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Uggla Wants To Stay In Florida

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  • #16
    they did outbluff(is that a word) the nats on the NJ trade

    i still think uggla will get a couple of nice prospects, there is a big market for a slugging 2B, and all it takes is two teams
    Originally posted by Matt Wilson
    Fish and Chips just became the smartest man on the board
    Tom Koehler(4-0)
    AAA: 7 GS, 40.2 IP, 2.66 ERA, 34 H, 12 ER, 17 BB, 31 SO, GO/AO 0.87, BAA .233 , 1.25 WHIP


    • #17
      if we keep cantu over uggla imma be pissed


      • #18
        Originally posted by Festa View Post
        We're going to get a terrible package for him. Baseball is business, but Samson and the FO fail at bluffing.
        Unfortunately, it's hard to bluff when the other team knows what cards you're holding and knows that you don't have shit.


        • #19
          No problem with dealing Uggla if it means Ross and Hermida stay. Otherwise, problem with dealing Uggla


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sashimi View Post
            Unfortunately, it's hard to bluff when the other team knows what cards you're holding and knows that you don't have shit.
            Two teams will want him.

            No problems with trading him.


            • #21
              Originally posted by wanks1212 View Post
              No problem with dealing Uggla if it means Ross and Hermida stay. Otherwise, problem with dealing Uggla
              I kind of agree.

              I think Hermida should stay regardless. His $3 million or so arby payout is worth seeing what we have in him.

              We can't lose our top 2 walk guys (Uggla, Hermida) in the same offseason.

              Hermida isn't great, but he absolutely brings more to us than he will return in trade, especially if we cut ties with Nick Johnson and do the smart thing and bat Hermida 2.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Swift View Post
                I kind of agree.

                I think Hermida should stay regardless. His $3 million or so arby payout is worth seeing what we have in him.

                We can't lose our top 2 walk guys (Uggla, Hermida) in the same offseason.

                Hermida isn't great, but he absolutely brings more to us than he will return in trade, especially if we cut ties with Nick Johnson and do the smart thing and bat Hermida 2.
                I think Hermida is 100% gone as well.

                In fact, I kind of smell an Uggla/Hermida twofer to the Cubs.


                • #23
                  Only way Uggla stays is if he signs a 5 yr 15 mil dollar deal. Its all about cash till the stadium is built. Teams have known this since last year,which is why they dont offer massive amounts for our guys

                  There will be a market for Uggla,the problem with the market is tho teams know the Marlins have to get rid of salary,so the offers won't be that great until teams start fighting for him. The hot team is again the Giants especially if they cut all ties with Freddy Sanchez. They are not gonna take his option but are looking to sign him for cheaper. If they lose Sanchez,they still have the prospects to make a nice deal.

                  The Cubs are the team after Jeremy Hermida. The only issue with Chicago is who do they have to trade. Won't trade Vitters,Smarzidja???,or Starlin Castro. They do have Jay Jackson,Andrew Cashner,Wellington Castillo tho

                  Doubtful we see a 2fer as lou calls it tho,unless we see a 1 of those TOP names.

                  Also Cody Ross could be a nice 4th OF/DH for any AL team so he could be another guy to move.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by tjfla View Post
                    Its all about cash till the stadium is built. Teams have known this since last year,which is why they dont offer massive amounts for our guys

                    There will be a market for Uggla,the problem with the market is tho teams know the Marlins have to get rid of salary,so the offers won't be that great until teams start fighting for him.
                    This. Even Rick Sutcliffe, on the national tv broadcast last night, spoke about Uggla being gone after this season as if it was a foregone conclusion...because it is. I have no doubt Uggla will garner a good bit of interest, but the certainty on the part of other teams that we cannot pay him, hurts our hand tremendously in trade talks.


                    • #25
                      It's not going to hurt his trade value! It's not like no one is going to want him. Teams will have holes at 2B, and he is a HUGE fix. Two teams.

                      This isn't trading, hammer, or olsen, or jacobs, or whoever. Uggla is a totally different class of players. We'll have trouble moving Cantu, or Hermida, but not Uggla.


                      • #26
                        the difference in uggla and cantu is gonna be like 2 mil and that is 2 mil worth spending

                        and fuck hermida


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by lou View Post
                          It's not going to hurt his trade value! It's not like no one is going to want him. Teams will have holes at 2B, and he is a HUGE fix. Two teams.

                          This isn't trading, hammer, or olsen, or jacobs, or whoever. Uggla is a totally different class of players. We'll have trouble moving Cantu, or Hermida, but not Uggla.
                          I agree it wont bring his value down but I can already see Chicago's first offer for Uggla- Jay Jackson and 2 lower prospects for Uggla. Now if that was the offer for Hermida I would jump all over it but no where near what it takes.

                          Why?? because Chicago knows that we are dealing him and we have to deal him. Of course we will reject it and then after the big names hitters disappear we will call them back and say Starlin Castro,Jay Jackson,and some mid level young pitcher or 2 for him.

                          There are gonna be atleast 3 teams after him- Cubs,Giants,Cards with 2 also kicking the tires-Twins and prolly another AL team. I say the Giants pay the most just because of need of BAT,2B and willingness to trade guys unless if the Cardinals do NOT resign Holliday and Ankiel leaves. If the Cards get in on Uggla we could get a great package-Pete Kozma,Daryl Jones,Francisco Samuel,Jaime Garcia,Adam Ottavino,PJ Walters,Bryan Anderson just a few names that they have

                          Best case is Jeremy Hermida to Cubs for Jay Jackson and a prospect or 2 and Dan Uggla to Cards(If Halliday and Ankiel leave) or Giants for a package of 3 or 4 guys


                          • #28
                            I would be very happy to get Jay Jackson for Uggla.

                            Jackson tore up the minors this year. He's practically untouchable, so let's stop throwing his name around just because of where he was in the preseason prospect rankings.


                            • #29
                              Gimme Jake Fox plz.
                              This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


                              • #30
                                I agree would love to get Jay Jackson, I am just saying I would not build a offer for Dan Uggla around him.

                                I build the offer around 1 of Josh Vitters/Jeff Samardzija/Starlin Castro AND Jay Jackson

                                Honestly the Cubs have a terrible system besides about 6 guys(Vitters,Samardzija,Castro,Jackson,Castillo,Ca shner) and 1 of them Cashner just screams Injury

