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Sean West's Improvement

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  • Sean West's Improvement

    (tRA is normally in "runs per 9" form. I converted it to "earned runs per 9" in the image above)

    As can be seen he has improved across the board. What we were expected out of West was what he had shown in the minors: A lot of strike outs, a lot of GB's, and a lot of walks. His first time up, the only thing he showed was a lot of walks and was horrible at evrything else.

    This time around, the GBs are back. While he's strike ups are up a lot, it's still only at a league average rate. But with the control he's shown, you take that trade off every day.

    You have to expected the HRs to raise with that small of a HR/FB (if he keeps 33% FB rate and let's say a 9% HR/FB, we're talking about a ~0.88 HR/9), probably more walks, but also hopefully more Ks to negate that. If we can get a ~4 ERA from him next year, which he has shown he can do in this stretch, that's really big. I wasn't too hopeful on him next season with what his first call up showed. And while we do have to understand the implications of a small sample size, he is showing that he can be the real deal this time around.

  • #2
    Then there is the fact that, in his most recent call up, he has only lasted more than 5 innings 3 out of 7 times. He has had three starts of 4 innings and one start of 3 innings since his return.

    In fact, in 8 of his 17 starts for the Marlins this year, he has been unable to complete 5 innings. He cannot keep this up next year and put all that pressure on the bullpen and the offense. He needs to start showing that he can get deep into a game before I start feeling comfortable with him in the rotation.


    • #3
      Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
      Then there is the fact that, in his most recent call up, he has only lasted more than 5 innings 3 out of 7 times. He has had three starts of 4 innings and one start of 3 innings since his return.
      He also has a .378 BABIP against him, which based off his LD% and other peripherals is a major fluke, and is the reason he has not gotten deep into games.

      He also needs to be shut down right now, as he's over 50 IP more than he pitched last year and over 30 IP more than his previous high which was in '06


      • #4
        Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
        Then there is the fact that, in his most recent call up, he has only lasted more than 5 innings 3 out of 7 times. He has had three starts of 4 innings and one start of 3 innings since his return.

        In fact, in 8 of his 17 starts for the Marlins this year, he has been unable to complete 5 innings. He cannot keep this up next year and put all that pressure on the bullpen and the offense. He needs to start showing that he can get deep into a game before I start feeling comfortable with him in the rotation.
        Wow, you actually hate the guy


        • #5
          Originally posted by mbaamin08 View Post
          Then there is the fact that, in his most recent call up, he has only lasted more than 5 innings 3 out of 7 times. He has had three starts of 4 innings and one start of 3 innings since his return.

          In fact, in 8 of his 17 starts for the Marlins this year, he has been unable to complete 5 innings. He cannot keep this up next year and put all that pressure on the bullpen and the offense. He needs to start showing that he can get deep into a game before I start feeling comfortable with him in the rotation.
          I don't get why you can try to make sense of one young guy but refuse to hear anything similar about a different young fella


          • #6
            Volstad is just so cute.
            This post was brought to you by: Dat SEC Speed


            • #7
              So assuming we need at least 925 innings from starters (that's just above 5.2 IP per start).

              Johnson - 210
              Nolasco - 200
              Volstad - 180
              West - 167
              Miller - 167

              I don't think this is that crazy as a blueprint. Even lop 10-15 innings off of everybody and give a 6th starter 60-75 IP. That's not killer.

