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Greg Burns and Defense (subtitle: Holy Shit)

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  • Greg Burns and Defense (subtitle: Holy Shit)

    So I was just checking the total stats of our AFL guys and loling at greg burns line (.200/.667/.600/1.267. Here's a break down of his 12 PAs: 7 walks, 3 strike outs, 1 triple, 1 ground out )

    I hopped over to his minorleaguesplit page, hoping that with his bad overall numbers that maybe he had a huge split and could atleast be useful against RHP (there's a split but he still sucks).

    I then hopped to his defensive page.

    and was just like

    He was at +29 runs in CF this year in 435 chances going by TZ. His TZ/150: +41. +41 runs in 150 games.

    To put that in perspective, if he puts up a terrible .650 OPS, he'd be on par production wise with a .810 OPS CFer.

    I mean obviously with his speed he's gonna be a plus defensive CFer, but that's just crazy.

    Now he probably isn't this good. He was at +13 (+20 TZ/150) last year. And a lot likely has to do with being in Jupiter these past two years in that oh so spacious park: He was +12 home/+1 away last year, +19 home/+9 away this year.

    And in Greensboro and Jamestown, both tiny parks, he was -1/-7/-3 in '05/'06/'07.

    Still, I think it's something to monitor. He might be able to develop into a ok back up CFer. Though really, with his strike outs, he's going to likely be nothing cry cry cry.

  • #2
    He's absolutely garbage offensively. Not enough balls hit to CF to overcome the suckfest that is his bat


    • #3
      He's got a cannon for an arm too.


      • #4
        BC lite glove-wise?
        Originally posted by Matt Wilson
        Fish and Chips just became the smartest man on the board
        Tom Koehler(4-0)
        AAA: 7 GS, 40.2 IP, 2.66 ERA, 34 H, 12 ER, 17 BB, 31 SO, GO/AO 0.87, BAA .233 , 1.25 WHIP


        • #5
          Even if he is that good defensively, I doubt he gets any real shot at the bigs unless he cuts down on strike outs a lot and be able to hit for an average of about .260. Just making contact and getting the ball on the ground is his number 1 priority now. If he can do that he probably has a future somewhere


          • #6
            To his credit he gets on base at a decent clip, generally. He just sucks at every other aspect of hitting.
            Amy Adams, AKA Cinnamon Muff
            Logan Morrison: "If baseball didn't exist, I would probably be ... like a curler. Or a hairstylist."
            Noah Perio
            39 AB
            15 H
            0 2B
            0 3B
            0 HR
            0 BB

