgery. His contract was held up at one point because Samson wanted to sign Johnson for three years instead of four.

    Then Samson got a phone call from owner Jeffrey Loria.

    "He said, 'David, I appreciate your advice and I don't accept it,' " Samson recalled. "Josh is going to be on this team for well over a decade. We'd like him to go into the Hall of Fame as a Marlin."

    Samson then turned to Johnson on Thursday and asked, "Is that too much pressure?"

    Johnson then put on a hardhat and walked to the spot where the pitcher's mound will be situated in the new ballpark. While construction crews worked, Johnson threw a strike to his agent, Matt Sosnick, who stood at the site of home plate.

    Part of the Marlins' optimism is based on the belief that starters Chris Volstad and Anibal Sanchez will bounce back from disappointing seasons. And the Marlins are trying to find a veteran reliever or two to replace right-handers Kiko Calero and Brendan Donnelly, who pitched well last season but left as free agents.

    Youngsters Logan Morrison and Gaby Sanchez will compete at first base, but most of the starting lineup will return, including third baseman Jorge Cantu.

    The Marlins also need to replace left-handed pinch-hitter Ross Gload, who signed a free-agent deal with Philadelphia.

    Samson said the team has seen a "significant increase" and interest in season tickets and group-ticket sales this week with news that Johnson, Uggla and Cantu had reached contract agreements.

    "It was never a doubt in our office that they were going to be signed and on the team, but people were concerned and thought they wouldn't be," Samson said.
    Florida Marlins' front office sends a message to players: We want to win now
    Yes with no changes
    Yes but only if we add some more pieces
    No way
    I don't know/don't care
    Last edited by THE_REAL_MIBS; 01-21-2010, 08:57 PM. Reason: Going to add a poll

  • #2
    I voted yes. I think they have a better chance of making it this year than I did last year and they only ended up missing by, what? 5-6 games or less? Our KEY make or break points (IMO) are offensive production from first base, our preformance from our 3-5 starters, and the back end of the bullpen. Im very confident about everything else.

    Serious fun! GET IT IN!


    • #3
      They need

      2 SP to break out
      2 RP to break out, not including Nunez, Meyer, and Pinto who need to "remain the same"
      One of Maybin/1B situation to become an above average producer
      All of the veteran bats to remain the same
      Coghlan not fall to much
      The bench to be productive, and who knows with Helms, Jimenez, Bonifacio, and Carroll right now. Does anyone hit over a .700 OPS right there?

      I mean if all that happens, they could probably get to 90-92 wins. And jesus, that's a lot to ask for.

      So when I say they need something else, I'm assuming they need 150 more innings from some combination of starter or relievers, and they need another bat to pick up the slack at 1B/Bench.


      • #4
        I don't think we can make the play-offs without all the piece clicking. However this year the amount of things that need to go right are smaller than last year and 2008.


        • #5
          if we had Willingham, yes

          anyway, I think we can get to 85+ wins... just need a few things to go right from there to reach the playoffs

          that being said, I don't think we make the playoffs


          • #6
            Not with the rest of the teams in the NL East, I don't.


            • #7
              Honest question for Lou:

              I don't remember what you have said, but you tend to be very optimistic. I thought you had said this team was set up to be really special and what not, was that for this year and you have realized that we will need more luck than you thought, or did you not say anything like that?


              • #8
                I think by midseason there will be a big need for another starter. So Yes with a catch.


                • #9
                  I think Lou has always thought we were set up for 2011, but I might be wrong


                  • #10
                    It could be the case, but we'd still need things to fall very nicely into place for that to happen. I can't imagine thinking, with this team plus one season, well here it is, it'd be hard for us not to win it all this coming season.

                    Of course, we are too far off to see things either way right now


                    • #11
                      Well I think he is banking on Logan and Stanton being legit

                      (besides everyone else improving a bit too)


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I think so too. But Stanton probably doesn't see all that much time this year and then heading into next season we have to play the "I hope this guy pans out in a major way" game again


                        • #13
                          that game is sometimes fun

                          other times it is not so fun


                          • #14
                            It has its moments


                            • #15
                              lou awarded us the hypothetical 2008 pennant after the last tear down, then when that got a little funny he penciled us in for 2010 err, '12.

                              Anyway, I don't think the team as constructed is a playoff team on its own merit. However, I think it's in that second tier of teams that either needs a break in their favor or to the detriment of their competitors. Asking for an injury to Howard or Halladay or two breakouts is a lot to hope for.

                              I think the NL has 2 mid-high 90 win teams in the Cards and Phillies and beyond that there are a few high 80ish teams like the Giants, Dodgers and possibly the Cubs. In that second tier, I put us right behind the Braves as the most complete teams (Arizona pending Webb's rehab), so no playoff certainty, plenty of possibilities, and that's a pretty good situation to be in.

