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Sosnick Talks About JJ's Price

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  • Sosnick Talks About JJ's Price

    ST. LOUIS - The may very well be taking it easy with Josh Johnson because they are protecting a long-term investment.

    For now, Johnson wearing a Marlins uniform deep into his free-agent years may just be wishful thinking on both sides.

    Johnson is arbitration-eligible two more seasons before qualifying for free agency after 2011. The two sides have not had substantive discussions about a multiyear deal, but the Marlins at least appear willing to entertain that possibility.

    "They have said they want to try to get something done in the offseason, but I've also made it clear what my feeling is about what his value is," said Matt Sosnick, Johnson's San Francisco-based agent.

    "He'd like to stay in Florida, but they're probably going to have to really bust out of their [financial] comfort zone to make it happen."

    The next two seasons combined, Johnson, through arbitration, would likely make somewhere around $15 million. Where it gets tricky is assigning a price for his free-agent seasons. Don't look for Johnson to give the Marlins a break on those free-agent years the way Hanley Ramirez did.

    The Marlins bought out Ramirez's first three free-agent years for an average of $15.5 million. That's not chump change by any means, but on the open market, Ramirez would have commanded considerably more for those years.

    "Josh is a pitcher who is absolutely unaffected by the economy," Sosnick said. "Whatever the economy is, there are four or five teams that would pay him $20 million a year to go play for them five or six or seven years.

    "Josh is not going to make a bad deal. They're going to have to make a market deal for him, and it just so happens that in this case a market deal for this player is going to be somewhat precedent-setting. Once again, it doesn't make it right or wrong on the Marlins' part, but it doesn't seem like that follows into their past strategy of doing business.",1313038.story

  • #2
    Sosnick really doesn't seem like a guy who understands how fleeting a pitcher's value is. If this sluggish September turns into Spring arm soreness or whatever, no team touches JJ with a 10 foot pole.

    With all due respect to JJ, who really does make it look effortless, he's still got to do it for two full seasons in a row before he's good, and he can't be labeled a club carrying ace if he wears down in September.

    Josh will be lucky to earn $20 million over his arbitration schedule, his agent would be a moron to turn down 4/$45 or thereabouts (which is the neighborhood of what I keep hearing more and more we're going to offer).
    And also, I realize this is posturing, trying to turn this into a situation where JJ, as his client, gets more than he deserves. That's fine.

    What is troubling, and a borderline slap in the face, is that we don't hand out long term deals; we don't really negotiate with anyone. If this franchise is actually willing to come to the table, why come out publicly and try to discourage it before the process even gets going?
    Last edited by Swifty; 09-15-2009, 12:57 PM. Reason: Doublepost Merged


    • #3
      IT'S OVER 9000!!!!
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      • #4
        It's posturing and nothing more. And I agree completely JJ would be insane to turn down a 4/$45. I'd love it to be a 5/$56ish, with that last year being an option. That's reasonable for both parties.

        I think the Marlins lone goal here would be to try to make it $41-42, or $52-53 million.


        • #5
          If things dont work out with JJ we can always negotiate with this guy: (he still pitches)


          • #6
            He's like oh no, DTrain aint never gon make me more money again!

