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Cameron Maybin Thread: Maybin Some Discussion, Maybin Some Fighting, It's All Good!

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  • #16
    We need a smilie that just has a face and the face is eating popcorn out of a box.


    • #17
      You know what?

      It's not worth it.

      Mazel tov, Swift. You win! You have the biggest dick on the board. Congratulations.
      Last edited by Bobbob1313; 09-16-2009, 08:46 PM.


      • #18


        • #19
          Woah. I was reading the first bobbob post and then it disappeared when I was about 85% done with it.


          • #20
            I only got through 30%. Daft consider yourself blessed.


            • #21
              I "cut" it. If you want I can send a PM. But it's not worth posting it. I'm really not that interested in continuing a pissing contest with him right now.

              I'm going soft in my old age.


              • #22
                Congrats Swift


                • #23
                  Why is this a pissing contest?

                  Board needs more of what's going on in this thread minus the profanity and hate.


                  • #24
                    Thanks, I worked a long time to get here. I want to thank flum, and beef and festa and juanky. You guys stuck with me through the tough times.

                    I want to thank JJ, and hugg and bob and all the guys that hate me. And, I want to thank God, and his living embodiment on this earth, Cameron Maybin, and I also want to thank Hanley Ramriez, who proved to me that caring is overrated. Oh, and Larry Beinfest for making this all possible.


                    • #25
                      Although I think he will be good, just based on what he's done at each level in the minors at a relatively young age, I gotta agree with Swift in some regard.

                      I remember reading all about Eric Reed, and how electrifying a leadoff man he was and how he sprays liners all over the field and how he was going to be even better than an awesome Juan Pierre. And then Reed got called up and it was like.... THIS IS THE GUY THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A COOL LEADOFF MAN? HE CAN BARELY GET HIS BAT ON THE BALL, AND WHEN HE DOES, IT GOES NOWHERE.

                      Now I am not comparing Reed the player to Maybin the player. Just the general similar feeling I get. Maybin has shown me absolutely nothing, both offensively and defensively. He looks horrible at the plate and routinely lost. I get that he is just 22 and he should/could/would eventually be good. But man, he looks like absolute shit and it's hard to believe scouts are seeing the same player I am.


                      • #26


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Festa View Post
                          Why is this a pissing contest?
                          Because he told me to suck his ass and he's not interested at all in anything anyone has to say. It was going to devolve too much from there, and I'm not interested in it. He didn't say anything new, he just told me I'm fucking dumb. So that's it. I could respond, but what's the point? I've made my points, he's ignored them because his eyes win all. I could point out that he has a 17% or better LD% over the last 3 years at the minor league level, but then he'll just say that the minors don't count or that all I care about is numbers (Funny story: remember the end of the Matrix when Neo sees everything in binary? I haven't watched a baseball game in anything but binary since 1983.).

                          The conversation between Swift and I has reached it's logical conclusion: Talking shit, pissing contests, being general douches. It's not worth it, I don't have the time right now, and quite frankly, I was embaressed by my response. My friend was reading it over my shoulder and I sounded like an idiot. But there's no other response than to elevate it, so why do it?

                          He knows my opinion already, I could keep adding more stuff, but as I've repeated numerous times, it's not worth it. Basically, if there's a discussion where two people obviously see two such divergent things, he's going to go to his eyes and I'm going with stats. It's two different trains of thought, but we're both stubborn dicks, so there's no agreeing to disagreeing. It's just a pissing match.

                          Maybe I'm going soft in my old age like I said, but I'm hungry and not all that interested in this anymore.
                          Last edited by Bobbob1313; 09-16-2009, 09:01 PM.


                          • #28
                            Kanye West has less talent than Cameron Maybin

                            (That's like negative talent)


                            • #29
                              By the way, I def tried posting/interuppting during Swift's thank you speech

                              I mean he IS TSwift.... think about it... coulda been glorious


                              • #30
                                haha. I see what you did there.

