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Report: Bud Selig Stepping Down As Commish After 2012

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  • Report: Bud Selig Stepping Down As Commish After 2012

    According to sources, a group of five owners approached the 75-year-old Selig about remaining on the job beyond the end of his contract, which expires after the 2012 season.

    It was the same kind of approach that had been used to convince him to stay in charge at least two other times, the first being after he stepped in as head of the executive council to lead ownership after Fay Vincent was forced to resign as commissioner in 1992. Selig’s tenure most recently had been scheduled to end in 2009, but his deal was extended quietly in early 2008.

    This time, according to sources, Selig told the owners he will step aside after 2012 — not because he is tiring but because he has other things to do while he’s able.
    more here

  • #2
    What else could Selig want to do that he can't while Commish?


    • #3
      He wanted to go sunbathing.


      • #4
        I second the sunbathing in Miami maybe he wants to buy the Marlins and spend some cash


        • #5
          holy crap, 21 guests viewing this thread. Among those Bud Selig, his wife, his drug dealer, Keith Law and George W. Bush


          • #6
            This news is good news


            • #7
              chicago tribune reporting selig is stepping down after the 2012 season, not the 2011 season. presumably because he wants to be the commissioner of the last season in the history of mankind and doesn't think john cusack can save baseball after the mayan prophecy is fulfilled.

