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Would You Be in Favor of Going Back to the Throwback Marlins Jerseys for Good?

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  • Would You Be in Favor of Going Back to the Throwback Marlins Jerseys for Good?

    Simple question with the retro weekend coming up and the excitement and memories that those uniforms seem to bring up with many marlins fans, would you be in favor of going back to the teal pinstripe uniforms or one of the other throwbacks for good?

    I think we will be overhauling the logo and stuff soon enough, but I think it might be a legit possibility that it might happen as this era of new uniforms that have been around the nonstop trainwreck that has been this team since the opening of the new stadium are going to go eventually.

    Id be stoked. They are the best looking uniforms we have had and would be a refreshing change from the bad memories in the current uniforms and it annoys me a little how much this team can try to over do it in terms of trying to be as colorful as possible simply because we play in miami. The teal and pinstripe combo is the shit.

  • #2


    • #3
      I'm in favor of ditching the orange for a return to teal. I don't like the orange, plus it was something that Jeff Loria was trying to incorporate for like a decade before we even opened the new stadium. Get rid of as much of a trace to the Loria era as we can. I'm not in favor of just trying to emulate the 90s uniforms though, come up with a new identity, new logo, new uniforms, while incorporating the color scheme of the past.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ¿NICK? View Post
        I'm in favor of ditching the orange for a return to teal. I don't like the orange, plus it was something that Jeff Loria was trying to incorporate for like a decade before we even opened the new stadium. Get rid of as much of a trace to the Loria era as we can. I'm not in favor of just trying to emulate the 90s uniforms though, come up with a new identity, new logo, new uniforms, while incorporating the color scheme of the past.
        I think an interesting one would be having one of the old school teal pinstripe jerseys but instead of marlins or florida it says miami. Thats a little new twist on an old favorite.


        • #5
          After seeing what they look like again on the players, I say yes. Teal can be our color.


          • #6
            I'd favor a return to teal.

            However, I don't think you just slap "MIAMI" on the old uniforms and pull the same "MARLINS" script back out. I think you have to create something that draws on the old look for inspiration, but is still a new look at the same time.

            It's evident to me a change is coming - the increased use of black this year (team ads, promotions, pamphlets, website, backstop, etc) and removing the orange tops altogether indicates a transition away from orange at the very least, and to me, means a rebrand is coming, with black being a "safe" neutral color to use in the transition.

            I also think we'll see the lime green walls go away too....I just hope Jeter doesn't turn it into Yankee Stadium South and go with dark navy blue walls devoid of any character. I'd favor using teal walls again (if they return to it as the team's primary color), the blue used in the current logo (if kept), or the blue used in the WBC when they covered the walls in blue for those games.


            I don't think they can/should go back to being the Florida Marlins though, as some have been calling for. For one, I don't think they legally can with the stadium agreement (which called for the name change). But otherwise, I think that ship has sailed.
            Last edited by rmc523; 06-04-2018, 08:34 AM.


            • #7
              Pretty sure they can’t legally go back to being the Florida Marlins and it would be all kinds of dumb even if they were allowed to.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                Pretty sure they can’t legally go back to being the Florida Marlins and it would be all kinds of dumb even if they were allowed to.
                They can revert to the uniforms/logo styling, though.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Namaste View Post
                  Pretty sure they can’t legally go back to being the Florida Marlins and it would be all kinds of dumb even if they were allowed to.
                  yup, i believe thats for good too. That's why i mentioned the old school uni's with Miami written instead of florida or marlins.


                  • #10
                    Teal is a very 90s color and it looks incredibly outdated. And Black is pretty dumb too especially for a team in south Florida. I love the current logos but I know I’m sort of alone. If anything I wish they’d go with an orange/blue/gray like the old minor league team.
                    Originally posted by Madman81
                    Most of the people in the world being dumb is not a requirement for you to be among their ranks.
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by emkayseven View Post
                      Teal is a very 90s color and it looks incredibly outdated. And Black is pretty dumb too especially for a team in south Florida. I love the current logos but I know I’m sort of alone. If anything I wish they’d go with an orange/blue/gray like the old minor league team.
                      So Mets south?


                      • #12
                        or Florida Gators.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by emkayseven View Post
                          Teal is a very 90s color and it looks incredibly outdated. And Black is pretty dumb too especially for a team in south Florida. I love the current logos but I know I’m sort of alone. If anything I wish they’d go with an orange/blue/gray like the old minor league team.

                          You’re not alone. You’ve got me.



                          • #14


                            • #15
                              I’m in favor of taking the best elements from the 96-2002 uniforms and creating something that better reflects the team and region. Teal, silver and black are this team’s colors.

