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Dodgers Acquire Thome and Garland With Minutes to Spare

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  • National League: Dodgers Acquire Thome and Garland With Minutes to Spare

    He's gonna play CF

  • #2
    Jon Garland Traded to Dodgers

    He too will play CF


    • #3
      White Sox go from buyers to sellers on a weekly basis.


      • #4
        Aggressive teams make me happy.


        • #5
          Must be fun to have a real team


          • #6
            They've made some really bad decisions at times though that were very costly.

            /captain obvious


            • #7
              Originally posted by Swift View Post
              Aggressive teams make me happy.
              When there is more certainty involved in a decision, aggression increases.

              Beinfest hasn't had that certainty since 2005.


              • #8
                Some fun commentary (as always) on this move from


                "I’ve been pretty busy the last few days, so maybe I missed something. Did the National League add the designated hitter? I can’t find anything on the internet about it, but how else would you explain the Dodgers getting a guy who hasn’t put on a glove in two seasons? That guy, of course, is Jim Thome. The 39-year-old designated hitter was acquired on Monday in exchange for minor league infielder Justin Fuller. I suppose it can’t hurt to have Thome’s bat coming off of the bench, and it should be nice for Manny Ramirez to know that there’s someone on the team who’s more inept with the glove and strikes out more often than him. Ned Colletti must have wet his friggin’ pants when he saw the memo from the White Sox announcing their garage sale.

                The acquisition of Thome wasn’t the Dodgers’ only move. Pitcher Jon Garland, who entered the visitor’s clubhouse at Dodger Stadium on Monday afternoon, will leave through the Dodgers’ clubhouse Monday night. Garland was 8-11 with a 4.29 ERA, which ranks him… well… toward the bottom of the Dodgers’ staff. I guess I’d rather have Jon Garland on the mound instead of Charlie Haeger, but is Garland really the guy who’s going to make a difference in a five or seven game series? No, he’s not. And I guarantee you that whoever the Player to be Named Later is, he’ll burn the Dodgers in a couple years.

                Actually, if the Player to be Named Later turns out to be James McDonald, any chance the league would rescind the home run he gave up in the 10th inning on Monday (after the trade was made)? The home run—coming on the heels of George Sherrill’s meat ball in the eighth inning—gave the Diamondbacks a 4-3 lead and the eventual win. Meanwhile, the Dodgers got a whopping five hits to support another strong start from Randy Wolf. Oh well, at least Jim Thome and Jon Garland should feel right at home since the Dodgers have all the energy of a fourth-place team."

