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Will the Marlins Trade Uggla?

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  • #16
    if we can get some good young arms I wouldnt mind sorta like what pirates got from SF for Sanchez


    • #17
      This is the wrong board to ask that question.

      It is like asking the Republican News Channel(I mean FOX News) if Obama was born in the US,everyone knows the right answer but everyone will try to prove u different.

      Dan Uggla should have been dealt LAST offseason and we could have got a ton in return and he also should have been dealt at the Trade Deadline this year for a nice package but less than last offseason(See SF Giants and Freddy Sanchez-They wanted Uggla and were willing to pay more than what they gave to Pitt but we said NO because we had a 5% chance at the Wild Card)

      I have said in the past the Cubs,Cards,Giants,DBacks,Dodgers,and Twins all have made offers to us and a number of AL teams wanted him to DH for them however I highly doubt we will get close to his trade value anymore. The reason behind that is teams know we can't afford him and there are 2 guys who WE love waiting to take over. Beinfest will shop him around and its gonna be the same thing,we pass until the price comes down

      So YES we will trade him however it will be for less than his value and it will crush all of the Fish fans who instead of playing for the future,play for the present in which we are 10GB of the Wild Card with no chance of getting it


      • #18
        it will crush all of the Fish fans who instead of playing for the future,play for the present in which we are 10GB of the Wild Card with no chance of getting it
        I dont know about anyone else, but im starting to get really tired of 'playing for the future'. And trading Uggla wouldnt be about playing for the future it would be about dumping salary as usual.


        • #19
          Playing for the future is like the girl that keeps putting you off and "doesn't want to ruin the relationship with sex" that goes out and bangs like 17 other dudes a night. At the same time. Anally.
          This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


          • #20
            MLBTRADERUMORS.COM says that the Mets might move Luis Castillo(My favorite Marlin) this offseason. What do you guys think of trading Uggla for him and someone else or just trading Uggla and then trading for Castill. I would love to see Louie at second base. Coghlan at leadoff then Castillo, thats guaranteed base runners.
            "I just want them to keep bringing guys on and I'm going to strip them of their health. I bring pain, a lot of pain." Mike Tyson


            • #21
              Can we trade for Livan Hernandez and Moises Alou?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Longview View Post
                I dont know about anyone else, but im starting to get really tired of 'playing for the future'. And trading Uggla wouldnt be about playing for the future it would be about dumping salary as usual.
                Seriously. It seems we've been playing for the future since 2006. The thing is, it's never the future, it's always the present, and you can play for the future forever and not go fucking anywhere.
                Need help? Questions? Concerns? Want to chat? PM Hugg!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Virtuoso View Post
                  MLBTRADERUMORS.COM says that the Mets might move Luis Castillo(My favorite Marlin) this offseason. What do you guys think of trading Uggla for him and someone else or just trading Uggla and then trading for Castill. I would love to see Louie at second base. Coghlan at leadoff then Castillo, thats guaranteed base runners.
                  Not going to lie, he's one of my favorite Marlins ever and I'd love for him to finish his career here. He could also serve as a teacher to Bonifacio (maybe.....I mean, we're willing to try anything here right?).

                  With that said.....I don't want to trade Uggla in division.
                  God would be expecting a first pitch breaking ball in the dirt because humans love to disappoint him.
                  - Daft


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Virtuoso View Post
                    MLBTRADERUMORS.COM says that the Mets might move Luis Castillo(My favorite Marlin) this offseason. What do you guys think of trading Uggla for him and someone else or just trading Uggla and then trading for Castill. I would love to see Louie at second base. Coghlan at leadoff then Castillo, thats guaranteed base runners.
                    I would rather consume a bowl of nails than ever see Uggla in a Met uniform.

                    Oh, and I seriously hope Uggs gets a nice ovation in his final AB at home this season. The man deserves it.
                    Last edited by m26555; 09-18-2009, 04:50 PM.


                    • #25


                      • #26
                        Were they rusty?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by FishFanInPA View Post
                          Dan Uggla has the 3rd lowest batting average in the league for a 5 hole hitter.
                          This is just awful. You say so many awful things, but you should really be ashamed of this.

                          Originally posted by tjfla View Post
                          This is the wrong board to ask that question.

                          It is like asking the Republican News Channel(I mean FOX News) if Obama was born in the US,everyone knows the right answer but everyone will try to prove u different.

                          Dan Uggla should have been dealt LAST offseason and we could have got a ton in return and he also should have been dealt at the Trade Deadline this year for a nice package but less than last offseason(See SF Giants and Freddy Sanchez-They wanted Uggla and were willing to pay more than what they gave to Pitt but we said NO because we had a 5% chance at the Wild Card)

                          I have said in the past the Cubs,Cards,Giants,DBacks,Dodgers,and Twins all have made offers to us and a number of AL teams wanted him to DH for them however I highly doubt we will get close to his trade value anymore. The reason behind that is teams know we can't afford him and there are 2 guys who WE love waiting to take over. Beinfest will shop him around and its gonna be the same thing,we pass until the price comes down

                          So YES we will trade him however it will be for less than his value and it will crush all of the Fish fans who instead of playing for the future,play for the present in which we are 10GB of the Wild Card with no chance of getting it
                          All of this is bad
                          Last edited by Metes; 09-19-2009, 02:18 AM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by tjfla View Post
                            I have said in the past the Cubs,Cards,Giants,DBacks,Dodgers,and Twins all have made offers to us and a number of AL teams wanted him to DH for them however I highly doubt we will get close to his trade value anymore. The reason behind that is teams know we can't afford him and there are 2 guys who WE love waiting to take over. Beinfest will shop him around and its gonna be the same thing,we pass until the price comes down
                            If multiple teams want him, it doesn't matter that we have natural replacements or "the Marlins can't afford him." The market will create itself if 2-3 teams want to grab him. And I can't see how a bunch of teams won't want him all of a sudden as he hasn't slowed down at all at hitting the ball.

                            Secondly, let's say the Marlins trade Hermida, Cantu, Anibal, Leo, Amezaga, and release Proctor.

                            C John Baker $415,000
                            1B Gaby Sanchez $405,000
                            2B Dan Uggla $8,000,000
                            3B Chris Coghlan $405,000
                            SS Hanley Ramirez $7,000,000
                            LF Brett Carroll $415,000
                            CF Cameron Maybin $405,000
                            RF Cody Ross $4,200,000
                            B Emilio Bonifacio $415,000
                            B Wes Helms $950,000
                            B Ronny Paulino $880,000
                            B “Veteran 1B/LF Bat” $750,000
                            B De Aza/Jai/Raynor $405,000

                            SP Josh Johnson $5,500,000
                            SP Ricky Nolasco $4,250,000
                            SP Andrew Miller $2,000,000
                            SP Chris Volstad $415,000
                            SP Sean West $415,000
                            RP Matt Lindstrom $1,600,000
                            RP Reynel Pinto $850,000
                            RP Dan Meyer $415,000
                            RP Rick Vanden Hurk $415,000
                            RP Brian Sanches $415,000
                            RP Burke Badenhop $415,000
                            RP Tim Wood $405,000


                            The Marlins can afford Uggla in this scenario under a payroll analysis. Maybe you strategically trade everyone else first to give the perception you will keep Uggla unless you get exactly what you want. But I do not think the Marlins financing is going to prevent us from receiving value back for a fringe-star level player. I disagree with all this huff and puff of not being able to get value for Uggla because we won't pay him, or teams will low ball us, etc etc. Hermida? Sure. But he's not producing. We'll get a "B-" A ball reliever. Whatever. Cantu? Sure, because he's an average bat and will make a few bucks. He's not guaranteed Type A, so we'll be lucky to get a Scotty Cuz for him. Uggla? He has a .900+ post, and is right on his career line for the year. At his position, he is well worth that money on that open market and you control his rights for 2 years, and will easily get Type A compensation at the end of it. We will get some goodies for him if/when he is traded.


                            • #29
                              I think by now everyone knows how much I love Uggla.

                              The question isn’t will we trade Uggla, but for what and to whom; and that’s really gotten me thinking about what the 2010 team will look like. To eliminate any disagreement, let’s just pretend that we “can” afford to keep 3 out of 4 from Uggla, Cantu, Hermida and Ross, and that we likely choose to only keep two, meaning one has to go for a pure salary dump, one is traded for “value.”

                              In the case of Cantu, I think we’re “stuck” with him as we have no organizational depth on the corners. Logan isn’t ready, the team won’t/shouldn’t give Gaby starters AB’s and Nick Johnson’s a free agent.. Not that I necessarily dislike the idea of keeping Cantu, but of the 4, he’d be the first I’d get rid of. He won’t be worth the (my guess) $5.5 mil he’ll probably earn. Because we’re going to carry a popgun offense, we won’t let Cody and his .800 OPS walk, plus his ability to play all 3 OF positions makes him a fail-safe should anyone get hurt/suck out of the gate. Thus we’re locked into Cody. Again, not that I hate the idea of bringing Cody back, rather it bothers me that we use arbitration and the non-guaranteed contracts for “flexibility” and then we end up over a barrel with a player because of lack of organizational depth and then have to pay him an arbitration payout on top of that.

                              Given our organizational depth (Coghlan – good; Bonifacio – bad) and our proclivity for playing bad players April-June, we know we’re likely going to see Uggla moved, even though of the aforementioned 4 players to choose from, Uggla is almost without a doubt the best and certainly the most valuable. However, this is where not signing him to a long term deal kills us. He figures to be around a $7-$7.5 million player in arbitration this offseason (my guess is he files for around $7.7) and that filing alone might be enough to scare some clubs off. Teams hate arbitration, especially 4th and 5th year stuff (which is what they’ll be on the hook for with Uggla) because the numbers get so wacky and most quality players don’t go to 4th and 5th year cases, meaning potentially 8 figure salaries are decided by an arbiter who (generally) still too frequently relies on hits and RBI when making a decision about a player.

                              The point being this: Dan Uggla is going to be the salary dump. In an offseason where the best free agent player (Matt Holliday) will be lucky to get $15 million and good players like Orlando Hudson, Bobby Abreu and others will likely again have to play on one year deals…what GM is going to want Uggla at $7 mil? This isn’t a situation where his value was higher last offseason. I’d argue Uggla the player is better now than Uggla the player this time last season. He’s walking without sacrificing his power numbers (he’ll finish with around 65 XBH’s after having 70 a year ago), and there’s a chance he finishes with a career high OBP despite what might be a career low batting average. Thus, I think Uggla holds more value to the organization than he’ll return in a trade. The Giants have kicked the tires too many times without a move that we either don’t like what they’re dangling or they don’t really love Uggla enough to push the players into the pile we feel we deserve. The desperate to win/desperate for offense teams probably think (and I’d say with some merit) that they can get Bay/Holliday for around $12 mil per season or trade for Gonzalez/Fielder and pay them less annually than Uggla. Thus Uggla is stuck as that middle player, the team has to give value to get him and then pay him around $7-7.5 mil, give no organizational value and just pay $12 million annually, or give value and get a guy like Adrian making $5 million annually. I mean, come one, what are you going to do? We’ll get something for Uggla, but I very much doubt it’s a difference making return. If all of a sudden the free agent market goes bonkers and Holliday becomes the $18 million player he would have been in the market two years ago, then yeah, Uggla brings us something nice.


                              • #30
                                if the marlins are going to invest 5-6mil in first base, then why not sign NJ for a 1/6 or a 2/10 deal and trade cantu
                                Originally posted by Matt Wilson
                                Fish and Chips just became the smartest man on the board
                                Tom Koehler(4-0)
                                AAA: 7 GS, 40.2 IP, 2.66 ERA, 34 H, 12 ER, 17 BB, 31 SO, GO/AO 0.87, BAA .233 , 1.25 WHIP

